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             The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 12 January 2001
                           Vol. 5, Number 1 (#501)

Action Alerts:
    Benefit Gig for Arrested Anti-Fascists: London, 13 Jan
    No Platform Anti-Fascist Network
Rightwing Crime In the News:
    AP, "Alleged skinhead recruiter sentenced in defacing of black church,"
       9 Jan 01
Web Site of Interest:
    International Union of Fascists
    AP, "Flo Kennedy, flamboyant black activist and lawyer, dies at 84," 23
      Dec 00
Book/Movie Reviews:
    "Inside Hitler's Germany: Life Under the Third Reich" by Matthew Hughes
       and Chris Mann (Brasseys Inc., 224 pages, $34.95)
Real Political Correctness:
    PlanetOut News, "Jr. High Students Fight Book Ban: The librarians are
       outraged, but it's the students who are taking the school district to
       court to get back the gay and lesbian biographies that were
       'disappeared' from the shelves," 23 Dec 00
What's Worth Checking: 10 stories



Benefit Gig for Arrested Anti-Fascists: London, 13 Jan

A benefit for NO PLATFORM anti-fascist network and anti-fascists facing
charges of affray after stopping the attempted closure of meeting place by

Short'n'Curlies - Intensivecare - PAIN - Runnin' Riot - Blakelock

Saturday 13 January
corner Hardness St & Herne Hill Rd
Tube: Brikton, Train: Loughborough Junction
9.00pm until late

£3.50/£2.50 concs.

For more details about arrests:
Groeten / bye,


- - - - -

No Platform Anti-Fascist Network

The recent tabloid and political attacks on asylum seekers has led to an
increase in organised fascist activity.

Anti-fascist activists are building a new anti-fascist network. No Platform
is organised on a non-sectarian basis and is open to all individuals and
organisations interested in direct action against the fascists.

We believe physical opposition, a policy of ‘No Platform’, is necessary and
legitimate because of the inherently violent and anti-democratic nature of
fascism. Fascism exists to intimidate and kill anyone that disagrees with
its views or whom it finds unacceptable for any reason.

However, the fascists try to deny this and are always on the search for
respectability. Allowing them a platform gives them credibility. It is
therefore essential that anti-fascists organise now to keep the fascists in
the gutter where they belong.

Ultimately, fascism will be defeated politically, but this will only be
achieved if we are prepared to physically confront fascism now. If we do
not challenge them while they are isolated and weak then it will be much
harder to challenge them if they grow.

The only objective of this network is to bring together all anti-fascists
who believe that effective political action against fascism is only
possible when backed up with the willingness to stop fascists organising.
We will organise to deny the fascists a platform to espouse their vitriolic
views and will work towards establishing an environment where other groups
and individuals can put forward a political alternative to fascism, free
from the threat of fascist violence.

No Platform - Anti Fascist Network, BM Box 5827, London, WC1M 3XX




Alleged skinhead recruiter sentenced in defacing of black church
9 Jan 01

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. -- A purported skinhead recruiter charged with
drawing swastikas and racial epithets on the doors of a predominantly black
church has been sentenced to three years and four months in federal prison.

In U.S. District Court on Monday, Christopher David Kuykendall, 22, also
was  ordered to serve three years of supervised release and pay $100

Kuykendall pleaded guilty in September to a charge of conspiracy to injure,
oppress, threaten and intimidate members of the New Mount Calvary
Missionary  Baptist Church.

The indictment also accused Kuykendall and a juvenile of shouting racial
slurs at the church on Aug. 28, 1999.

Prosecutors said Kuykendall was a recruiter for Confederate Hammerskin, a
skinhead organization whose members advocate white supremacy.

Defense attorney Kim Tollison had requested the minimum term of three years
and one month in prison, saying Kuykendall was ready to pay for his
mistake.  The maximum penalty allowed was three years and 10 months.



International Union of Fascists

"Fascism, unique lighthouse in a sea of cowardice, of compromise and of
foggy, plum-colored idealism, had engaged itself in battles; it was
overpowered by mere blind multitudes."

