Cuba is at the forefront of pharmaceutical research, from what I can
gather, especially considering that it is a small, poor country. I assume
that they are also working with genetic engineering and cloning as well.
I would appreciate learning more about this.
Cuba has been especially successful
- Original Message -
From: "Devine, James" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2002 11:53 AM
Subject: [PEN-L:26138] RE: Re: Re: Cuban cows
> I missed that part, probably since I was wandering about looking for a way
> to get
I missed that part, probably since I was wandering about looking for a way
to get my glasses fixed.
> When I visited Cuba along with Jim Devine, one of the
> greatest sources of
> pride that I recall was the milk program.
> --
When I visited Cuba along with Jim Devine, one of the greatest sources of
pride that I recall was the milk program.
Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929
Tel. 530-898-5321
>Lysenko is relevant, as I've been informed by a friend who's an expert on
>Soviet agriculture, because Lysenko became popular since he proposed a quick
>technical solution to a serious political-economic problem. Cuban's problems
>are completely different than those of the Stalin-era USSR, but th
I wrote:
> >I'm sorry, but it sounds as if Fidel -- or one of his advisors -- has
> >partaken of some grass grown in drawers under fluorescent lights. The
> >is good, but Lysenko's ghost is hovering near-by.
Louis writes:
> Lysenko? What does he have to do with cloning? Leaving aside th