New York Times 30 December 2001


American Gothic: 'Terrorists' and Tribunals in the Civil War Era


THE nation was at war, and the government feared that a network of 
immigrant terrorists was planning havoc on the home front. It 
suspended civil justice and rounded up people for questioning. A 
handful were tried by a military commission. In this case, though, 
the immigrants were Irish-Catholic coal miners in eastern 
Pennsylvania, and the network was the Molly Maguires.

The Mollies, also known as the Buckshots, were a product of the Civil 
War. Irish mine workers, overwhelmingly Democratic and wretchedly 
poor, saw in the war an opportunity to strike for higher wages. The 
Republicans supervising the draft had close ties to the coal 
industry, and saw in conscription a way to banish Democrats and labor 
agitators. As the mine workers fought back, using the name of a 
mythical Irish rebel, the Navy's supply of coal was threatened. On 
Nov. 5, 1863, a mine official, George K. Smith, was killed because he 
helped soldiers enforce the draft.

The ensuing arrests and trials by military commission are detailed in 
War Department correspondence in the National Archives. And while it 
is not clear that the tribunals being created by the Bush 
administration will try domestic detainees, the Pennsylvania case 
underlines the perils of balancing civil liberties and national 
security on the scales of military justice.


E. H. Rausch, a deputy provost marshal in Carbon County, described 
the group behind the trouble in a Nov. 16, 1863, letter:

An organization exists throughout the Middle Coal Field, of Irishmen, 
known as "Buckshots," for the avowed purpose of resisting the draft. 
. . . Mr. G. K. Smith, being suspected of giving me certain 
information as to the domicile of drafted men, was murdered in the 
most brutal murder, in his home and in presence of his family. The 
"Buckshots" are all armed, and frequently meet in secret places, two 
or three times weekly.

Gen. Darius Couch of the Union army proposed a military solution:

I have just returned from the disaffected mining region of Hazleton 
and vicinity - having during the visit met and conversed with several 
of the coal operators and others interested in the affairs of the 

Some of the collieries were stopped last week for the avowed purpose 
of compelling the general government to relieve the mining regions 
from the operations of the draft.

However the prompt arrival of the troops ordered by Major General 
Sigel restored matters to their previous status - the mines are in 
operation but the loyal people there live in a state of terror, 
several brutal murders having been committed within a few weeks.

The operators whom I saw proposed this - that if they could be 
assured of the protection of the general government until the work 
was accomplished, they would discharge the bad characters and employ 
new men, having eventually a body of men that could be controlled.

It is supposed that it would take take three months to carry out 
these desired reforms. If commenced the troops must not be withdrawn 
until the work is thoroughly done, otherwise two-thirds of the 
anthracite region would stop sending coal to market.

Mr. Rausch described the roundups:

About 45 "Buckshots" have been arrested in the vicinity of Yorktown 
and they are now in charge of Major General Sigel at Reading. They 
expect to make more arrests of notorious characters, and expel all 
evil-disposed men from the region.

General Couch quickly saw a conflict between national security and 
civil liberties:

The subject is one of exceeding delicacy. The state is utterly 
powerless in the execution of the laws in the mining region, and we 
must be very cautious about substituting military law for civil. 
However the loyal good people in that region are desirous of having 
martial law declared and would bless you if you would hang 100 men a 
day for a week. One thing is clear - that these men who have been 
arrested against whom no charges can be preferred should not at 
present be set at liberty.


When one detainee, a British subject, appealed to the British 
ambassador in Washington, General Couch cut to the real issue, cheap 

If O'Donnell obtains his release, 44 others will ask for the same, no 
doubt. The interests of the country will not permit these men to go 
back to the mines at present. Life is safe there now: The operators 
are controlling their mines instead of a gang of cowardly ruffians, 
traitors and murderers; coal is being produced more surely and as 
stated to me more plentifully, the price of which will probably 
steadily decrease until it reaches the proper point.

The arrests, which eventually totaled about 70, were the easy part. 
The head of the military commission that began trying the men in 
January, Col. Henry O. Ryerson, soon discovered how hard it would be 
to prove charges of disloyalty and resisting conscription:

The judge advocate informs me, since the commencement of the trial, 
there are but two against whom any evidence can be brought. He also 
informs me of the whole number now confined in Fort Mifflin that 
there are but three or four against whom he has any evidence, with 
the exception of those who are implicated in the murder of George K. 
Smith, whom this commission cannot try . . . From my own observations 
since the commencement of this investigation, I am satisfied that in 
the outset a great many arrests were injudiciously made.

Colonel Ryerson faced a quandary:

If all these men are tried and acquitted, as they must be if there is 
no evidence against them, it will be considered a triumph of the 
opponents of the government and the effect of their being permitted 
to return to their houses after a fair trial and acquittal for the 
want of proof against them will be very bad upon the community.

If sufficient evidence cannot be produced to convict them, in my 
judgment if will be far more injurious to the interests of the 
government to have them tried and acquitted than to release them 
without a trial under certain conditions . . . that they take the 
oath of allegiance and enter a solemn pledge to conduct themselves 
hereafter as good and loyal citizens.

Charges against most of the accused were dropped. Yet despite the 
holes in many of the remaining cases, the tribunal convicted 13 
detainees, who spent the remainder of the war in a prison camp.

In the end, the tribunal failed to quell the strikes and draft 
resistance, as evidenced by a report from Pottsville after the trials:

The detachment of cavalry in Carbon County while out serving notice 
on the drafted men were fired upon by about 18 bushwhackers, but no 
one was hurt. It was in the mountains and the party could not be 
arrested. . . . All the railroads and coal mines have been stopped 
from operations by the miners and the railroad men. Since the first 
of this month they have struck for higher wages. They will not allow 
the mines to be worked nor the railroads to be used. There has not 
been a pound of coal shipped from this region since the first of the 

The Molly Maguire troubles raged on for more than a decade after the war ended.


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