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             The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 1 September 2000
                          Vol. 4, Number 71 (#464)

"Freedom of Speech" and Fascist Actions
    Digital Freedom Network (press release), "Web site bans woman with
       "unacceptable" name," 18 Aug 00
    AP, "Canada Navy Boards U.S.-Owned Ship," 3 Aug 00
    World Church of the Creator (press release), "White Racist Television
       Show Comes to Connecticut!," 16 Aug 00
    August (Pastor August & Karley Kreis) & Karley Kreis, "The Jewish
       Defense League -- Terrorism Personified," 24 Aug 00
    Aftenposten/NTB  via "Nazism Exposed Project", "25 Neo-Nazis Rally In
       Askim, 9 Arrested," 19 Aug 00
    Aftenposten/NTB via "Nazism Exposed Project", "Swedish TV-Photographer
       Attacked By Neo-Nazis," 20 Aug 00
What's Worth Checking: 10 stories


Web site bans woman with "unacceptable" name
Digital Freedom Network (press release)
18 Aug 00

In a new twist on Internet censorship, Los Angeles attorney Sherril Babcock
was blocked from joining the BlackPlanet.com online service -- at least
until she changes her name.

When Babcock registered for access to BlackPlanet.com, a Web site dealing
with African-American topics, she was told that her last name was
"unacceptable" presumably because it contained the word "cock," and she was
not permitted to register.

Suspecting the matter to be a simple matter of the site's overly ambitious
censorware, she contacted BlackPlanet.com hoping to clear up the problem.
She explained that "Babcock was my father's name as well, and I am very
fond of him."

Crystal Martin, BlackPlanet.com's Moderator for Member Services, responded.
She apologized twice for the inconvenience, but said "unfortunately, the
letters that form the word 'Cock' is [sic] unacceptable and will not be
recognized by our system."

Omar Wasow, BlackPlanet.com's executive director, intends to continue using
the censorware. Though he described himself as a strong supporter of free
speech, he defended his use of censorware as an attempt to not offend his
site's membership, even though there would be casualties like Sherril
Babcock. When asked if he would register Babcock manually, thereby
bypassing the censorware, Wasow explained that if the censorware made bad
decisions even only one percent of the time, it would have meant over 8,000
manual entries given the current population of his online community.
Babcock would just have to change her registration name to please the

BlackPlanet.com is concerned that people could register on their site with
false names that others could find unacceptable.

End of matter. Babcock is still not a member, and cyber-rights groups are
having a good laugh over this latest episode of censor- ware's

"Censorware is a non-solution for a non-problem. It doesn't block what it
intends to, most of which doesn't hurt anyone, and it blocks far too much
of what it shouldn't. It's a failure and it's scary that some want public
libraries to adopt this junk," said Alan Brown, Internet development
director for the Digital Freedom Network.

The episode reminded Babcock of America Online's ban of the word "breast"
in its chat rooms. The ban was only overturned when members of a breast
cancer survivor's group complained that the ban left them with very little
to talk about.

According to the cyber-rights organization Peacefire, Internet censorware
is so flawed that various versions have blocked Web sites including Time
magazine, the National Organization for Women, the Vatican, the Heritage
Foundation, and even sites about dogs.

"Would St. Francis of Assisi or Emily Dickinson also have been banned from
BlackPlanet.com?", asked Bobson Wong, executive director of the Digital
Freedom Network.

Network (DFN) promotes human rights around the world by developing new
methods of activism with Internet technology and by providing an online
voice to those attacked simply for expressing themselves. DFN creates
Internet applications to fight censorship, acquires technology tools for
other activists, launches Internet-based campaigns on behalf of human
rights, and serves as a technical resource for activists worldwide. DFN's
Web site is <http://dfn.org>


Electronic Privacy Information Center
American Civil Liberties Union

- - - - -

Canada Navy Boards U.S.-Owned Ship
3 Aug 00

[This story is interesting for it illustrates -- albeit very indirectly --
two legal concepts of use in the battle against fascism: a "writ of
retaliation" and the Alien Tort Control Act. --  tallpaul]

HALIFAX, Nova Scotia -- Backed by war ships, Canadian troops dropped from a
helicopter and seized control of a U.S.-owned vessel off its Atlantic coast
Thursday, after the ship refused to deliver its cargo of Canadian military
supplies because of a monthlong contract dispute.

