Thursday, October 10
Mobilizing against the War on Iraq (Workshop)
Speakers: Connie Hammond, National Network to End the War Against 
Iraq; and Keith Kilty, Professor of Social Work, Ohio State University
Come and develop strategies, tactics, talking points, etc. to help 
the anti-war movement grow!
Time: 7:30 - 9:30 PM
Location: 300 Journalism Building, Ohio State University, 242 West 
18th Ave., Columbus, OH
Campus Map: <>
Sponsors: Student International Forum & Social Welfare Action Alliance
Contact: Yoshie Furuhashi, 614-668-6554 or <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Friday, October 11
Women in Black Vigil against war, exploitation, & all forms of 
oppression: every Friday, 5:30-6 30 PM, at the corner of 15th Ave. & 
High St., Columbus, OH

Sunday, October 13
War Without End? Not In Our Name!
Demonstrate against Bush's Endless War!
Time: 5-6 PM
Location: 15th Ave. and High St., Columbus, OH
Contact: 614-252-9255

Monday, October 14
Indigenous Peoples' Observance
Time: 10 AM
Location: Battelle Memorial Riverfront Park, Marconi Blvd. and West 
Broad St. (2 blocks west of the State House), Columbus, OH
Contact: Mark Welsh or Carol Killian at 613-443-6120 (NAICCO); or 
Mark D. Stansbery, the Community Organizing
Center, 614-252-9255.

Wednesday, October 16
Kevin Danaher, veteran human rights Activist and co-founder of Global 
Exchange, will discuss long term responses to terrorism and 
grassroots ways to respond to global economic forces.  Danaher not 
only provides a detailed analysis of what is wrong, but he also gives 
inspiring examples of what we can do to make things right.
Kevin Danaher Bio: 
A short video will precede Danaher's talk.
Time: 7:00 - 9:30 PM
Location: EA160, 209 W Eighteenth Building (the Math Annex), Ohio 
State University, 209 W. 18th, Columbus, OH
Campus Map: <>
Contact: Evan Davis, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

* On the day when the US begins a ground invasion of Iraq...
Go to the Federal Building at 9 PM and demonstrate against the 
invasion.  (If the invasion begins after 9 p.m., do the above the day 
after the beginning of the invasion.)  For more info, contact Mark D. 
Stansbery at 252-9255.

* In light of the Bush Regime's endless war-mongering, students at 
Ohio State are preparing to erect a Peace Camp once again on campus. 
Students for Sensible Drug Policy is currently working to secure a 
permit and begin as early as next week.  Any interested individuals 
or groups (university-affiliated or not) that would like to be a part 
of this outreach project should contact Sarah Clark @ 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> for further information.  We envision an 
autonomous zone of free speech and peace work overtaking Columbus!

* Calendar of Events in Columbus: 
* Anti-War Activist Resources: <>
* Student International Forum: <>
* Committee for Justice in Palestine: <>

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