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            The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 13 February 2001
                          Vol. 5, Number 10 (#512)

Action Alerts:
    Nottingham, England: 3 Mar 01 -- "No Nazis in Nottingham!"
    Emperor's Clothes, "Yugoslav Journalists' Fund"
Readers Write:
    Michel Chossudovsky, Jared Israel (editor, Emperor's Clothes) and Nico
       Varkevisser (President, Global Reflexion), "Don't entertain him -
       arrest him! Javier Solana's Belgrade Visit is an Outrage!" 7 Feb 01
News On the IBM/Holocaust Suit
    Tom Rhodes (The Times [of London]), "IBM link to Final Solution
       revealed," 11 Feb 01
    David Sims (Industry Standard), "Skeletons in Big Blue's Closet," 12 Feb
    John L. Micek (NewsFactor), "Book, Lawsuit Slam IBM's Nazi Ties," 12 Feb
Hate Crime at Jewish Cemetary:
    Linda Leicht (News-Leader), "Nazi symbols painted on gravestones," 7 Feb
    Linda Leicht (News-Leader), "Religious groups work together: Workers
       from area churches band together to fund cleanup, remove graffiti
       from graves," 8 Feb 01
    Angela Wilson (News-Leader), "Cemetery to be rededicated: A ceremony is
       set for Sunday; cleanup of Jewish graves continues," 8 Feb 01



No Nazis in Nottingham!
Saturday 3 March.
Assemble: Nottingham Prison, Perry Road, Nottingham, 12 noon

The Nazi National Front are hoping to hold a demonstration outside
Nottingham Prison on Saturday 3 March 2001.  The Anti Nazi League are
mobilising to stop them.

Last year the NF attempted to march in Nottingham.   They were forced to
wait in a park for nearly two hours in the pouring rain because of the
large number of people who had turned out to stop them.  Even when the
police tried to allow the NF to march Anti-Nazis occupied the area outside
the prison and the NF failed to reach the prison to hold their

The NF claimed they were marching because the prison holds sex offenders.
No local people joined the NF demonstration and the groups who are
campaiging around the prison have excluded the NF from any of their

The ANL in Nottingham have launched a campaign to stop this march,
contacting local councillors, MPs, footballers, celebrities and anyone who
lives in the area. When over 7,000 people signed a petition in Hastings to
stop the NF and showed they were prepared to come onto the streets to stop
the Nazis, the NF cancelled their demonstration.

Contact the ANL for details of activities in Nottingham to stop the NF in
the weeks leading up to the 3rd March and put your name to the petition to
keep Nottingham Nazi-free!

Anti Nazi League
PO Box 2566, London N4 1WJ
Phone: 020 7924 0333
Fax: 020 7924 0313

- - - - -

Yugoslav Journalists' Fund
Emperor's Clothes

Emperor's Clothes is trying to assist a few families of Yugoslav
journalists. These journalists are among the many journalists who have
literally been thrown out of work when thugs took over all TV and radio
stations and newspapers during and after the Oct. 5th coup. These attacks
are part of the terror in 'democratic' Serbia. We are providing some
financial help; we need to provide more.

It's really a privilege to be able to help these brave men and women who
are trying to report 'the other side' within Yugoslavia and, through
Emperor's Clothes and other media, to the outside world.

Meanwhile, our own operating costs have increased. (For instance, monthly
fees for the superb news media search engine Lexis have more than doubled.)

If you can make a contribution either to our general expenses or
specifically to help the Journalists' Fund, please do. Any amount will
help. To use our secure server, please go to
http://www.emperors-clothes.com/howyour.htm#donate. (If you use the secure
server and wish your contribution to go to the Journalists' Fund, please
send us a note at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Or you can mail a check to Emperor's Clothes, P.O. Box 610-321, Newton, MA

Or call 617 916-1705 from 9-5, Eastern U.S. time and ask for Bob. Thanks
very much!

