[The $150 billion underestimate is only the beginning.  The details are
actually worse.]

URL: http://www.nathannewman.org/log/archives/001593.shtml

   March 20, 2004
   Withheld Medicare Details

   In a classic Friday information dump, the Bush administration allowed
   Richard Foster, the chief Medicare actuary, to release the data to
   Congress that he had previously been illegally told to withhold. And
   the details show why they didn't want it released:

     Instead of $14 billion in corporate welfare being paid to private
     health plans, the total will be $46 billion over ten years.

     32 percent of Medicare beneficiaries will be pushed into private
     managed care plans by 2009.

     Traditional medicare will be systematically undermined through
     cutting payments to doctors-- "payments to doctors under Medicare's
     fee schedule will decline each year from 2006 to 2012, while spending
     for inpatient hospital services and skilled nursing homes under the
     traditional government-run program will decline in 2006 and 2007."

   The story has the bottom line of the effects of the lies told by the
   Bush adminstration about the effects of the bill:

     if the estimates of higher costs had been known last year, they
     would have given ammunition to Democrats and other critics who said
     the bill was lavishing money on insurance companies at the expense
     of the traditional Medicare programs.

     Mr. Foster said he withheld the cost estimates and other
     information from Congress last year on instructions from Thomas A.
     Scully, who was then administrator of the Medicare program.

     Mr. Foster, who has been a government actuary for more than 30
     years, said Mr. Scully had threatened to fire him if he gave the
     data to Congress.

   Forgot the usual petty scandals. I've said I thought the Plame Affair
   was pretty minor. The Memogate scandal on judges is slightly worse,
   but nasty partisan spying is still not on the scale of lies that
   fundamentally distort decisions over how we spend hundreds of billions
   of dollars each year on our Medicare system.

   Someone should go to jail. Soon.

     A federal law stipulates that officials must not try to prevent
     federal employees from having "oral or written communication or
     contact" with any member of Congress on matters relating to the
     employees' duties.

     On Thursday, a group of 18 Democratic senators led by Frank R.
     Lautenberg of New Jersey asked the comptroller general to
     investigate whether Mr. Foster had been muzzled in violation of
     this law...

     An earlier Medicare law, adopted in 1997 at the behest of
     Republicans, explicitly protects the actuary's independence.

   And one problem for the Bush administration is that many conservatives
   who voted against the bill are as pissed as the Democrats that they
   were lied to about the costs of the bill.

   So hopefully someone will be going to jail for this lie, even if the
   lies about WMDs may never reach a prosecutor.

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