
      To be preferred is the reprint in hardbound editions on paper,
microfilm is a hastle, but, the Greenwood Press 1968 re-printing of all
these is way out of print.
   My subjective comments in (parentheses)
Michael Pugliese

< UPA Publications < Radical Studies  Pricing
Radical Periodicals in the United States, 1881–1960

The many variants on themes in American dissent over eight decades are
contained in this microform collection. Reports, essays, and debates in all
the major traditions of reform and rebellion—some now long behind us and
some anticipating contemporary views—are included.

As chronicles of socialist, anarchist, communist, syndicalist, nationalist,
pacifist, and feminist movements, the 125 titles in the collection contain
material of interest to students and researchers in history, literature,
economics, sociology, and political science.

Outstanding academic specialists, political thinkers, and former editors of
the journals have contributed introductions to each title in the series,
offering the orientation and insights that add to the collection’s
usefulness. Among them are Hannah Arendt, Daniel Bell, James T. Farrell,
Dwight MacDonald, and Sidney Hook.

Ordering Information


Microfiche and microfilm (varies by title). 125 titles.

Series I


Amerasia (for the "spy case" connected to this journal see, Ron Radosh and
Harvey Klehr, "The Amerasia Spy Case; Prelude to McCarthyism
Author: Harvey Klehr, Ronald Radosh
Publisher: University of North Carolina Press
Date Published: January 1996.
Make sure you have Java enabled browser installed on your computer for the
below, a, "Social Network Diagram."
Elizabeth Bentley, connected to the case, subject of this book, Bentley's
Out of Bondage: The Story of Elizabeth Bentley (Ballantine, 1988), )

American Appeal

American Fabian

American Socialist

American Spectator (Hmm, does the Right-Wing
monthly know about this! )

Black & White

Blast .(Great graphics in this. Cartoons by Robert Minor, if memory serves.)

Catholic Worker

Challenge: A Libertarian Weekly (Not to be confused with the PLP paper! )

Challenge! YPSL

Champion Labor Monthly

China Today


Class Struggle (Communist League of Struggle)

Class Struggle (Devoted to International Socialism)


Common Sense (Monthly from the 30's edited by the father of Stephen Bingham,
the radical attny. who spent too many yrs. in exile after the George Jackson
assasination. Father Alfred, subject of this book, "Alfred M. Bingham's
Insurgent America." Son Stephen written about in Jo Durden-Smith, "Who
Killed George Jackson? Fantasies, Paranoia and the Revolution."NY Alfred A.
Knopf, 1976. Also see, "The Rise and Fall of California's Radical Prison
Movement, " by Eric Cummins, Stanford Univ. Press.

Communist (Communist Party of America)

Communist International


Conscientious Objector

Debs Magazine


Dr. Robinson’s Voice in the Wilderness

Enquiry (see the Trotskyist, Irving Kristol here!)

Equal Justice



Freedom: An Anarchist Monthly

Good Morning

Hour .

In Fact (Legendary forerunner of I.F. Stone's Weekly. Edited by George
Seldes. When Seldes supported Tito, CPUSA subscribers cancelled their subs.
Seldes folded up shop. That and pressures from the USG made his life hellish
for a bit, I'd guess. Seldes was one of the, "Talking Heads, " in Warren
Beatty's, "Reds."Seldes wrotes many books including, "Facts and Fascism, "
from 1940.

Industrial Democracy

Industrial Pioneer

Industrial Union Bulletin

Industrial Unionist (Emergency Program Branches of the I.W.W.)

Industrial Unionist (Industrial Union Party)

Industrial Worker

International Class Struggle

International Review (Very interesting monthly. Published alot of Rosa
Luxemburg, focused on the Spanish Civil War. The New International Review,
edited by Eric Lee,
a subject on the list recently, was named after this publication.)

International Socialist Review

International Socialist Review (Socialist Workers Party)

Labor Action (Weekly newspaper of the Shactmanites, guess the pseudonym of
Irving Howe. See, The New York Intellectuals, " by Alan Wald, for the

Labor Age (Weekly of the Lovestoneites, paper discontinued in 1940, I think.
Bio of Lovestone by Ted Morgan. Also see ex-Lovestoneite, Robert J.
Alexander, "The Right Opposition, " from Greenwood Press.)