The navy boarded the 750-foot freighter, the GTS Katie, because the ship
was holding important military supplies, said Canadian Defense Minister Art

After a warning if its intention to board, two Canadian naval ships
approached the Katie Thursday afternoon. But the freighter accelerated,
jerking from side to side, said Canadian Capt. Drew Robertson, who was in
charge of the boarding.

As the Canadian vessels closed in, a navy helicopter lowered 14 heavily-
armed soldiers to the Katie's deck to take control, said Robertson at a
news conference.

"The master of the ship was rather dramatic, which is understandable,"
Robertson said. "The crew was rather welcoming."

The ship's Russian captain, Vitaly Khlebnikov, told reporters that the
boarding was "dangerous."

There were no injuries in the operation, which came a day after Canada said
it had received permission to board the boat from St. Vincent and the
Grenadines, the Caribbean nation where the boat is registered. officials

The Katie was being escorted Thursday night to Montreal and was expected to
arrive Sunday, three weeks after the original arrival date.

Eggleton said the Canadian and American companies involved in the contract
dispute will have to resolve the issue in court.

Being held hostage by these companies is not acceptable," he said. "There
was no confidence that short of taking control of that ship we would have
any control of our equipment."

The freighter was carrying five tanks, 200 of Canada's 2,000 armored
vehicles, and 390 crates packed with rifles, ammunition, and communications
equipment. Three Canadian soldiers are also on board to guard the cargo.

The freighter had been stationed in international waters about 140 miles
off Newfoundland since Monday night.

The freighter's owner, Annapolis, Md.,-based Third Ocean Marine Navigation
Company, was hired by a Montreal-based company, Andromeda, which had in
turn been contracted by the military to bring back the military supplies
used by Canadian peacekeepers in Kosovo, a province of Serbia.

But Third Ocean has refused to deliver the cargo, demanding payment it says
it is owed. The Canadian government and the shippers had been negotiating a
settlement since early last month.

Peter Margan, head of Third Ocean, who says Andromeda owes him $288,000,
said that late Wednesday the military had given him an ultimatum to accept
an offer of $90,000 or face being boarded.

Prior to the boarding, Margan said Thursday that "there are negotiations
going on, but there's no update just yet."

The Katie had been scheduled to transport the shipment from Thessaloniki,
Greece, to a port near Montreal by mid-July. But the ship was delayed
reaching Greece, increasing costs of the voyage.

Canada routinely charters foreign transport for its military equipment
overseas. The Navy has no transports equipped to carry heavy armor and the
Air Force's C-130 Hercules transports are limited to about 20 tons of

- - - - -

White Racist Television Show Comes to Connecticut!
World Church of the Creator (press release)
16 Aug 00

Reverend Matt Hale, leader of the most controversial racist and anti-
Semitic organization in America, the World Church of the Creator, announced
today that beginning on August 21, the Church television program entitled
White Revolution will be airing on Public Access Channel 21 in Branford,
East Haven, Guilford, Madison, North Branford, North Haven, and

This follows up on several months of intensive Church activity in these
areas which has resulted in the recruitment of many new adherents. The show
will first air at 6:30pm on August 21 and will be repeated at 7:30pm on
August 22, 6:30pm on August 23, 7:30pm on August 24, 6:30pm on August 25,
6:30pm on August 28, 3:30pm on August 29, 3:30pm on August 30, and 3:30pm
on August 31.

The second show in the White Revolution series will follow two weeks later.
Reverend Matt Hale (an attorney who was denied a law license by the state
of Illinois due to his extreme racist views) is the Leader of The World
Church of the Creator, a pro-White religious organization.

