GROUP OBJECTIVES The Group will work on the basis of the following 
Constitutive Declaration and eventual annexes:


- is a practical coordination group open to parliamentarians and groups 
who support the United Nations Declarations on Peace, Human Rights and 
Sustainable Development.

- supports parliamentary democracy, the highest environmental standards, 
equitable free trade and international cooperation between nations, regions 
and peoples.

- turns against the undemocratic and centralistic decision-making structure 
of the European Union as foreseen in the Maastricht Treaty and wish the 
attempt to construct the United States of Europe replaced with free 
cooperation between the nations, regions and peoples of Europe.

- turns against the process of transforming free nations into constituencies, 
which can be defeated by majority voting in Brussels. All laws should be 
initiated and adopted by a responsible and popular elected national 
assembly, working with, and as close as possible to, the people.

- is actively engaged in withdrawing as many decisions as possible from 
Brussels to the national and regional popular elected assemblies, so that the 
European Union is limited to practical cooperation in specific areas such as 
environment and trade. Each Member State shall have the right to 
implement a better protection than the one agreed upon in the Community.

- supports that nations, regions and peoples, between the publication of a 
proposition for legislation and the final adoption, find a variety of ways to 
compromise in order to find good solutions to actual problems. All 
common decisions must be adopted democratically and it shall be possible 
to change a law after national elections.

- supports that all Member States can develop economical policies and 
decide a level for social welfare. Cooperation on legal affairs and refugees 
shall take place on an intergovernmental basis. Coordination of foreign and 
security policy is taking place voluntarily without majority voting. Military 
and defence cooperation shall not be part of EU competence but can be 
organised on common specific areas by the Member States who so want.

- supports its Group Members possibilities to work in the European 
Parliament and in public. But the EUROPE OF NATIONS group is not a 
supranational party constellation, where its Members necessarily have to 
vote together in the European Parliament. The Members of the EUROPE 
OF NATIONS group are only responsible to their electoral programmes, 
their electorate and their personal consciousness.

The EDN-group in the EU-Parliament 
Rue Belliard 97-113. 
B-1047 Brussels 
Tel: +32 2 284 2211 
Fax: +32 2 284 9144 mail us 

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