[Emperor's Clothes]



Don't entertain him - arrest him! Javier Solana's Belgrade Visit is an
    Outrage!  [2-7-2001]
Michel Chossudovsky, Jared Israel (editor, Emperor's Clothes) and Nico
    Varkevisser (President, Global Reflexion)
7 Feb 01

Today several thousand Yugoslavs of varying political beliefs passionately
protested against Javier Solana's visit to Belgrade. This protest, loud and
spirited, was held in the center of Belgrade, on Knez Milosh Street,
outside the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It represents a most important act
of defiance, held in the face of widespread violence and intimidation
following the U.S-backed coup in Belgrade, Oct. 5th.

Javier Solana was head of NATO during and after NATO's 78 day bombing
campaign. He was convicted of mass murder by a Yugoslav court and
sentenced, in absentia, to 20 years hard labor. The court that made that
decision still has jurisdiction under Kostunica, who insists that he stands
for the rule of law.

Yet today Solana is in Belgrade. And the Kostunica/Djindjic regime is not
arresting him.

Now, all the media lies that were used as a pretext to bomb Yugoslavia --
from the lies about mass graves to the lies about the phony Racak massacre
have  been refuted by NATO's own data as well as by official organizations
such as  the FBI, Europol, the OSCE, the UNHCR and Finish Forensic experts.
And yet it is now, mocking Yugoslav justice, that the new Belgrade regime,
backed by NATO and the International Monetary Fund, invites Solana to
Belgrade. Not to arrest him, but to meet with him and to celebrate, while
at the same time they are hunting down those who resisted NATO and
indicting them for NATO's crimes.

Solana is a criminal. He is guilty of:

Crimes against humanity -- Javier Solana was head of NATO when, in
violation of its charter and all international law, it launched the bombing
war against Yugoslavia, including the use of nuclear-sheathed weapons. It
was Solana who was responsible for the destruction of the homes and lives
of Kosovo residents of all nationalities. It was Solana's NATO that has put
25 million people in the Balkans at risk by bombing the area with low level
nuclear weapons. Solana's NATO oversaw the expulsion of hundreds of
thousands of Yugoslavs from Kosovo after the bombing.

Crimes against the truth -- Solana was not only an organizer he was a
direct apologist for the war and the subsequent violent expulsions from
Kosovo. For example, after NATO bombed a group of returning Albanian
refugees in the town of Korisa, Solana went on TV declaring that the Serbs
were at fault for the deaths although in fact the killing was done by NATO

This truly insane argument was invoked recently by Carla Del Ponte of the
kangaroo-court War Crimes Tribunal, who accused Milosevich of being
esponsible for the deaths of 16 people when NATO bombed Serbian television.
Following Del Ponte's lead, the Belgrade government has threatened to
indict Dragoljub Milanovic, director of Serbian TV at that time, for the
NATO bombing. Thus the Kostunica/Djindjic government invites Javier Solana,
a convicted war criminal, to be wined and dined in Belgrade while trying to
jail Yugoslav leaders for the bombs that NATO dropped.

Many Yugoslavs voted for Vojislav Kostunica because they saw in him a hope
of peace with justice. But where is the justice when murderers are
entertained and the innocent are accused of their crimes? Now, when the
horrors of NATO's use of depleted uranium are coming out, it is incumbent
on those who supported this regime to join with all others in Yugoslavia
and around the world to condemn the real criminals: Solana, Clinton, Blair,
Schroeder, Chretien and all other NATO heads of state and heads of
government and their Yugoslav political puppets.

Further Reading

1) On NATO's carefully orchestrated campaign to turn neighbor against
neighbor before and during the bombing of Kosovo in 1999, see 'Why
Albanians Fled Kosovo During NATO Bombing' at

2) On NATO's involvement in expelling hundreds of thousands from Kosovo
after the bombing, see     'Driven from Kosovo: Jewish Leader Blames NATO
Interview With Cedda Prlincevic' at

3) On NATO's conscious effort to punish Yugoslavia by creating
environmental disasters, see 'NATO Willfully Triggered Environmental
Catastrophe In Yugoslavia' by Michel Chossudovsky at
http://emperors-clothes.com/articles/chuss/willful.htm and
'Chemical/Nuclear Warfare in Bosnia: Eyewitness To Hell' at