He and his church have received international media attention last year
stemming from Illinois' violation of his right to practice law and the
shootings by his friend Ben Smith which possibly happened as a result of
this trampling of Reverend Hale's religious freedom. The first show of
White Revolution, as a matter of fact, will reveal "The Truth About Ben
Smith" and is sure to spark great controversy. Reverend Hale had this to
say today: "I am extremely happy to be taking to the public airwaves in
Connecticut to present the Truth of what is happening to our people and
country. I am particularly happy to devote the first show of White
Revolution to the subject of Ben Smith, for the actions of Ben Smith
certainly rattled a great many people and it is high time that I reveal
what really happened that undoubtedly caused him to commit such crimes. The
viewer can then judge for him or herself." Reverend Hale stated further:
"The airing of White Revolution is part of a coordinated effort to win more
of our White Brothers and Sisters to our great Cause.

In particular, I hope that many White children will watch the show so that
they can learn and accept the Truth before having their minds polluted with
anti-white concepts. In other words, we intend to teach White youth through
this program to be as racist as possible." Lastly, Reverend Hale stated:
"White Revolution will present just exactly why my followers and I believe
as we do. It is my chance to speak directly to my White Brothers and
Sisters. This is important if we wish to counter the bias and hostility of
the press. I am quite confident that if people hear us out, they will not
only understand where we are coming from but will also agree with what we
stand for." For further information, contact Reverend Hale at (309)

- - - - -

The Jewish Defense League -- Terrorism Personified
August (Pastor August & Karley Kreis) & Karley Kreis
24 Aug 00

With the Aryan Nations Civil trial about to begin the entire town of Coeur
d'Alene will be inundated with JEWS, just like we told you last week.

First, Anti-WHITE Jew Supremacist Morris Seligman Dees is coming from his
hole in Montgomery, Alabama to do battle and decimate, not Aryan Nations,
as the JEWSMEDIA would have you believe, but a righteous mans life's work
building a Christian Church in North Idaho, that of Pastor Richard Butler.

Anti-WHITE JEW Supremacist Morris Seligman Dees is bringing any number of
JEWS with him for support, as bodyguards and to carry his trunk full of
legal papers so he can use the JEW legal system to destroy a Christian
Church and the life's work of Pastor Richard Butler.

In addition, Anti-WHITE JEW Supremacist Morris Seligman Dees has contracted
with still more local JEWS to aid and abet him with his attack on a
Christian Church and Christian Pastor.

We now hear from the true haters of WHITE people in America, the likes of
Irv Rubin of the Jewish Defense League based in Los Angeles, California. He
is putting his slimy derriere on a plane along with his entourage and
coming to shout JEW and Anti-WHITE slogans, be lawless and, in general, act
like a loudmouth JEW that he is. Because he, along with Anti-WHITE JEW
Supremacist Morris Seligman Dees are the darlings of the JEWSMEDIA they
will have instant access with their words of denigration and contempt and
come across as, oh so very righteous. Remember that the JDL is a pure
terrorist organization (see The Spotlight article attached). These people
have committed more heinous crimes than any other group of people in
America and walk with impunity because they are JEWS!

If you don't believe us, you can count the JEWS that will be in Coeur
d'Alene for the trial! It would be safe to say that, on a per capita basis,
more Christ hating JEWS will be in Coeur d'Alene during the trial period
than live in New York City, the JEW capitol of America.

Don't be fooled! Read what we have published in the past and you will see
our prophetic words come to pass. You will get to see the JEW first hand.
Take notes and video record them so your children can see who they really
are and what they really do.


Carl E. Story     Evangelist Vincent Bertollini

- - - - -

25 Neo-Nazis Rally In Askim, 9 Arrested
Aftenposten/NTB via "Nazism Exposed Project"
19 Aug 00

Around 20-25 activists were gathered for the unannounced march arranged by
the Neo-Nazi group Boot Boys in Askim/Norway. The march started at 13:47
and lasted for 10-15 minutes. It was held in the memory of German Nazi
Rudolf Hess. Six activists were from Sweden, the rest were Norwegian.

Norwegian law clearly states that one need police permission to march, and
that it is illegal to cover ones face when participating. Still, it wasn't
until later on the way home that 9 neo-nazis got arrested for driving a
stolen car with false license plates. These nine also tried to speed away
from the police car which intercepted them at around 16:00.

Currently the nine are in police custody waiting to be interrogated.

Boot Boys have earlier sent three applications to the Oslo police,
requesting to hold the rally in Oslo. All three applications were rejected.