   --  Benito Mussolini



Flo Kennedy, flamboyant black activist and lawyer, dies at 84
23 Dec 00

NEW YORK -- Florynce Rae Kennedy, a flamboyant lawyer who fought for civil
rights and feminism with trademark flair, has died. She was 84.

Known simply as Flo and recognized in her cowboy hat and pink sunglasses,
Kennedy fought vigorously for abortion rights, represented Black Panthers
and joined feminist icon Gloria Steinem on the lecture circuit.

She was born the second of five daughters on Feb. 11, 1916, in Kansas City,
Mo. Her father was a Pullman porter who with a shotgun once drove members
of the Ku Klux Klan off his land in a mostly white neighborhood.

After high school, Kennedy helped organize a boycott against a local Coca-
Cola bottler who refused to hire black truck drivers.

She then moved to New York with a sister and, ignoring pleas to become a
teacher, took pre-law courses at Columbia University. Her application at
the law school was refused. The rejection was not based on race,
administrators said, but on gender. She threatened to sue and graduated in

Kennedy practiced law after graduation, but she soon grew dissatisfied with
the profession, and turned to political activism, setting up an
organization called the Media Workshop in 1966 to fight racism in
journalism and advertising.

The same year, she represented civil rights leader H. Rap Brown. Two years
later, she fought the Roman Catholic church for what she viewed as
interfering with abortion. In 1969, she organized feminist lawyers to
challenge New York State's abortion law, an action credited with helping
influence the Legislature to liberalize abortion the next year.

Through the 1970s, she joined Steinem on the lecture circuit, sharing her
radical views on feminism and civil rights for around $3,500 a session.

Kennedy was called "the biggest, loudest and, indisputably, the rudest
mouth on the battleground where feminist activists and radical politics
join in mostly common cause" by People magazine in 1974.

She is survived by three sisters.



'Inside Hitler's Germany' entertains more than informs
"Inside Hitler's Germany: Life Under the Third Reich" by Matthew Hughes
    and Chris Mann (Brasseys Inc., 224 pages, $34.95).
Rod Stackelberg (Spokane Spokesman-Review)
24 Dec 00

Since its ignominious collapse in 1945, Nazi Germany has entered the realms
of both history and mythology. It is hard to say to which realm "Inside
Hitler's Germany: Life Under the Third Reich" makes a greater contribution.

Written by two British military historians, Matthew Hughes and Chris Mann,
this glossy-paged book belongs to a genre whose purpose is more to
entertain than to inform.

It does this by providing plenty of short, first-person accounts, most of
them anonymous, of what it was like to live in the Third Reich. While most
are told from the point of view of ethnic German soldiers and civilians,
the authors never say when the statements were made nor under what

Furthermore, they make no attempt to assess either the validity or the
credibility of the quotes, much less identify their source.

We are told, for instance, that Hitler "described his ideal woman as a
`cute, cuddly, naive little thing -- tender, sweet, and stupid."' Yet just
when he made this statement, or to whom, is never revealed.

The authors also claim that, after the British and French declarations of
war on Sept. 3, 1939, Hermann Goering, head of the Luftwaffe, shouted at
Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop over the phone: "You've got your
damn war! It's all your doing!" Again, no attribution.

"Inside Hitler's Germany" does provide a great deal of interesting trivia.
Did you know, for example, that the Hitler Youth divisions sent into action
toward the end of the war were given rations of chocolate instead of the
usual cigarettes? Yet the authors offer little analysis beyond such vacuous
phrases as, "The community was all, the individual was nothing."

Perhaps it isn't fair to judge what primarily is a picture book by its
text. "Inside Hitler's Germany" contains 280 photographs, some quite
striking, taken from the holdings of the Robert Hunt Library in London.

Some are well known, such as Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin meeting at
Yalta, or the powerful picture of the terrified 10-year-old boy, arms
raised, being herded from the Warsaw ghetto under the eyes of heavily armed
SS soldiers. Others are less familiar, such as the photo of German
civilians carving meat out of a dead horse by a desolate roadside in the
spring of 1945.

