--- Washington DC, March 1, 2004 ---
Protest against US intervention in Venezuela

Bush's Administration Supports Fraud to Overthrow Chavez

Stop US Intervention!
Respect Democracy and Popular Will in Venezuela!

Monday, March 1st, 11:30 AM
at OAS Building
17th Street & Constitution Ave.
N.W., Washington, D.C.

Congreso Bolivariano de Los Pueblos

[The flyer is available at

Dear Sisters and Friends:

We write, in follow up to the very successful speaking tour of Nora
Castaņeda, President of the Women's Development Bank of Venezuela, to
urge you to participate in a global protest against US and OAS
intervention in Venezuela that is happening on Monday March 1 at
11:30am in Washington DC outside the OAS, 17th and Constitution
Avenue, followed by a protest at US News and World Report against
biased reporting that feeds the flame for intervention. Information

Audiences in the US learnt a lot from Nora Castaņeda when she spoke
of what the peaceful and democratic revolution in Venezuela is
achieving, and how grassroots women who live in poverty, the majority
of whom are of African and Indigenous descent, are the most involved
in the process and have the most to lose if it is crushed. We heard
how women won Article 88 of the constitution which recognizes unwaged
work in the home as economically productive and entitles housewives
to social security, and Article 14 of the Land Law which prioritizes
single mothers for land distribution and guarantees food subsidies
for pregnant women before and after birth. What women all over the
world have been campaigning for over decades is becoming a reality in

As we near March 8 International Women's Day, we ask you to come out
and protect and defend these and other hard-won achievements --
literacy, free healthcare in the poorest communities, etc. -- which
represent a real alternative for all of us who oppose US corporate
greed and military might.

We know time is tight, but people in Venezuela have asked their
supporters in the US to protest a potentially dangerous situation
that is presented by the imminent findings on the referendum. The
Global Women's Strike is supporting this protest and we urge you to
forward this message to your contacts, family and friends in the
Washington DC area, asking them to please come out. There are vans
going from NYC (call 718-510-5523) and Philadelphia (call
215-848-1120) to reserve a seat. Costs will be shared.

Global Women's Strike Bolivarian Circle

This event will be followed by a protest in front of the US News and
World Report.

What is happening?

As the February 29th deadline approaches, the Venezuelan Electoral
National Council is under pressure from the US and political
opposition forces to president Hugo Chavez, threatening that if the
decision is not favorable to them, violence will ensue. That only a
referendum independently of the number of signatures can guarantee
peace. It is nothing more than a flagrant call to disrespect the law
and the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Both of
these instruments of law clearly state that at least 20% of valid
signatures are required for a recall referendum. No fake, no
duplicated signatures can be considered. People signing for others is
an illegal act and not a "technicism," as the State Department is
calling it.

Since the April 2002 US-backed coup and January 2003 oil lock-out
which were reversed by a popular uprising, the US has been pressing
to get the democratically-elected President Chavez out of power.
President Chavez was overwhelmingly elected in 1998 and re-elected in
2000, to get the country's oil revenue back to tackle poverty and
corruption and to create a caring economy in Venezuela. Recently it
was uncovered that the National Endowment for Democracy has been
funneling money to forces trying to overthrow President Chavez,
including those participating in the April 2002 coup.

As the government reforms advance, 1.5 million new children obtained
access to school, 1 million adults learned to read and write, 1.5
million people obtained access to potable water, the economy is
recovering steadily in spite of the sabotage, and the PNUD recognized
in their last report of 2003 that poverty has declined 3 points in
Venezuela. A unique case in Latin America and the United States where
the number of people in poverty increased. Venezuela has a new form
of democracy that the US does not like, a democracy where people not
only participate in discussions about their process of development
(participation) but also have the legal instruments that allow them
to make the decisions. They do not have to depend on politicians or
political parties who make decisions for them, people make their own
decisions about their projects of development (articles 166 and 182
of the Bolivarian Constitution). This is called "protagonism."
Venezuelan democracy is then called participatory and
"protagonistic." Since there is no room for corporations to influence
the decision making process this kind of democracy is not liked by
the USA.

As the opposition failure in collecting the required signatures for
the referendum on Chavez comes to light, attempts are being made to
undermine the Venezuelan Electoral Council and democratic life in
Venezuela. Richard Boucher, Roger Noriega and other State Department
officials and the US News and World Report, UNIVISION, and some other
media outlets are misrepresenting what is happening in Venezuela with
the objective of creating conditions for an OAS political and
military intervention in that country.

Cesar Gaviria and the OAS have presented a one-sided view of the
events also and there is danger that they will continue to follow US
directions in regards to the Venezuelan process. We must act now to
Stop US and OAS Intervention in Venezuela.

We must demand:
Respect to the sovereign decisions of the Venezuelan Electoral Council!
Respect to the Constitution and the rule of law in Venezuela!
No to US Intervention in Venezuela!

For more information contact us,
Dozthor Zurlent

--- <http://www.globalwomenstrike.net/English2004/washington_dc04.htm> ---

* Bring Them Home Now! <http://www.bringthemhomenow.org/>
* Calendars of Events in Columbus:
<http://www.freepress.org/calendar.php>, & <http://www.cpanews.org/>
* Student International Forum: <http://sif.org.ohio-state.edu/>
* Committee for Justice in Palestine: <http://www.osudivest.org/>
* Al-Awda-Ohio: <http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Al-Awda-Ohio>
* Solidarity: <http://www.solidarity-us.org/>

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