Just a brief note of thanks to the various protagonists on this topic  
addressing the substantive issues at the end of last week. Some earlier 
messages seemed to verge on assertion rather than explanation. Anyway, thanks 
for clarifying positions; I've learnt some. Hope others have too. This medium 
sometimes lends itself to talking (yelling?) past one another, rather than to 
"listening" & understanding.

Cheers, Brent
Brent McClintock                 |                               | 
Economics                        | Everything must be examined   | 
Carthage College                 | Everything must be shaken up, | 
Kenosha, Wisconsin 53140         | without exception and without |
USA                              | circumspection.               |
Phone: (414) 551-5852            |                               |
Fax:   (414) 551-6208            |             Denis Diderot     |
Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |                               |

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