While 20-25 Neo-Nazis were marching in Askim, there were around 15.000
gathered at a counter demonstration held by 134 anti-racist organizations
at Youngstorget in Oslo. A one hour long program with appeals and singing,
and attended by politicans and cultural personalities where just about what
the anti-racist organizations had hoped for.

- - - - -

Swedish TV-Photographer Attacked By Neo-Nazis
Aftenposten/NTB via "Nazism Exposed Project"
20 Aug 00

After the Askim march, the Neo-Nazis moved to Bjorndal in Oslo where they
were having a party. The party was, however, stopped by the police after a
Swedish TV-reporter had been attacked with a bat.

The Swedish freelance journalist Bjor Lochstrom from Lindkoping was
attacked by the attendees when they felt he was getting too close at around
21:00, Saturday evening.

Shortly after this incident, a group of 20-30 policemen equiped with
helmets, shields and bats went into the building and ended the party.

"I was attacked by a bat, it was the same people who marched in Askim,"
says Lochstrom to NTB. Several Neo-Nazis were held back by the police and
one got arrested for the attack on the Swedish TV-photographer. According
to the police, two cars got away.

The party was held in a nice and cosy neighbourhood at Bjorndal which is at
the eastern parts of Oslo. On Friday the neigbours observed people carrying
beer and other things, and on Saturday the first attendees came around
16:00. Witnesses in the area says that they were not hiding who they were,
with handweapons, uniforms and T-shirts with the "Boot Boys" logo on it. At
21:00 when the police arrived, there was a group of around 100 people
outside watching and cussing out the Neo-Nazis as they were being brought

"The party is over for tonight. We stopped the party because the locale had
been rented on false presumptions," says operative leader Drude Owren Fogg
at the Oslo police to NTB.


                         WHAT'S WORTH CHECKING
    stories via <ftp://ftp.nyct.net/pub/users/tallpaul/publish/story6/>

Wamda K. DeMarzp (Milami Herald), "Firefighter pleads guilty to evading
taxes for 1996: 1 of 3 resisters in Hallandale," 20 Jul 00, "A Hallandale
Beach firefighter accused of tax evasion changed his plea of not guilty to
guilty Friday morning in federal court." <1791.txt>

Roger Boyes (The Sunday Times), "Railway Bomb Raises Neo-Nazi Fears," 29
Jul 00, "The splinter bomb attack at a Düsseldorf railway station, which
left nine foreign students injured, including six Russian and Ukrainian
Jews, was aimed at a group of foreigners and has been blamed on far-right
extremists. Five people were seriously injured in the attack on Thursday,
including a 26-year-old woman, identified only as Tatjana L, who was five
months' pregnant. She lost the baby when a metal shard released by the bomb
buried itself in her abdomen." <1792.txt>

Germany Alert, "Politics, Nazi Terror Mix as Right Surges," 30 Jul 00,
"German politicians, business leaders and editors wish the "problem" would
simply go away. Speaking out against the new escalation in neo-Nazi terror
does not win them votes, increase their companies' profits or cause more
people to read and watch the news. Not in today's Germany, where some
mainline political leaders are openly adopting extreme rightwing positions,
even in the wake of more terror attacks on foreigners. The politics of hate
hasn't had it so easy since Hitler was in power. Consider that a splinter
bomb attack at a Düsseldorf railway station Thursday, which left nine
foreign students injured -- six of them Russian and Ukrainian Jews -- came
only a month after a regional Christian Democrat (CDU) official announced
proudly that he had sung 'Deutschland, Deutschland über alles' at a meeting
of rightwing students." <1793.txt>

John Goodbody (The Times [of London], "Troublemakers stay clear of net," 31
Jul 00, ""Yobs use the net for "hate sites", but are otherwise wary of it
Football hooligans are becoming increasingly sophisticated in planning
violence. When the European championship begins in Holland and Belgium on
Saturday, much of the expected trouble will be arranged using e-mails,
pagers and mobile phones. The internet is not used to organise battles
between rival supporters, because that would warn police where hooliganism
is likely to take place." <1794.txt>

John Hooper (The Guardian), "Old habits die hard," 31 Jul 00, "Last week's
bombing of a Düsseldorf railway station may have been a response as much as
an outrage. The attack came three days after Germany's chancellor, Gerhard
Schröder identified the curbing of neo-Nazism as a priority for the second
half of his four-year term. All the bomb victims were foreign immigrants
and most were Jewish. The blast may yet turn out to have been a settling of
accounts between individuals, as police initially suspected, but the
coincidence is unsettling. It is especially so when taken in the context of
the Schröder government's so far half-hidden agenda. Members of the
chancellor's inner circle of advisers say he has reached the conclusion
that racial prejudice and violence, especially in the east of the country,
are not just morally repugnant but pose a threat to Germany's prosperity."

