*****   The Venezuelan Military:
The Making of an Anomaly
Marta Harnecker

Led by Hugo Chávez, a former military officer, a "Bolivarian
revolutionary process" has been underway in Venezuela since Chavez's
election to the presidency in 1998. While genuine progressive changes
have been made, and although Chavez has won the enmity of the
country's rich and powerful, this "Bolivarian revolution" has been
rejected by some on the left because it is headed by a military man
and because the military has played a significant and prominent role
in numerous state institutions and government plans. The reason for
this rejection is the standard left wisdom that the military is an
integral part of the bourgeois state's repressive machinery, imbued
with a bourgeois ideology, and therefore incapable of playing a
revolutionary role in a capitalist society.

<http://www.monthlyreview.org/> *****

Unfortunately, the full text is unavailable online, but the abstract
above leads me to believe that those of us who don't have MR
subscription should visit a library.


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