According to the book jacket, the photographs "re-create the atmosphere of
Hitler's Third Reich in a way that words cannot." Yet the text never refers
to the pictures, and even the captions are sometimes misleading, inaccurate
or incomplete.

What's worse, the authors assiduously perpetuate a number of myths that
have grown around the Third Reich.

They are simply wrong, for instance, about Nazi attempts to break up the
family unit by undermining parental authority. If ever there was a movement
that represented what is euphemistically called "family values," it was the
Nazis (always with the proviso that the families in question were "Aryan,"
i.e., non-Jewish). They persecuted homosexuals, made divorce difficult
(except for childless couples), encouraged large families and believed that
a woman's place indeed was in the home.

The authors are also wrong about the massive numbers of the Gestapo (secret
police) that were required to keep the population under strict
surveillance. The idea of a popular pro-Nazi consensus runs counter to the
conventional image of an innocent people either seduced by Hitler's demonic
powers or terrorized into submission by Nazi thugs. Yet recent research has
shown that widespread surveillance was possible only because of the
willingness of so many ordinary Germans to inform on one another.

Perhaps most telling, the authors -- like many others -- misquote
resistance leader Pastor Martin Niemller's famous saying: "First the Nazis
went after the Jews, but I was not a Jew, so I did not object. Then they
went after the Catholics, but I was not a Catholic, so I did not object.
Then they went after the trade-unionists, but I was not a trade-unionist,
so I did not object. Then they came after me, and there was no one left to

Niemller actually listed Nazi victims as communists, Social Democrats,
trade-unionists and Jews; he did not mention Catholics, because the Nazis
never persecuted Catholics as Catholics. It would have been monumentally
counterproductive to have done so in a country in which a third of the
population was, and still is, Catholic.

Why the widespread distortion of Niemller's motto? It's no doubt a result
of the Cold War. After Germany's fall, it was hard to find a German citizen
who did not claim to have opposed Nazism. Anti-Nazism, in fact, became a
kind of badge of honor. But that honor was not extended to communists nor
to the left, the most determined and consistent opponents of Nazism from
the start.

To be fair, Hughes and Mann do devote several paragraphs to the communist
resistance and its brutal suppression by the Nazis. But while they dwell on
the mistreatment of German civilians and prisoners of war by the Soviets in
1945, they never mention that at least 20 million Soviet civilians were
killed in the war or that more than 3 million Soviet prisoners of war were
deliberately starved to death in German camps.

Not surprisingly, the authors seem more knowledgeable about the war years
than on the Third Reich before 1939. But even when they are in their
element -- military history -- their account is often unreliable. That is
in part because they quote heavily from the memoirs of German generals,
most of which have long been exposed as self-serving apologias.

In summary, Hughes and Mann have given us an uncritical history that offers
only superficial analysis, repeats many common misconceptions and makes few
intellectual demands.

None of this, however, should reduce the voyeuristic appeal of the book to
those who revel in "Hitleriana," the carnage of war or the sordid details
of the Nazi regime. Indeed, these qualities will probably enhance the
book's commercial success, which seems to have been the whole point of the
exercise in the first place.

* * * * *

Rod Stackelberg is Robert K. and Ann J. Powers Professor of the Humanities
at Gonzaga University. His book "Hitler's Germany: Origins,
Interpretations, Legacies" was published by Routledge in 1999.


