It's war as Major takes on Thatcher over leadership 

Nicholas Watt, political correspondent
Wednesday August 22, 2001
The Guardian

John Major will today throw his weight behind Kenneth Clarke in the Tory
leadership contest, intensifying the party's civil war in
the wake of Margaret Thatcher's provocative intervention. 

As the party embarks on its most serious round of bloodletting in years
after Lady Thatcher warned that Mr Clarke would be a
"disaster" for the Tories, Mr Major will praise the former chancellor as
the candidate best placed to reach out to the middle

The former prime minister, who has never forgiven Iain Duncan Smith for
his role as one of the Maastricht rebels in the mid 1990s,
will appear on Radio 4's Today programme this morning as ballot papers
drop on to the doormats of 300,000 Tory party members.
This will be followed by a lengthy article in this week's Spectator

The presence of two former Tory prime ministers, who loathe each other,
on opposing sides in the Tory leadership contest will
intensify what is turning into a bruising civil war. 

Mr Clarke, who will face Mr Duncan Smith in their only public debate of
the campaign on BBC2's Newsnight tonight, tore into
Lady Thatcher within hours of her warning. On the Today programme, he
accused Lady Thatcher of holding extreme views on
Europe which had prompted her to plot against Mr Major. 

Pointedly refusing to use her title, Mr Clarke said: "Mrs Thatcher was
heavily involved in encouraging people to rebel against
Maastricht. I think Mrs Thatcher was more disloyal to John Major than
Ted Heath ever was to Mrs Thatcher." 

Mr Duncan Smith said that nobody should be horrified by Lady Thatcher,
who was a "very successful prime minister". But the
Clarke camp wheeled out a succession of grandees to warn that a victory
for the Thatcher favourite would lead to electoral

Lord Heseltine, the former deputy prime minister, asked on The World at
One: "Is Margaret's endorsement going to help that
generation of younger people that we've got to attract back? I don't
think myself that that is the case." 

Ann Widdecombe, the shadow home secretary, said that Lady Thatcher
should have kept her views private. "Lady Thatcher
became prime minister 21 years ago. It is time to move on." 

The force of the Clarkeites' response reflected their anger that the
former prime minister believes she "owns the party" after she
backed the winners in the last two contests - Mr Major in 1990 and
William Hague in 1997. But their remarks reflected a feeling
that Lady Thatcher's blunt language has provided the Clarke camp with a
chance to tap into fears among many party members
that Lady Thatcher's hold over the party has contributed to its
catastrophic performance in the polls.

Full article at:,9061,540590,00.html

Michael Keaney
Mercuria Business School
Martinlaaksontie 36
01620 Vantaa


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