US complains about outsourcing while Canadians seem oblivious to the fact
that our "socialist" health care system is busy outsourcing some management
functions to private US firms...The Liberal BC govt. is planning to
outsource administration of  the health plan to either Maximus or IBM both
US firms.

Cheers, Ken Hanly

Full article

Canadian trade unions are joining the long list of groups angry at the US
Patriot Act, the package of stiff anti-terror measures introduced after the
11 September attacks.

The law's long reach is on a collision course for the first time with
Canadian privacy legislation, and the clash could cost US firms millions of
dollars in lost business.

The Act permits the US Federal Bureau of Investigation to demand companies
secretly turn over information that may be relevant to their investigations.

But the government employees union in British Columbia, Canada's
western-most province, believes those powers could be used to access private
details of Canadians held in databases managed by American companies or
Canadian subsidiaries.

That would contravene Canadian privacy laws that strictly regulate access
and disclosure of private information

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