4) On NATO's attempt to replace international law with the rule of NATO,
see 'Humanitarian War: Making the Crime Fit the Punishment' by Diana
Johnstone at http://emperors-clothes.com/articles/Johnstone/crime.htm and
'Mocking Tradition and Practice NATO's War & World Security' by Raju Thomas
at http://emperors-clothes.com/analysis/security.htm

5) On the effort by distinguished Western lawyers to bring NATO to justice,
see 'Report: Meeting with Carla del Ponte on NATO Crimes of War' by Michael
Mandel at http://emperors-clothes.com/news/mandel.htm

6) On efforts to intimidate anti-NATO dissent in Yugoslavia, see "These
Djindjic People are Brownshirts," at

and "Report on the Dec. 23 Elections" by the British Helsinki Human Rights
Group at http://emperors-clothes.com/docs/srbele.htm



IBM link to Final Solution revealed
Tom Rhodes (The Times [of London])
11 Feb 01

IBM, the American computer giant, faces detailed charges today that it
collaborated in Hitler's persecution of the Jews.

More than half a century after the second world war, an American
investigative writer, Edwin Black, says he has found extensive evidence
that the Holocaust depended not on German efficiency but on American

Black writes that IBM punch card-sorters, a precursor of computers, were
used to facilitate all aspects of Nazi persecution from the identification
of Jews in censuses in Germany and occupied Europe to the running of
concentration camp slave labour. His book, IBM and the Holocaust, is
serialised today in The Sunday Times and published tomorrow in America and

"For the first time in history, an anti-semite had automation on his side.
Hitler didn't do it alone. He had help."

Black says Hitler's quest to destroy the Jews was "greatly enhanced and
energised" by IBM and its creator and chairman, Thomas J Watson (right).

Watson expressed admiration for Hitler and was awarded the Merit Cross of
the German Eagle with Star by the Führer. The Nazis regarded him as a
powerful friend, but his interest was profit, not ideology. He micromanaged
Dehomag, the company's German subsidiary, writes Black. "IBM NY understood
- from 1933 - it was doing business with the upper echelon of the Nazi

IBM has long acknowledged that its German subsidiary used punch card
technology in a 1933 census, soon after Hitler took power; but its role in
subsequent events has not been suspected, let alone investigated. The firm
has had good relations with organisations representing Holocaust survivors.
Two months ago, it donated hardware to help the Jewish Claims Conference
disburse German compensation payments.

Watson's son, Thomas J Watson Jr, who moved IBM into computers after the
war, disagreed with his father's attitude to the Nazis. "Dad's optimism
blinded him to what was going on in Germany," he once wrote.

According to IBM, its links with its Nazi-era German subsidiary were
severed in 1940. Black, however, has produced letters that indicate the IBM
chairman sent an emissary to Berlin to resolve problems in late 1941, when
America was about to enter the conflict.

The charges made by Black, whose parents, Polish Jews, both escaped death
during the Holocaust, arise from research into archives in America,
Germany, Britain, Israel, Holland, Poland and France. With the help of more
than 100 people, he assembled over 20,000 pages of documentation.

"Examined singly, none revealed the story," says Black. But put together,
they showed "IBM's conscious involvement - directly and through its
subsidiaries - in the Holocaust".

Black produces evidence that, although IBM protected its legal position by
instructing its subsidiaries not to trade with enemy countries, "elaborate
document trails were fabricated to demonstrate compliance when the opposite
was true".

IBM first became involved with Nazism because of Hitler's desire to
identify Germany's Jewish population before destroying it, Black says. "To
search generations of records all across Germany - and later Europe - was a
crossindexing task so monumental it called for a computer."

Equally, the mass movement of European Jews into ghettos and then into
concentration camps also required the powers of a computer. None existed;
but the IBM punch card and card-sorting system was available from its
German subsidiary.

