April 6, 2001

Admiral J G Nadkarni (retd)

Who cares if Soviet ships were new or old?

Obviously the three services and the ministry of defence are on a major
image mending exercise. Aided and advised by the media's elder statesman B G
Verghese, the army and navy recently held public confessionals, justifying
purchases and trying belatedly to inject a bit of transparency to the
business of arms imports.

The Indian Navy held a press conference in which two senior naval officers
defended the purchase of the Barak missiles from Israel. Unfortunately, the
headlines next day talked more of Russian arms and spares than those from

In probably an unguarded moment, the naval spokesman let out that the Soviet
Union has been possibly flogging us secondhand ships in the past. How true
are these charges and what effect has this had on the state of the Indian

India's arms purchases from the Soviet Union began in the mid-sixties. As a
result of India's refusal to join any of the military alliances, Western
powers, especially the US and the UK, refused to supply us with our
requirements in weapons and other military hardware, leaving defence
minister Yashwant Chavan with no alternative except to seek them from the
Soviet Union.

Beginning in 1965, the Soviets supplied India's armed forces with nearly 70
per cent of its weapons, tanks, ships and aircraft. The Indian Navy received
Petya class patrol vessels, Foxtrot class submarines, mine sweepers, landing
craft, a submarine tender and a submarine rescue vessel.

The switch over from west to east required a great deal of sacrifice and
adjustment from the navy and its personnel. Up to that time India's
principal supplier had been the United Kingdom. There was a close
association between the Indian Navy and the Royal Navy. Most of the senior
officers had been trained in the UK and on board British ships. Indeed, for
nearly 15 years after independence the navy was headed by a Royal Navy
officer on loan.

Each country builds its warships according to its own peculiar philosophy.
The ships are designed around equipment which that country produces. The
Royal Navy gave a lot of importance to habitability, sea keeping qualities,
neatness and good looks. The Soviets on the other hand believed in stuffing
their ships with weapons and equipment resulting in crammed accommodation
and poor habitability.

Indian officers and sailors, brought up on western propaganda, believed the
Soviet ships to be badly designed, with inferior equipment and poor sea
keeping qualities. Only after the first lot of crews had got used to the
Soviet ships did they realise that not only were the ships not in any way
worse than their British counterparts but in many ways superior to them. The
Soviet Petyas, for example, which we acquired in the mid-sixties were fitted
with gas turbines which the west only began to fit on their ships in the

In the latter acquisitions, such as the Kashins and the Kilo class
submarines, which we acquired in the early eighties, there was a vast
improvement in accommodation and habitability. The Soviets, who had little
clue in the early years about operating ships in the tropics, began to
accede to our requirements. Air conditioning capacity was enhanced and ships
made a little more comfortable.

Did the Soviets palm off secondhand ships to India? There is strong
circumstantial evidence to indicate that this might have been true. Prior to
the Soviet purchases, India had acquired eight new frigates from the UK. In
every case of building a new ship the process starts at the builder's yard.
Right from the start, technical representatives of the buyer are present and
oversee the construction. They have even the right to reject a part of the
construction, as indeed did happen at the yard of HDW in Germany when a
major assembly of the submarine was rejected by Indian overseers. The keel
laying and the launching of a ship are ceremonies which are undertaken with
a degree of pomp and publicity. The ship is named during launching by a

None of this happened with the Soviet purchases. From the start the Soviets
had a take-it-or-leave-it attitude. They refused permission for Indian
officers to be stationed at the building yards, even as observers, leave
alone as overseers. Indeed, no one knew where the ships were being built and
launched. The crew would be asked to come to a particular port where the
ship would be handed over for commissioning.

In the initial purchases the Soviets even refused to admit Indian personnel
to be present during sea trials. It took nearly twenty years of haggling and
persistence for the Soviets to agree to Indian presence during sea trials.
The recent launch of the Krivak class frigate Talwar was the first occasion
that Indians have performed a launching ceremony at a Russian yard.
All this led to a deep suspicion among India sailors that the Soviets were
not building ships anew for the Indian Navy but pulling out ships from their
vast reserve, refurbishing them and passing them on as new. A large number
of telltale signs emerged after Indians had commissioned the ships to
indicate that they were in use before. Some commanding officers even lodged
complaints about their ships. An Indian delegation went in the seventies, to
"inspect" a mine sweeper which was reportedly second hand. The inspection
was an eyewash and the delegation gave a clean chit to the seller.
The Kashin was a 1960 design which had been modified to fit it with
surface-to-surface missiles and a helicopter deck. The Soviets had built a l
arge number of these ships and it is unlikely that they would have built
this old design afresh. The Kilo class submarines, on the other hand, was a
contemporary design and in all probability were built new.

Why did the Indian Navy put up with such humiliating and one-sided
conditions when purchasing ships from the Soviet Union? To start with we
were beggars, not choosers. Rejected by the west, we had no other source of
supply except the Soviet Union. We were thus prepared to put up with
conditions which would have been unacceptable in a buyer's market. To the
navy's credit they put their foot down in crucial matters. The Soviets
wanted to indoctrinate the crews by making them attend "ideology" lectures.
Nothing doing, said the navy.

Secondly, politically, the Soviet Union was our only ally in the Security
Council. Soviet vetoes had saved India the embarrassment of a Kashmir
debate. Buying secondhand ships was a small price to pay for the political

Thirdly, the Soviets gave us the ships at dirt cheap prices. Both the
Kashins and the Kilos were bought at Rs 80 crore a piece when the
international price was close to Rs 300 crore. Why would the navy look such
gift horses in the mouth.

Finally, secondhand or not, the ships gave the navy excellent service. The
Kashins have been with the navy for twenty years and have been the backbone
of its fleet. Some of the Petyas and the F class submarines purchased in the
seventies are still around, thirty years after arrival in India. So who
cares if they were new or old when we got them. They have served their
purpose and tided over the navy during the crucial years of the Cold War.

Admiral J G Nadkarni (retd)

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