> Subject: Ronald McDonald Burned in Effigy at McDonalds Protest 
> Date: Sat, 21 Feb 1998
> From: Aaron Koleszar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Ronald McDonald Burned in Effigy at McDonalds Protest
> CHARLOTTETOWN, PEI - At 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, February 18, six members of 
> Island Residents Against Toxic Environments (IRATE) gathered outside of the 
> new McDonalds restaurant in Charlottetown, PEI. The event was the Grand 
> Opening for the new building, and Ronald McDonald was in attendance for the 
> ribbon cutting ceremony and to play with the children. The protest 
> culminated with a 5-foot tall Ronald McDonald lookalike being set afire as 
> the "real" Ronald was getting into his van.
> When the activists arrived, they set up the homemade Ronald, then
> proceeded to distribute leaflets to bystanders and the customers inside the 
> store. The leaflets were about what's wrong with McDonalds, how Ronald lies 
> to children, the global impacts of eating meat, and the condom found in a 
> McDonalds burger in the USA. The protesters also carried placards with 
> slogans like "McGreedy," "McLies," "Anti-union," "McGrease," and 
> "McSlaughterhouse." The public responded positively by honking as they drove 
> by or by turning into the parking lot to talk and get a leaflet. Ronald kept 
> casting nervous glances out the window, but his twin just stared back at him.
> The reasons for protesting McDonalds are many, including: cruelty to 
> animals, damaging the environment, low wages and poor treatment of workers, 
> and brainwashing children into eating unhealthy food.
>    As Ronald left the building, his twin burst into flame. He hurried to his
> van and didn't wait around to chat. After Ronald had finished burning, the 
> demonstrators doused his charred remains with water and left.
>   "I want to apologize for participating in helping to brainwash North 
>   America's young people into doing something that I now know to be contrary 
>   to the purpose of life." 
>      - Geoffrey Giuliano, who played Ronald McDonald for two years for
>                           Mcdonalds of Canada.
>   The reason McDonalds' food is cheap, is because the true costs are borne by 
>   their workers, the environment, animals, and the health of the children and 
>   others who consume their unhealthy food.
>      - Aaron Koleszar, Island Residents Against Toxic Environments (IRATE)
> Note: Workers at a McDonalds outlet in Quebec decided to form a union, then 
> on February 13, the manager of the McDonalds announced that the restaurant 
> would close. Newsworld reporters were denied an interview with staff, so 
> they visited the drive-through window to speak to them. "When do you go for 
> your break?" asked the reporter. "I don't get a break'" replied the 
> drive-through server. "Funny," commented the reporter, "I thought 'Have you 
> had your break today?' was McDonald's motto."
> -30-
> Contact: 
> Aaron Koleszar, Island Residents Against Toxic Environments (IRATE)
>  (902) 659-2570, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> or <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Prince Edward Island PROPAGANDA JOURNAL 
> look at http://www3.pei.sympatico.ca/brad/
>   "Cowardice asks the question: is it safe? 
>    Expediency asks the question: is it politic? 
>    Vanity asks the question: is it popular? 
>    But conscience asks the question: is it right? 
>    And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither 
>    safe, nor politic, nor popular---but one must take it because it is 
>    right. One has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws---an unjust 
>    law is a code that is out of harmony with the moral law."  
>   -- Martin Luther King
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> U.S. McLibel Support Campaign                   Email [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> PO Box 62                                        Phone/Fax 802-586-9628 
> Craftsbury VT 05826-0062                    http://www.mcspotlight.org/ 
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 

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