> Subject: NZ - Union Journal Editor Sacked over MAI 
> PSA Editor sacked, escorted from work - Evening Post, Wellington, New 
> Zealand; 26/2/98 - Mark Stevens Employment Reporter
> The editor of the Public Service Association journal has been sacked for 
> allegedly failing to carry out an instruction.
> Editor Pat Martin was suspended on Monday and escorted from the 
> building.  He was couriered a letter of dismissal last night but would 
> not comment other than to confirm legal action would be sought through 
> the Engineering, Printing and Manufacturing Union.
> The incident has been confirmed by union solicitor Tony Wilton, and PSA 
> general secretary David Thorp.
> Mr Thorp would not say whether the instruction was about editorial 
> content in the PSA journal. Mr Wilton says it is.
> The Post understands the dispute involves an article proposed for March 
> 4.
> It covered the international public sector unions calling for a halt to 
> the Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI) talks.  Information in 
> the article came from a Public Services International (PSI) conference, 
> which PSA representatives attended as affiliates.
> A source said management wanted an article more in line with New Zealand 
> Council of Trade Union policies.
> Internal PSA communication obtained by The Post shows Mr Martin sent a 
> message to president Na Raihania and Mr Thorp the day before his 
> suspension asking for comments on the MAI article.
> Mr Thorp returned an email message saying he didn't agree with the 
> emphasis of the article - the PSA position was decided by the CTU and 
> should be the main focus of the story, his message said.
> Mr Martin responded in another email that the story needed a public 
> sector angle because it was written for public sector workers.  The PSA 
> was at the conference where the investment agreement was discussed and 
> he questioned whether he sould be distancing the union from the PSI.
> He also said: "The CTU exec resolutions are reported in the story.  I 
> did not realise that the CTU had already decided the PSA's position."
> Mr Wilton said his client didn't refuse to comply with an instruction 
> but rather sought to have it clarified.
> "Pat's position is that he was not...refusing to comply with this 
> instruction because the management of the PSA had failed to follow its 
> own policies regarding the making of decisions about the content of the 
> journal.
> "Pat sought to have this instruction put on hold until such time as the 
> proper policies have been followed."
> It was not the first time a union had been called in to support a union 
> employee.  "Unfortunately it does happen from time to time," Mr Wilton 
> said.
> Mr Thorp said there was nothing unusual about union management 
> dismissing an employee.  It had to manage its resources.
> The Independent reported yesterday that Mr Martin had a willingness to 
> run articles critical of employers.  A determination to include a broad 
> range of views had put him out of favour.  He was described as a "marked 
> man".
> The PSA national policy council was discussing the union's policy on the 
> MAI today.

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