It's from the rightwing authoritarians and always has been

Jr. High Students Fight Book Ban: The librarians are outraged, but it's the
     students who are taking the school district to court to get back the
     gay and lesbian biographies that were "disappeared" from the shelves
PlanetOut News
23 Dec 00

It's been just over a year since two high school students in Orange County,
California filed a federal lawsuit for the right to have a Gay Straight
Alliance club on campus, and now two junior high school students there have
filed a federal lawsuit for the right to have biographies of gays and
lesbians in their school library. With the help of the American Civil
Liberties Union (ACLU) of Southern California, the unnamed students filed
suit on December 21 against the Anaheim Union High School District
demanding that the district office return ten books in the series Lives of
Notable Gay Men and Lesbians to their Orangeview Junior High School
library. Some of the same books had been in! t! he library of another
junior high in the district, but according to the Orange County Register
they are now "missing." District officials have so far declined public

Orangeview librarian Christine Enterline had ordered the books in advance
of the school year as part of beefing up the biography section. They
arrived in early September along with other books from similar series put
out by Chelsea House for ages 14 and up, such as Heroes of Faith, Black
Americans of Achievement, North American Indians of Achievement, Hispanics
of Achievement, American Women of Achievement, and Female Firsts in Their
Fields. While Enterline and library technician Tom Kovac were shelving the
new acquisitions, as Kovac told the Los Angeles Times, "A teacher just came
in and made some flippant comment and the books were gone."

Orangeview Principal Barbara Smith took the books from the gay and lesbian
series home to review them and then sent them to the district office.
Enterline sought the books' return but was denied. She was told both that
the books were beyond the reading capabilities of the school's students and
that students might be harassed by others if they were seen carrying the
books, so they posed a safety hazard. Enterline has worked in the
Orangeview library for five years without ever receiving a complaint
regarding other books relating to gays and lesbians or having the district
remove a book.

As Kovac told the Orange County Register, "The books are not about sex.
They are just about people who have led interesting, productive lives and
also happen to be gay." The ten books at issue depict the lives of U.S.
novelists James Baldwin and Willa Cather, German entertainer Marlene
Dietrich, British economist John Maynard Keynes, Canadian singer-songwriter
k.d. lang, British soldier "Lawrence of Arabia" T.E. Lawrence, U.S. pianist
Liberace, Czech-born tennis great Martina Navratilova, Greek poet Sappho,
and British author Oscar Wilde. The Lives of Notable Gay Men and Lesbians
series is edited by distinguished gay historian Martin Duberman, a
professor at City University of New York.

Enterline, Kovac and some Orangeview parents contacted the ACLU in
November. This is the first censorship case the ACLU of Southern California
has taken up, but staff attorney Martha Matthews (whose position is
specifically funded by Internet mogul David Bohnett to advance gay,
lesbian, bisexual and transgender civil rights) is ready for it. She said,
"We all know why these books have been banned. The books were banned
because the words 'gay' and 'lesbian' appear on the front cover. The books
were banned because they had a positive statement to make to kids about gay
and lesbian people, because gay or lesbian people, in the eyes of some,
cannot possibly be role models or heroes. The books were banned, in short,
because of deep-seated prejudice. This is a very clear case of viewpoint-
based censorship, which is unconstitutional. At its core, this kind of
suppression is anti-democratic and antithetical to the mission of a school
and, particularly, of a school library,! w! hich is to encourage inquiry
and broaden minds. This kind of censorship is offensive, cowardly, and
damaging to students."

The lawsuit charges that students' free speech rights under the U.S.
Constitution and protection from discrimination in schools based on sexual
orientation under California law are being violated. Kovac noted that the
process by which the books were removed also violates the district's own

One of the student plaintiffs, known in court papers as "Daniel Doe," said
in a statement that, "I have an older brother in high school who is gay. I
think that having books in the library about famous people who are gay or
lesbian would help me and other students learn that gay people can be
successful in life, and learn not to be prejudiced."

Enterline said in a statement, "Unfortunately, I have heard Orangeview
students using epithets such as 'faggot' as insults and using the
expression 'that's so gay' to imply that an idea or action is foolish or
ridiculous. Books such as the series Lives of Notable Gay Men and Lesbians
can play an important role in helping to create a school environment in
which homophobia, like racism and other biases, is addressed and


                         WHAT'S WORTH CHECKING
    stories via <ftp://ftp.nyct.net/pub/users/tallpaul/publish/story7/>

