Carrol, look! please! I have been following the discussions with
amazement here! "Eco-fascism" is a mistakenly directed ad hominem-- an
unfortunate mischarecterization, to justify the eco-fascism of capitalism
and the demands of the mainstream environmental movement. Association of
socialist critique of capitalism with stalinism is a liberal sillines: the
product of eco-centric mentality. It does not apply to any of the comrades
here just because they have said capitalism is an unsustainable system. I
find the repititive anology made by a poster on this list unfortunately
absurd and sad!

let's not use eco-fascism out of context here. we know who eco-fascists



>simple to pose): at what standard of living (if conditions are even
>moderately equalized) can 7 or 10 billion people live? Unless that >is
reasonably high (and those who lose, if some do, can be reconciled >to
that loss), then we are seemingly left with Jim Devine's eco-fascism >some
"stalinist" equivalent. The question of how do we get from here >to there
is as binding on those who are skeptical of the Proyect/Jones >theses as
they are on Lou and Mark -- perhaps more binding. 

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