(What gall it takes for these questions to be raised in the bourgeois
press and by bourgeois politicians.)

Nader Had Campaign Office at Charity Situation Raises Ethical Questions By James V. Grimaldi Washington Post Staff Writer Sunday, June 13, 2004; Page A01

Since October, Ralph Nader has run his campaign for president out of the
same downtown Washington offices that through April housed a public
charity he created -- an overlap that campaign finance specialists said
could run afoul of federal laws.

Tax law explicitly forbids public charities from aiding political
campaigns. Violations can result in a charity losing its tax-exempt
status. In addition, campaign law requires candidates to account for all
contributions -- including shared office space and resources, down to
the use of copying machines, receptionists and telephones.

Records show many links between Nader's campaign and the charity Citizen
Works. For example, the charity's listed president, Theresa Amato, is
also Nader's campaign manager. The campaign said in an e-mail to The
Washington Post that Amato resigned from the charity in 2003. But in the
charity's most recent corporate filing with the District, in January,
Amato listed herself as the charity's president and registered agent.

The office suite housing the campaign, the charity and other sub-tenants
had a common receptionist for greeting visitors.

And Federal Election Commission records show the campaign paid rent to
Citizen Works and Citizen Works' landlord. Nader said the campaign has
taken over the charity's lease on its coveted location on 16th Street NW.

"There is nothing, no wrongdoing here," Nader said Friday.

full: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A37363-2004Jun12.html
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