Communist Party, USA (press release), "A very American coup," 14 Dec 00,
"It didn't come at the point of a gun. It didn't come with jack-booted
soldiers. It came in lawyer's suits and justices' robes. The will of the
people may never be known, as the hero of the court, Justice Stevens wrote,
but the identity of the loser is perfectly clear. The American people lost.
Democracy was subverted. It was subverted, as always, by a small grouping
of right-wing extremists who knew they couldn't win the old-fashioned way -
  by the majority votes of the American people." <2001.txt>

AFP, "Displaced Serbs From Kosovo Face Humanitarian Crisis," 13 Dec 00,
"There has been no heating at the Radinac collective center for two weeks
and hepatitis has broken out, but it is the only home some 800 Kosovo
Serbs, among them 70 babies, will have this winter. ... The Serbs have
lived here since fleeing Kosovo in 1999. They are among more than 200,000
who left their homes fearing violence by the ethnic Albanian majority after
Belgrade forces withdrew from the province and NATO-led peacekeepers from
KFOR were deployed." <2002.txt>

Jim Suhr (AP), "Michigan Admissions Policy Upheld," 14 Dec 00, "A federal
judge has upheld the University of Michigan's undergraduate admissions
policy of weighing the race of applicants in a closely watched case that
may be headed for the Supreme Court." <2003.txt>

Tony Perry (Los Angeles Times), "Oceanside's Mayor Stirs Pot With Police
Bias Charges," 13 Dec 00, "This racially diverse city's first black mayor
has set off a political storm only weeks after taking office by complaining
of 'deep-rooted racism and sexism' in the police department." <2004.txt>

Anjetta McQueen (AP), "Black Education Workers Get $4M," 12 Dec 00, "Black
employees denied promotions in the Education Department won $4 million from
the government to settle a 9-year-old federal discrimination case, the
workers' lawyers said Monday. Some 1,100 black upper-level employees filed
the class-action suit in 1991, saying vague job postings and arbitrary
decisions shut them out of top-level promotions in the 3,600-person
department headquarters." <2005.txt>

AP, "Wallenberg still alive, attorney says," 30 Dec 00, "An attorney for
the family of Raoul Wallenberg, who helped thousands of Jews escape Nazi
death camps, thinks the Swedish diplomat is still alive." <2006.txt>

Reuters, "U. S. again seeks Austrian museum's surrender of Nazi-stolen
art," 29 Dec 00, "A federal judge ruled on Thursday that the U.S.
government can renew its efforts to force an Austrian museum to forfeit an
Egon Schiele painting stolen by the Nazis from a Jewish family during World
War II." <2007.txt>

Peter Barabas (AP), "Jewish history museum vandalized: Pair demand to see
`Auschwitz soap'; beat up guard, 63," 29 Dec 00, "Two men who said they
were looking for 'soap made of human fat,' smashed windows and beat a guard
at a Jewish History museum in Romania on Thursday." <2008.txt>

Stefanie Olsen (CNET), "Anti-racism site target of cyberattack," 27 Dec 00,
"The Anti-Defamation League Web site was the target of an anti-Israel
attack this week, the latest in a string of cyber break-ins related to the
violence in the Middle East. The ADL Web site was taken over for about 20
minutes Tuesday by hackers who identified themselves as the "World's
Fantabulous Defacers." In lieu of the ADL home page, the attackers posted
threats to Israelis as well as pro-Palestinian sentiment. The hackers did
not gain access to any sensitive information." <2009.txt>

Clark Morphew (Pioneer Planet), "For Christian conservative leaders, George
W. was `Mr. Right'," 30 Dec 00, "You may have noticed that we finally have
a new president of the United States -- a Texas fellow who promises stuff,
such as enormous tax cuts. The truth about George W. Bush and his campaign
is that conservative religious people helped get him elected. These
supporters of George W. are Christian religious people with a good deal of
money. Some of them are Roman Catholic bishops who can twist a vote simply
by writing letters for their obedient priests to read in church on Sunday
morning. And some are fundamentalist, right-wing Christians, such as Pat
Robertson and Jerry Falwell, who claim to control the votes of millions of
true believers." <2010.txt>

                            * * * * *

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