Kate Connolly (The Guardian), "Haider teases 'wise men' Special report: the
Austrian far right in power," 31 Jul 00, "Guided to Austria by an
increasingly nervous European Union and bearing tidings of cautious
goodwill from Brussels, "three wise men" left Vienna yesterday snubbing
gifts of CDs, videos and the infamous "Jörgi bear" - a cuddly bear donated
by the extreme rightwinger Jörg Haider. Sent to judge whether the
diplomatic sanctions on Austria, imposed because of fears of the political
character of Mr Haider's Freedom party (FPO), should be lifted, the three-
man panel of EU representatives concluded their 72-hour investigative visit
tight-lipped after refusing to meet the man at the eye of the storm. Dubbed
the three wise men, former Finnish president Martti Ahtisaari; former
Spanish foreign minister Marcelino Oreja; and leading German lawyer Jochen
Frowein were appointed earlier this month to monitor Austria's political
behaviour." <1796.txt>

[FYI: Rightwing Information] Matt Hale (World Churchof the Creator),
"Hotline for July 31, 27AC [sic]", "On this week's message, I wish to read
the lead article from the August issue of The Struggle entitled, "What Is
To Be Done?" A long battle has now, for the time being, ended. The battle
for my law license in the state of Illinois has concluded without my
obtaining that license. This seeming defeat occurred without fault by any
of us but instead occurred through the combined machinations of our
adversaries desperate to stop a ray of light from shining in "their"
courtrooms. It is a badge of honor and a sign of the righteousness of our
ideals that they fought so hard to stop me from getting that license. This
has been a battle that has been at the forefront of many of our minds this
past year and a half, and with good reason. It was the denial of my license
that brought our Church and I to the international stage, and furthermore,
there has never been a doubt just how important a law license for our Cause
is as witnessed by the actions of our adversaries in that regard. While a
few Creators have at times asked me why I sought my law license so
tenaciously--why I wanted so much to be in courtrooms so rigged against our
interests, the answer has always been simple: law is power, and if the
White Racial Loyalist Cause is represented in law, it will have more power
than it otherwise would have. Also, by having a law license, I would
receive, rightly or wrongly, prestige in the eyes of our people."

Stephen A. Martin ([Burlington, IA] Hawk Eye), "Public defender tries to
block state's attorney," 1 Aug 00, "Letting the Knox County state's
attorney prosecute Dan Shoemaker would hurt the militia leader's chance for
a fair trial, his attorney says." <1798.txt>

Reuters, "Former Florida militia leader sentenced for bomb plot," 28 Jul
00, "A former militia leader was sentenced to five years in prison on
Friday for plotting to blow up power lines in Florida and Georgia. ... At a
sentencing hearing on Friday at the federal courthouse in Tampa, defense
attorney Nancy Johnson said Beauregard only talked about the plan to
impress his friends and had not acted to carry it out. Therefore he should
not be sentenced under federal anti-terrorism law guidelines, she said."

AP, "Militia Leader Sentenced," 28 Jul 00, "A Florida militia leader was
sentenced Friday to five years in prison for plotting terrorist attacks on
power plants and government offices. Donald Beauregard, 32, a general in
the group called the Southeastern States Alliance, had plotted to steal
explosives from a National Guard armory and blow up power plants to
paralyze central Florida and Atlanta with blackouts, federal agents said.
Agents said he had planned simultaneous attacks to be carried out on power
lines and utility towers feeding Atlanta and St. Petersburg, including
bombing the Crystal River nuclear plant 90 miles north of Tampa Bay."
                            * * * * *

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