Nazi demand for IBM technology became so great that the firm built a
factory near Berlin, vastly increasing its investment in the German

The book seems certain to cause a furore in America. It has been endorsed
in advance of publication by several prominent Jewish figures.

"Edwin Black has put together an impressive array of facts which result in
a shocking conclusion never realised before," said Simon Wiesenthal, the
director of the Jewish Documentation Centre in Vienna.

Michael Whine, the director of defence and group relations division of the
Board of Deputies of British Jews, called it a "vital book".

- - - - -

Skeletons in Big Blue's Closet
David Sims (Industry Standard)
12 Feb 01

PR nightmares don't come much worse than this one. A book set to be
released Monday by Edwin Black names IBM as a strategic accomplice in the
Nazi regime's cataloguing of Holocaust victims. "Hundreds of thousands of
human beings were being identified, sorted, assigned and transported by
means of (IBM's) card system," according to the U.K. tech site The
Register. It gets worse: Newseek's Michael Hirsh says the book reveals that
IBM didn't "avert its gaze discreetly" while its products were used by the
Nazis. Rather, "IBM was a full-service company."

That should keep the corporate communications folks at their desks in
Armonk over the weekend. Black's accusations, which some in the press
reported as "exhaustively" documented, will be tough to dismiss. And it's
already more than a public relations battle: A New York Times report by
Barnaby J. Feder focused on a lawsuit filed against IBM on Saturday. The
suit says IBM supplied technology it knew would be used to "facilitate
persecution and genocide." The timing's no coincidence, Feder notes: "The
lawyers acknowledge that public relations strategies have been as important
as legal arguments in their Holocaust suits and that, to date, they have
negotiated settlements totaling over $7 billion without winning a

Newsweek's Hirsh writes that Black got the idea for the book "after he
spotted a Hollerith machine (a pre-computer punch-card system) at the U.S
Holocaust Memorial in Washington" - a smoking gun in this case.

IBM will have its hands full distancing itself from this one, and it was
already on the defensive on Friday: "IBM finds the atrocities committed by
the Nazi regime abhorrent. ... If any of the allegations in the book turn
out to be true, we would condemn any actions that supported the Nazis."
Investors and customers may be assuaged, but the lawyers will want more
than contrition.

- - - - -

Book, Lawsuit Slam IBM's Nazi Ties
John L. Micek (NewsFactor)
12 Feb 01

A new book and lawsuit claim that the German wing of IBM (NYSE: IBM - news)
used its tabulating machinery to help Adolf Hitler identify and persecute
victims of the Holocaust.

In writing the book, "IBM and the Holocaust: The Strategic Alliance Between
Nazi Germany and America's Most Powerful Corporation," author Edwin Black
enlisted a team of 100 researchers to investigate the Nazi regime's use of
Hollerith tabulators, the mainframe computer of the time.

Black, a noted Holocaust investigator, wrote the book to shed light on
IBM's business dealings during the World War II era and the alleged extent
of the company's involvement with Nazi Germany.

'Highly Painful' Subject

IBM said in published reports that it will cooperate with independent
researchers, and that it had "deposited the relevant archives" with New
York University and Hohenheim University in Stuttgart, Germany. An IBM
spokesperson also told reporters that the company had not seen advance
copies of the book and could not comment on it.

According to news reports, IBM also responded to the issues raised in the
book with a letter posted on its internal bulletin board:

"A book will be published shortly stating that Hollerith tabulating
machines were used by the Nazi regime, and apparently speculating on the
activities of IBM's subsidiary in Germany at the time," the statement read.
"We recognize that its subject is an important and highly painful one for
many IBM-ers, their families, and the world community at large."

The Lawsuit

The controversy over Black's book comes as IBM was named in a lawsuit filed
last week in a U.S. court in Brooklyn, New York on behalf of five Holocaust
victims. According to news reports, the suit claims that IBM "knowingly
supplied technology used to catalog death camp victims and aided in the
persecution, suffering and genocide," of victims during World War II.

"Hitler could not have so quickly and efficiently identified and rounded up
Jews and other minorities, used them as slave laborers and ultimately
exterminated them, without IBM's assistance," the plaintiffs' lawyer,
Michael Hausfeld, said in a statement released Sunday.

