Ted, I loved the topic, and I will jump in, but tonight. I am under time
pressure now. Unlike others, somehow, I did not relate it to the recent
topic on psychology, and I thought you offered a *new* debate on ideas
and materialism in relation to Aristo and Marx. May be I
misunderstood your intention, but here you go. I will continue..


Mine Aysen Doyran
Phd Student
Political Science

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, 02 Apr 2000 15:04:14 -0500
From: Carrol Cox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [PEN-L:17644] Re: Marx's materialism

Ted Winslow wrote:

> To begin with, the idea that ideas can be fully "reduced" in this way
> is mistaken.  It is, for instance,

I agree that Ted has chosen extremely important passages from Marx, but
don't have the slightest ideas what this post is about because (a) I
don't know
who said that ideas can be "fully reduced" or in what context, and so
(b) I
don't know what "this way" means, and so (c) I don't know what ther
relation of the quoted passages to any topic on this list is.

In so far as I can understand it, I think I agree with the post. This is
because I consider Ted's ideas on psychology not so much wrong as not
worth discussing. I wonder if we can find a common ground which will
enable us to state our disagreements. I could perceive no common ground
in his post on Freud/Klein etc.


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