On Thu, 27 Jan 1994 22:23:46 CST Anthony M. Orum (312)-996-3015 said:
>Dear Alex Hartley: I hope I am not pressing this issue too far, and in a
>sense I am testing the dialogic limits of H-Urban, but I am curious why
>you regard these programs as fruitless.  What is it about the core city
>in America today that resists change and renovation?  Is it the physical
>structures, alone, or do they rather represent the permanence of
>inequality in America?  Do you believe that all Americans will continue
>to forsake the city for the suburb; and if so, who, indeed, will or
>should care for those left behind in the central city?  Assuming the
>federal government is inept, or unable, to do so, is there any party to
>whom to turn -- or do you agree with Eric Mumford, that the problems
>lies, not in the stars, but in our values?

Unless our so-called "values" fall from the sky, there may be some underlying
practices that give rise to these "values."  So, even if Eric is right, there
may be hope yet if we can only identify the practices and change them.

Marsh Feldman
Community Planning                      Phone: 401/792-2248
204 Rodman Hall                           FAX: 401/792-4395
University of Rhode Island           Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Kingston, RI 02881-0815

[For a copy of the complete conversation, including Eric Mumford's
comments, send a note to Listserv@uicvm or [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with the message:

                          GET LEMANN COMMDEVT

                             -- Wendy Plotkin, H-Urban Co-Moderator]

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