Hausfield's Washington D.C.-based firm, Cohen, Milstein, Hausfeld & Toll,
was instrumental in forcing the German government to create a US$5 billion
reparations fund for Nazi-era slaves.

The lawsuit also claims that IBM has refused to permit researchers access
to its archives and other records that would prove the company's role in
the Holocaust. However, sections of Black's book were based on corporate
correspondence that IBM has made available to academic research libraries.

The Book

Black's book, which revives a controversial debate about IBM's dealings
with Hitler's Germany, paints a picture of a statistic-crazy Nazi regime
bent on locating, identifying and classifying those it perceived as

The book also says that IBM, as the primary supplier of database equipment
to Germany, helped this drive, not out of sympathy for Nazi policies but
rather from a desire to lock up the global market.

According to published reports, Black's book also details what are
described as the increasingly stormy relations between IBM and Dehomag, its
German subsidiary. At the time, Germany was IBM's No. 2 sales territory,
despite an international economic boycott.

Black also says that the tabulating machinery proliferated throughout the
German government and its business community during the 1930s, allowing
Hitler's Third Reich to cross-index the names, addresses, genealogy charts
and bank accounts of its citizens.



Nazi symbols painted on gravestones
Linda Leicht (News-Leader)
7 Feb 01

Springfield MO: Springfield police are looking for suspects in a cemetery
vandalism they are calling a hate crime.

Before dawn on Tuesday, police said, at least two men walked into the
Temple Beth Israel Cemetery on Seminole Street and spray painted Nazi
symbols on about 50 headstones.

A neighbor noticed the desecration at about 8 a.m. and called police. A
witness later told police two males entered the cemetery about 4 a.m.

After the neighbor called, detectives went to work collecting evidence and
questioning people, assembling a case for first-degree ethnic intimidation
charges under Missouri's hate crimes act.

David Zulke, an investigator on the case, called the incident "a blot on
the community" done by "hatemongers."

His information will be turned over to the organized crime unit, Zulke

"A bright, beautiful day was darkened by hate and ignorance," he said.

Family members arrived at the cemetery, sadly shaking their heads as they
surveyed the defaced headstones.

"How can anyone do something like this?" said Zari Hankins, a French
Moroccan immigrant who has lived in Springfield for 45 years. Her son-in-
law is buried in the cemetery.

The attack is another in a series of incidents involving hate symbols like
the swastikas found on the monuments. Two recent commercial burglaries
involved similar signs.

Sgt. Kevin Routh, who heads up the organized crime and gang unit, said all
three incidents "smack of being connected."

In the two buglaries, in the 400 hundred block of South Union Avenue and
the 3100 block of East Sunshine Street, swastikas and Ku Klux Klan symbols
were either painted or carved on walls.

"When we locate suspects in any of these cases, we will definitely be
looking at the suspects being involved in any of the other crimes," Routh

There have been no other recent incidents like these in the city, but three
cases of openly displayed hate symbols is "concerning," he said.

"It's a priority that we deal with them."

Routh said first-degree ethnic intimidation is a Class C felony that is
punishable by two to seven years in prison and up to a $5,000 fine. The
charge specifically addresses property crime with a motive relating to the
race, color, religion or national origin of the victim.

Hyman Lotven, 89, is caretaker at the small 106-year-old cemetery. He said
the gates have been open for the past 20 years without incident.

Joyle Arbeitman walked tightlipped as she saw the desecration. The name of
her father-in-law, Benjamin Arbeitman, who flew over Normandy on D-Day, was
partially obscured by the red paint.

"This is more than idiocy," she said. "it goes to the heart of hate."

When Rabbi Rita Sherwin arrived, the two embraced. "This is hard,"
Arbeitman said, her face collapsing into grief for the first time.

Like many of the Jewish community, Sherwin refused to be victimized by the

"It's a terrible, stupid thing, but we just can't let it faze us."

