I am sorry to clutter the entire list with what is a personal message, but
I do not have Cheryl from Ganisville's e-mail address, nor was I smart
enough to writer down her last name before I carelessly erased the e-mail
message she left me.

So Cheryl, I am not ignoring you.  I was just technologically incompetant
today. I invite you to please contact me again either by phone at
202-547-2500 or by e-mail at resgeneral@acorn and we can discuss
welfare/workfare research for the City of Ganisville.  Thank you.


Nathan Henderson-James, Research Coordinator
ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   202-547-2500 voice   202-546-2483 fax
Our job is to comfort the afflicted, and afflict the comfortable.
                                        -- Mother Jones
This Week in History: 4/27/94: South Africa's first all-race elections.
5/1/1830: Birth of Mary Harris (Mother Jones).

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