At 11:02 AM -0400 8/16/02, Ben Day used the term:
>the ivory tower

For reasons that I have already mentioned (with Census Bureau stats 
to support them), I think that the phrase "the ivory tower" should be 
retired.  The plastic tower or the plaster-of-paris tower, perhaps, 
but no ivory.  Higher education in the USA, like suburbs and 
automobiles, is now a mass-produced and mass-consumed working-class 

Education in general is a gigantic industry, even without counting 
such other employees as office workers, janitors, food preparation 
workers, etc. employed by schools at all levels:

*****   Teachers

6.3 million:
The number of U.S. teachers -- from prekindergarten to college -- as of 1999.


72 million:
Number of U.S. residents enrolled in school -- from nursery school to 
college -- in October 2000.
Students comprised a ratio of more than 1 in 4 Americans age 3 and over.

<>   *****

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