- - - - -

Religious groups work together: Workers from area churches band together to
     fund cleanup, remove graffiti from graves
Linda Leicht (News-Leader)
8 Feb 01

Springfield MO:  The faith community in Springfield has responded to a hate
crime at a Jewish cemetery by joining together.

When it was discovered that someone had spray painted Nazi markings on
about 50 monuments in the Temple Beth Israel Cemetery overnight, Christians
and Jews gathered together Tuesday to wipe out the symbols.

"We need to let the Jewish community know that we are shocked and
horrified," said Charles Bahn, pastor at National Avenue Christian Church
and president of the Ministerial Alliance, as he wiped the red paint off
the Karchmer family marker.

Jesse Thornton, director of the Council of Churches, committed the
organization to overseeing the cleanup.

About 8 a.m., a neighbor called the police to report the vandalism. By 1
p.m., the cemetery was filled with people who wanted to do something about

Christians from various faith communities grabbed rags and cleaning fluid
to remove the swastikas and "SS" symbols.

"It is really exciting to know that the community is banding together in
response," to the desecration, said Karen Aroesty, regional director for
the Anti-Defamation League.

"The victims of hate crimes are not the only targets," she said. "The
people who live in the community who would not condone this behavior, who
believe they are righteous people...they suffer as well."

Dorsey Levell. a retired Methodist pastor and former director of the
Council of Churches, donned coverall and, with his wife Carolyn, knelt down
to get to work.

"We want to clean it up for the Jewish people," said Dennis Rutledge, area
minister for the Disciples of Christ.

"Creating brotherhood, that's what they need to do," Aroesty said. "The
ultimate zero-tolerance response to hate is action against that
hate...That's really special."

Police say at least two males are sought in the crime. Anyone with
information about the vandalism is asked to call Crime Stoppers at (417)

- - - - -

Cemetery to be rededicated: A ceremony is set for Sunday; cleanup of Jewish
     graves continues
Angela Wilson (News-Leader)
8 Feb 01

Springfield MO: Crews and volunteers Wednesday scraped away the layers of
red paint from Jewish headstones in Temple Israel Cemetery.

As the cleanup continued, Rabbi Rita Sherwin began planning a ceremony to
reconsecrate the cemetery.

The cemetery will be rededicated Sunday, a move many church leaders believe
is necessary.

"That is holy ground that has been desecrated by hate and must be
reconsecrated," said Kenneth Chumbley, rector of Christ Episcopal Church.

About 50 grave markers were defaced early Tuesday morning, when at least
two males reportedly spray-painted Nazi symbols on them.

Police say they have few leads and are still searching for the suspects.

Several people stopped by Wednesday to see for themselves the swastikas and
Nazi symbols.

Debbie McMahon of Rogersville wiped paint thinner along polished surfaces
of stones to get the remaining paint from inside the carved letters.

"It was my duty," McMahon, 48, said,, "...How would you feel if it was your
mom and dad?"

Though the crime was upsetting, many in the Jewish community were thankful
it wasn't more serious.

"Anything that I can replace with money doesn't bother me," said Hyman
Lotven. "God forbid if those (guys) would have killed two children in
Springfield. That would bother me far more than cleaning up."

Sgt. Kevin Routh said investigators discovered the incident isn't related
to two commercial burglaries involving similar symbols of hate, as first
suspected. The suspects arrested in connection with the burglaries were in
custody at the time of the vandalism.

Investigators talked with some affiliated with white supremacist
organizations Wednesday in search of suspects. They are also sifting
through previous reports looking for connections.

"With a crime of ethnic intimidation, we focus more on what the motive is,"
said Routh, head of the organized crime and gang unit. "The motive is a key
component of that crime."

A crime is considered ethnic intimidation when it is committed because of
someone's race or origin," Routh said. Springfield investigates less than
five ethnic intimidation cases a year, he said.

Several say the incident will stimulate efforts to educate the community
about racism. But McMahon believes it will take more than education to stop
hate crimes.

"It could be anyone with hate in their hearts," she said. "Hopefully, God
will do something to change their hearts."

                            * * * * *

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