Washington hawks get power boost

Rumsfeld is winning the debate

Julian Borger in Washington
Monday December 17, 2001
The Guardian

The gathering for a recent dinner at an expensive Washington hotel was
officially to honour the "Keepers of the Flame" - US security officials
deemed by their more conservative colleagues to have fought the good fight
for bigger defence budgets and tougher policies.
It was also a celebration.

The mostly casualty-free military successes in Afghanistan have
significantly boosted the power of Washington's "super-hawks" - a tight-knit
group of former cold warriors who have returned from more than a decade in
policy exile to grasp the levers of power once more.

"It's taken us 13 years to get here, but we've arrived," the evening's host,
Frank Gaffney, the head of a hawkish Washington thinktank, declared to
applause and murmurs of agreement.

The new defence establishment clustered around the defence secretary, Donald
Rumsfeld and his deputy, Paul Wolfowitz, is clearly winning the policy
debate against the state department.

In the latest of a string of setbacks for Colin Powell's multilateralist
approach, the secretary of state's attempts to keep negotiations going with
Moscow over missile defence was abruptly brought to an end last week with
the announcement that the United States would withdraw from the anti
ballistic missile (ABM) treaty.

Meanwhile, the hardliners are capturing key squares on the chessboard of
Washington power, at the expense of the moderates at state.

Barring a military disaster in the Afghan endgame, the Pentagon is almost
certain to win its battle to pursue the war of terrorism into Iraq and
suspected terrorist havens across the world.

"This is the third significant military campaign, after Desert Storm and
Kosovo, in which air power has been the decisive element and where
casualties have been negligible," John Pike, the chief analyst at the online
security newsletter GlobalSecurity.com, said.

"To the extent that the administration now can't tell the difference between
a war and a firepower display, there is a greater temptation to resort to

But the hawk ascendancy has had other far-reaching implications.

Significant foreign policy issues have been annexed by the Pentagon and its
militant allies, including the negotiation of key international treaties and
the handling of the Israel-Palestinian conflict.

John Bolton - the Rumsfeld-Wolfowitz group's own man in the state
department - was forced on Mr Powell despite the secretary of state's
strenuous objections.

Mr Bolton is under secretary of state for arms control and international
security. He serves as senior adviser to the president on non-proliferation
and disarmament - a role which causes grim amusement in the state department
as he opposes multilateral arms agreements on principle.

Inserted into the department to oversee the destruction of the ABM treaty,
Mr Bolton was also instrumental in torpedoing international negotiations in
Geneva earlier this month aimed at enforcing the toothless 1972 biological
weapons convention.

Mr Powell does not have a counterweight to Mr Bolton in the Pentagon, and he
is about to lose an important ally in the White House.

Bruce Reidel, a Clinton holdover who has echoed the state department's
emphasis on the need to maintain an Arab coalition, is due to leave his job
as head of the national security council Middle East desk next week.

The hawks' candidate to take over is Zalmay Khalilzad, an Afghan-American
with little experience in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, whose empire
will include the Middle East, Iran and Iraq.

Three years ago, he co-signed a letter to the then president, Bill Clinton,
calling on him to throw his weight wholeheartedly into an effort to topple
Saddam Hussein. The letter was also signed by Mr Rumsfeld, Mr Wolfowitz, Mr
Bolton and others.

And for the Washington hawks, Israel is a strategic ally which should not be
bullied into giving ground - a view promoted by Doug Feith at the Pentagon,
and Frank Gaffney, his former colleague at the Centre for Security Policy

"The so-called Middle East 'peace process,' which began with secret
Israeli-Palestinian negotiations in Oslo, has materially contributed to the
present, catastrophic situation," the CSP argues on its website.

"Successive concessions made in the name of advancing the 'peace process' by
both Labour and Likud-led governments of Israel have not appeased demands
for further concessions, only whetted Arab appetites for more."

The CSP has now established itself as an influential player in Washington, a
policy powerhouse focused on establishing a radical, unilateralist and
aggressive new defence doctrine.

The ballroom for the "Keepers of the Flame" gathering was packed with the
high priests of the new security establishment. They included Mr Rumsfeld,
Mr Feith and another Pentagon advisor, JD Crouch, sitting alongside the
former CIA director, James Woolsey, a leading proponent of a new war against

Among them was Richard Perle, known as the "prince of darkness" in the
Reagan-era arms race, who has been reborn as the chairman of the defence
policy board.

Mr Rumsfeld was the night's keynote speaker. He declared his happiness at
being able to speak his mind "among friends" and embraced the mood by
telling a cheering audience that after finishing off al-Qaida and the
Taliban, "we'd best go after the rest of the terrorists".

For the time being, at least, there is little in Washington to stop Mr
Rumsfeld chasing America's foes all the way to Baghdad.

America's top sabre-rattlers

Donald Rumsfeld - A veteran of the cold war chosen by the vice-president,
Dick Cheney, in the face of opposition from Colin Powell, now secretary of
state. His radical policies and abrasive manner initially provoked
resistance from the Pentagon generals. But the war on terrorism has made him
the most powerful member of the cabinet and he is expanding his influence
into foreign policy fields normally managed by the secretary of state.

Paul Wolfowitz - Mr Rumsfeld's deputy, and the foremost exponent of a new
war against Saddam Hussein. He is a former academic with a wide-ranging
network of travellers and sympathisers, commonly referred to in Washington
as the "Wolfowitz cabal".

Doug Feith - The Pentagon's policy supremo and a former director of the
Centre for Security Policy (CSP), who has led the charge for a more
pro-Israel Middle East policy.

Frank Gaffney - a former defence policy official and Rumsfeld acolyte who
now runs the CSP - a thinktank and ideological seminary for young hawks. He
advocates the scrapping of the Oslo peace process, the forceful promotion of
the national missile defence system, and a settling of scores with Baghdad.

Richard Perle - Known as Ronald Reagan's "prince of darkness" for his
distaste for disarmament treaties, and his hawkish attitude towards the
Soviet Union. Mr Perle retains an important role in the defence policy
board, a Pentagon thinktank which he chairs.

John Bolton - The hawks' man inside the state department. Despite the
objections of Colin Powell, he was appointed undersecretary of state for
arms control, non-proliferation and international security, even though he
is a committed unilateralist who opposes global arms treaties on principle.

Zalmay Khalilzad - the top Afghan-American in the administration. Three
years ago, he signed a joint letter with Donald Rumsfeld and other hawks,
calling on the Clinton administration to topple Saddam.

He is seeking to take over the Middle East portfolio when Bruce Reidel steps
down later this month.

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