>sufein? Gently puzzled. Do yu zink of Sufi, surfin', saufen, or
>saufein??  Ziss iss ze Frege.
>But as you continue "And he'd say something that you never throught of..."
>with the nice ellipsis of drought and throat I suppose you was thinking of
>"saufen".  It's time for a pint of bitter.

No, "sufein" is  a private verbal tick of his, sort of like Ummmmm, he uses 
it as a placekeeper while thinking. Former Frede students will meet in a bar 
in Kinshasa or Bangkok and tip a pint of the local bitters, toasting 
"Sufein!" You can tell us by our furrowed brows and marked up copies of 
ancient philosophical texts, every word and syllabe of the first 40 lines 
heavily annotated, and nothing thereafter.


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