*****   Nader Begins Push to Qualify for State Ballots
Wed Mar 24, 2004 01:43 PM ET

By John Whitesides, Political Correspondent

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Ralph Nader's wild-card presidential bid is
gearing up over the next few months for its biggest challenge --
navigating a maze of local regulations and roadblocks to qualify for
the ballot in all 50 states.

Nader, whose third-party White House run in 2000 was blamed by many
Democrats for helping elect President Bush, is hoping to collect 1.5
million signatures of registered voters on petitions for ballot
access nationwide -- more than enough to ensure he will make
Democrats nervous again this year.

"Our goal is to be on the ballot in all 50 states and we're pretty
confident we can do it," said Nader spokesman Kevin Zeese, adding
7,000 volunteers have signed up nationwide to gather signatures for
the independent bid. . . .


The first deadline and toughest challenge for Nader will be Texas,
where by May 10 he must collect 64,000 valid signatures from
registered Texans who did not vote in either the Democratic or
Republican primary.

Texas is not alone in setting a steep bar for White House hopefuls --
in Oklahoma, 37,027 valid signatures are needed by July 15. But a
leading ballot access expert says Nader should be able to get his
name on all 50 state ballots.

"It's not a major hurdle for people with either a substantial amount
of money or a substantial number of volunteers to get signatures,"
said Richard Winger, editor of the Ballot Access News newsletter in
San Francisco.

He said Nader needs 620,000 valid signatures to qualify in all 50
states -- less than half of his stated goal -- and that recent
third-party candidates like Ross Perot and the Libertarian Party have
had success.

"If it was all that hard the Libertarians wouldn't have done it," he said.

The five toughest states for ballot access -- Texas, Georgia,
Oklahoma, Indiana and North Carolina -- are all heavily Republican
and Nader's presence would have little effect on the outcome. . . .


* Bring Them Home Now! <http://www.bringthemhomenow.org/>
* Calendars of Events in Columbus:
<http://www.freepress.org/calendar.php>, & <http://www.cpanews.org/>
* Student International Forum: <http://sif.org.ohio-state.edu/>
* Committee for Justice in Palestine: <http://www.osudivest.org/>
* Al-Awda-Ohio: <http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Al-Awda-Ohio>
* Solidarity: <http://www.solidarity-us.org/>

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