Southwest Labor Studies Association
Call for Papers

27th Annual Conference
May 9-11, 2002
California State University, Los Angeles

Globalization, Labor, and Inequality Within and Across Borders

The Southwest Labor Studies Association (SWLSA) is an organization of 
academics, labor unionists, and community activists. The purpose of 
SWLSA is to explore and promote public understanding of both the 
labor movement's heritage and current undertakings, and of workers' 
experiences on the job and in the community. It is open to anyone 
with an interest in the labor movement.

This year's conference is organized around the theme Globalization, 
Labor, and Inequality Within and Across Borders. SWLSA solicits 
proposals for panels, scholarly papers, or roundtables on the 
conference theme. Proposals on other themes of labor, work, and 
community are also invited. Students, teachers, college and 
university professors, labor unionists, community activists, and 
public policy makers are encouraged to participate.

Paper topics areas may include (but are not limited to):

-The Impact of War and Recession on Workers and Communities
-Labor Reform: Rank and File Movements and Organizing Drives
-Labor and Popular Movements in the Third World
-U.S. Labor Foreign Policy: International Solidarity or Protectionism?
-The Impact of Free Trade Agreements on Jobs, Living Standards, etc.
-The Feminization of Labor; the Gendered Impact of Globalization
-Anti-globalization Struggles
-Neoliberalism and the Assault on the Welfare State
-Managed Migrations in the World Context
-New Industrialization/Maquiladorization and Prospects for Class Struggle
-What Can be Learned from Past Class Struggles: Working Class 
Successes and Setbacks

SWLSA encourages submission of proposals via email. A proposal for a 
panel, paper, or roundtable should include the title of the session 
and the names and affiliations of all participants. The proposal 
should include the title and brief (one-paragraph) abstract for each 
paper or presentation and a biographical paragraph for each person 
proposing a paper.

Submit Proposals by February 1, 2002 to:

Enrique Ochoa
Department of History
California State University, Los Angeles
Los Angeles, CA 90032

Co-Sponsor: Department of History CSULA, Southern California Library 
for Social Studies and Research, UCI-Labor Studies Program, CSU-DH 
Labor Studies Program, UCLA Labor Center

* Calendar of Anti-War Events in Columbus: 
* Anti-War Activist Resources: <>
* Student International Forum: <>
* Committee for Justice in Palestine: <>

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