In a message dated 6/22/2004 4:41:39 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
It gets deeper because Comrade Marx - an unyielding champion against tyrants, advanced a specific proposition concerning what he called the bureaucracy.  After over thirty years engaging the industrial bureaucracy in the flesh - as a way of life, I took exception and called the industrial bureaucracy  . . . the industrial bureaucracy. Mark J did not define the bureaucracy as the industrial bureaucracy proper and this was my disagreement.
The first sentence should read
"It gets deeper because Comrade MARK - an unyielding champion against tyrants, advanced a specific proposition concerning what he called the bureaucracy. "
One concept of democracy has absolutely nothing to do with the Marxist presentation of the origin of "needs" and these needs appear as very real commodities that serve as the basis of reproduction.
What exactly is being reproduced that serve as the sphere of activity in which labor power is sold and purchased? In the realm of theoretical Marxism this is called "mediation" - a word I personally hate, because it explains nothing.
Everything is wrong in Comrade Mark J presentation of the question of the underlying energy grid of a mode of production. Of course no one can prove we are hitting the thermo dynamic barrier today because it is not provable. On the other hand, anyone can on any given day prove that "something" is going to happen tomorrow.
The underlying components of an energy grid that sustains a mode of production is extremely important. How an energy infrastructure is deployed in the production of material wherewithal deserves critical attention.
Here is where Mark J ran a foul. Consumption ideology and "theory" runs rampant in the imperial centers and is no more than an effort to protect the way of life of the more prosperous segments of classes in American society. We do not have to trade in cars for bicycles.
Is not the question "where are you going in the first place?"
If you need a car as individual transportation to go to work to reproduce the infrastructure that produce cars as individual transportation, then this is a property relations. Or what is the same  . . . the reproduction of a unique need created as the result of bourgeois property and sitting at the basis of reproduction, as the basis of the bourgeois property relations that proceed the unique need.
Well . . . actually the automobile is a produce of techology and human invention. We are not talking about an abstract car in the real world but a commodity who production  . . . reproduces its own effect.
Yes, this is mediation in the Marxist sense but unless one specifically defines what they are talking about . . . we are not talking about anything.
It is not that society should ride bikes but rather  . . . where are you going if you are not going to work to produce commodities that reproduce a host of social consequences.
We have arrived at a point in the material power of production where a heck of a lot of people do not have to work as we have conceived work. Technology has rendered their labor superfluous and we are still struck in old categories and rotten bourgeois ideology.
The configuration of our society and earth itself is subject to radcial change.
What we face is more intense than in the days of Marx.
It is not that the philosopher's have only conceived the world and our task is to change it. We face another question.
In what direction do we change the world?
Everyone agree we need change because we are in a brewing revolutionary crisis. The reactionaries know the purpose is to change the world.
Finding our place in history is more than a notion.
Melvin P.

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