This could all just be right-wing BS, about an impending USMC action
against Iraq. has some new pieces as well, mostly from the
UK prestige press like the Guardian and the Independent, on the recent
airstrikes against Iraq.
WorldNetDaily purveys a heady RW brew...well not entirely RW, Alex Cockburn
has a column there! And, I see Dr. Lenora Fulani has returned to
("Sharpton's dilemma")
Debka, in my few glances at it, seems a Hawkish, Israeli version of
Stratfor. Stratfor junkies, btw, don't pay whatever they are asking now for
their geo-political punditry, go to this URL
, for the latest, WND runs a new one every weekday.
The below is from [EMAIL PROTECTED], one of a zillion
conservative Xtian millenialist lists, Gotta reread the Chipsters summary of
pre, mid and post-tribulationalist viewpoints to figure these folks out.
KJV is King James Bible, natch.
Michael Pugliese 4JC sez
 , "No King But Jesus!"

Message: 6
   Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2001 07:15:24 -0700
   From: "Georgia Reams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: U.S. Iraq attack to involve ground troops
U.S. Iraq attack to involve ground troops
White House plans multi-pronged offensive against Hussein

Editor's note: DEBKAfile's electronic news publication is a news-cum-
analysis live wire, online round the clock seven days a week. A
weekly edition,DEBKA-Net-Weekly, is now available through Drawing on DEBKAfile's unique sources, analytical
talents and forward-looking insights, it is presented as a compact,
intelligence-angled weekly package. It is available as a direct e-
mail feed or via the Internet.

© 2001

An imminent U.S. attack against Iraq will not be limited to air
strikes and missile barrages but involve ground forces, according to
sources quoted by the DEBKA-Net-Weekly intelligence service.

U.S. Marines who trained in desert warfare last month were flown to
the region this week, according to the report. The Marines were
trained in air landings of men, armor and artillery and in combined
ground and air operations. They were told in no uncertain terms they
could be called upon to move against Iraqi army forces in eastern
Jordan and western Iraq.

Signs in Riyadh, Kuwait, Jerusalem and Cairo point to an imminent
U.S. operation. U.S. and Israeli spy satellites and planes flying
over central and western Iraq last week found Scud B-1 and Scud-C
missile launchers deployed at two Iraqi air bases, H-3 in the west
and al-Baghdadi in the center of the country, the intelligence
service reports. According to the photos, Iraq has also moved to
these bases – where Iraqi armored brigades have been deployed since
July – batteries of upgraded SA-6 anti-aircraft missiles of the type
used to shoot down a U.S. drone this week. These improved surface-to-
air missiles can hit targets flying above 23,000 feet. U.S. and
Israeli reconnaissance data also revealed an increase over the past
10 days in the number of Iraqi military personnel stationed near
Syrian armored headquarters in northern Syria since the end of July.

Nonetheless, Washington has yet to make a final decision, and the
operation could be postponed for several days, Debka reports.

In the past 24 hours, Israel has passed to the United States fresh
intelligence information regarding the visit to Damascus last week by
Iraqi Vice President Taha Yassin Ramadan. Ramadan, who turned up
suddenly for urgent talks with Syrian President Bashar Assad and
Syrian military chiefs, conveyed a personal appeal from Iraqi leader
Saddam Hussein to order a Hezbollah attack on Israel the moment the
U.S. strikes at Iraq. Assad agreed to Saddam's request.

Saddam counts on Israel being pinned down by the Hezbollah and,
therefore, too busy to join the fray against Iraq. Ramadan told his
Syrian hosts that Iraq, if attacked by America, would not hesitate to
launch missile strikes against Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Israel, as
well as U.S. military targets in the Middle East, Red Sea and Persian

The Israelis also handed on intelligence information that the talks
Palestinian foreign affairs executive Nabil Shaath held in Damascus
this week centered on Syrian-Palestinian-Hezbollah collaboration in
anticipation of a U.S. offensive against Iraq. Arafat's visit to the
Syrian capital did not come up at all, despite reports to the

Nabil Shaath, a businessman who never touches military issues, was
deliberately picked by Arafat to go to Damascus to disguise his real

On another front, military sources report that the Egyptian Second
Army exercise beginning at the Suez Canal port of Ismailia Tuesday
also changed its character in the light of a possible U.S. strike
against Iraq. Originally planned as a joint maneuver for the Second
and Third armies, to take place in the first week of September on the
west bank of the Suez canal, its first objective was to subject
Israel to Egyptian political and military heat in its war with the

Those plans changed as a consequence of last week's visit to Cairo by
Gen. Tommy Franks, chief of the U.S. Central Command, to furnish the
Egyptian government with information on the up and coming U.S.
military operation against Iraq.

So it was the Second Army, whose electronic warfare systems are more
sophisticated than the Third Army's, which began maneuvers this week
in the Ismailia area, along with the Egyptian air force.

Those systems and intense Egyptian air activity were useful for
masking U.S. air and sea transport of the aircraft and equipment
required for the anti-Iraq operation. U.S. military flights passed
through Egyptian air bases and U.S. air bases in the Sinai,
particularly Sharm el-Sheikh.

In addition to the Second Army's role in these diversionary tactics,
the Third Army was put on the alert for unusual military activity in
the Middle East and Persian Gulf. The highly mobile and capable Third
Army has three parachute battalions and the means – some of them
American – to drop them over various points in the Middle East and
the Persian Gulf, at no more than three to four hours' notice.

Pointers to a U.S. military operation were also heard, according to
military sources, in Jerusalem and in the telephone conversations
U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell held with Israeli Prime Minister
Ariel Sharon and Foreign Minister Shimon Peres in the second half of
the week. Powell asked them, on behalf of President Bush, to be
considerate of U.S. military activity against Iraq and display the
utmost restraint in the face of Palestinian terrorist activities.
That is why Sharon informed Powell of Israel's consent to withdraw
its troops from Palestinian Beit Jala, notwithstanding continued
Palestinian gunfire from the village against Jerusalem.

Military sources say, in the light of evidence on the ground, that
the next U.S. anti-Baghdad operation will differ from previous U.S.
strikes. Previously, bombs, missiles and cruise missiles were
deployed against Iraqi strategic targets. This time, along with
planes and missiles, the brunt of the operation will be carried by
U.S. Special Forces landing in eastern Jordan, western Iraq and maybe
even northern Syria. They will first wipe out the Iraqi military
forces stationed in Jordan and Syria, then advance and destroy the
Iraqi armored forces, missiles and planes deployed in the H-3 and al-
Baghdadi air bases. After that, U.S. Special Forces troops will go on
to attack military targets in central Iraq and possibly, Iraqi bases
around Baghdad, too.

Links, articles, teaching, news and exposes relating to the end of the age
light of Bible prophecy. Also discernment and pages warning of cults and
satan`s devices. Pre-Trib, KJV only.

Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common
salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort [you] that ye
should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the
saints.  Jude 3





Don't forget to pray for Israel  Psalms 122:6, 7

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