Checkmate for Darwinism applied to history.

I defy any team of scientists, philosophers, Darwinists or anyone else to sit
down and try and refute this argument taken in its full scope. They won't
because they can't, and prefer, since they control the paradigm to play
ostrich, and simply exploit confusion in a theory Mivart, among others,
exploded in the time of Darwin. They will slink away and retreat to their
cowardly non-evidentiary brainwashed Darwin idiocy constituting an addiction
to survival of the fittest, machiavellianism, statitically induced murder,
value-free mayhem without guilt, and the rest of it. Time is up for these
tactics. And the entirely of twentieth century social science needs to be
rewritten free of the stinking bullshit that passes for hog trough scientism.
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John Landon
World History and the Eonic Effect

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