>There is no contradiction between a phillips curve
>and supply side notions.

As anyone who watches the regular CNBC appearances of supply-sider
(and Reagan OMB alum) Larry Kudlow - introduced by Squawk Box host
Mark Haines the other morning as "America's best-loved living
economist" - the PC is an evil dogma that has the Fed in its grip. He
almost sounds like an EPI staffer or Tom Schlesinger in his populist
celebration of strong growth, and his populist condemnation of a
bunch of deluded central bankers who want to spoil everyone else's

As Kudlow said a couple of years ago, after citing some figures on
the growth in cell phone usage, "It's a wonderful time to be alive."


Pertinent to both supply-side economics and the looming recession, you all
may be interested in Larry Kudlow's article today in National Review Online.


David Shemano

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