From: Rich Cowan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: The Federalist Society, Proposition 209, and Monica Lewinsky


Following up the Lewinsky case and Hillary Clinton's allegations of a
"conspiracy," yesterday's _New York Times_ published on p. 22 an article
showing how campus right-wing groups and their funders are involved in
coordinating the attack.  The article is written by Pulitzer Prize winning
reporter Tim Weiner and former _Wall Street Journal_ reporter Jill Abramson.

The _Times_ article describes how the allegations were steered
to prosecutor Kenneth Starr through two members of the Federalist
Society, the conservative legal group of which Kenneth Starr is also
a member.  The Times article mentions backing of Clinton's attackers
by the Richard Scaife.

Research for a book recently published by the Center for Campus Organizing
(CCO) revealed that in 1994-5 his Sarah Scaife foundation gave $125,000 to
the Federalist Society, and that the group has 120 campus chapters.  (This
book, Uncovering the Right on Campus, is excerpted at the website

The _Times_ article also did not mention the involvement of another
Scaife-funded group in the scandal:  the Center for the Study of Popular
Culture (CSPC)/ Individual Rights Foundation.  Based near Hollywood, this
group received nearly half its budget, or $1,325,000, from
Scaife-controlled foundations in 1994-5.  CSPC is headed by former New Left
activist David Horowitz, and one of his attorneys, Manual Klausner, was
instrumental in legal efforts to defend Proposition 209.

What did the Center do to back the allegations against Clinton? According
to the January 12 issue of _The Nation_, Horowitz set up a legal defense
fund for Internet gossip-columnist Matt Drudge and arranged for attorney
Klausner to handle the case.  Drudge was sued after he leaked information
about spousal abuse from G.O.P. sources in August 1997 about a former
Nation columnist, Sidney Blumenthal, who was about to take a job at the
White House.

Please let friends and students know that there is much additional
information about this case that they may receive by subscribing to CAN-RW,
the Campus Activist Network, Right Wing Alert.  All they have to do is send
a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED], and in the body of the
message, put only this:

sub can-rw firstname lastname

Feel free to contact me if you have additional information about the
players involved.

Rich Cowan
Somerville, MA  02144
(617) 628-8735    Former CCO director and Independent Researcher

[EMAIL PROTECTED]  *  Independent Consultant  *  (617) 628-8735

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