Labor Bulletin

Labor Power

League for Industrial Democracy

Liberty: Not the Daughter but the Mother of Order

Man! A Journal of the Anarchist Ideal and Movement



Marxist Quarterly (Legendary academic marxist journal from the thirties,
published three issues, then ideological divisions led to it's demise.
Anti-Stalinist alternative to the just founded Science & Society. Published,
for example, a still marxist, Louis Hacker, who turned neo-con later.)

Marxist Review


Modern Quarterly (1923-1940, V.F. Calverton edited journal. Calverton
subject of a chapter in Alfred Kazin, "New York Jew." Also see, "VF
Calverton. Radical in the American Grain."

Modern Review (published the famous piece by Rudolf Hilferding, "State
Capitalism or Totalitarian State Economy, "
[On this and the whole, "Russian Question, " see Antonio Carlo, "
on the fSU. Reprinted in , "Essential Works of Socialism, " ed. by Irving
Howe, Yale Univ. Press. On the exiled Mensheviks who published this journal
see, "From the Other Shore: Russian Social Democracy after 1921."Harvard
University Press, 1997)

Antonio Carlo, `The Socio-Economic Nature of the USSR', Telos 21 (Fall
Adam Buick & W. Jerome, `Soviet State Capitalism? The History of an Idea',
Survey 62 (January 1967); Antonio Carlo and Umberto Melotti `In Memory of
Bruno Rizzi', Telos 33 (Fall 1977); "Calvin", `Theories of State
Capitalism', Revolutionary Perspectives 1 (n.d.).
Andreas Wildt: Totalitarian State Capitalism: On the Structure and
Historical Function of Soviet-Type Societies

Modern Socialism

Monthly Review

Monthly Review (Independent Socialist) .(Yup, THE Monthly Review)

Mother Earth Bulletin (Emma Golman Lives!)

National Issues: A Survey of Politics and Legislation

Nationalist (Edward Bellamy doesn't!)

New Day: The National Socialist Weekly (Bad choice of words! They meant
distruted nationwide! Once an article on In These Times , i.d'ed them this way.)

New Essays

New Foundations (edited by Robert Fogel, the co-author of the notorious
cliometric study on slavery in the mid-70's, answered by Herb
Gutman, among many others.)

New International

New Justice: A Radical Magazine .

New Militant

New Nation

New Review

New Student

New Trends

New World Review

New York Communist

One Big Union Monthly

Pacifica Views

Party Builder

Party Organizer

Politics (Dwight Macdonald edited. See Michael Wreszin bio.
Of course, Trotsky was a difficult master to follow. William Phillips,
editor of Partisan Review, recalls an argument between Trotsky and one of
the magazine's staff: "Trotsky turned viciously against Dwight Macdonald ….
He said everybody had a democratic write to be stupid but Dwight Macdonald
abuses the privilege! The sequel to the story is that some people came
around raising funds for Trotsky and they rang Dwight Macdonald's doorbell
and asked him to contribute to Trotsky. Macdonald said, 'Tell Trotsky to go
fuck himself!'" )

Radical Review



Revolutionary Age (Communist Labor Party)

Revolutionary Age (Weekly Organ of Communist Party USA)

Road to Communism

Road to Freedom


Socialist Appeal

Socialist Review

Socialist Spirit

Spanish Revolution (United Libertarian Organizations)

Spanish Revolution (Workers’ Party of Marxist Unification)

Student Advocate

Student Review (National Student League)

Syndicalist .

U.S. Week

Upton Sinclair’s: A Monthly Magazine for a Clean Peace and The Internation

Vanguard: An Anarchist Communist Journal

Weekly Review

Why? (Why Not?)


Workers Age (Lovestoneite)

Workers’ Council

Workers’ League for a Revolutionary Party

World Survey

Young Spartacus

Young Worker

Series II

AFL Rank-and-File Federationist


California Social Democrat



Fighting Worker

Industrial Union News

International News


Social Democrat

Social Democratic Herald

Soviet Russia Pictorial

Spotlight (Not the Willis Carto rag!)



Western Comrade

Western Worker

Note: Originally filmed by Greenwood Press and now available from UPA.

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