The Report analyses the troubled state of the world economy and asks some key questions:

  • Do recent signs of recovery suggest the United States has now thrown off the legacies of earlier financial excess, or is a more uncertain period of jobless growth the more likely scenario in the coming year? And are the constraints on growth in the European Union structural or macroeconomic in origin?

  • What has allowed Asia to steer through the global downturn and re-establish its position as growth hub of the South?

  • What caused the trade and financial surges of the 1990s, and should policy makers in developing countries be counting on their repetition?

  • Does downsizing the public sector and promoting private investment attract foreign direct investment and describe a good investment climate?

  • Why are parts of the developing world ““deindustrializing““, and is this damaging their development prospects?

  • What are the ingredients of competitive success in today“s rapidly integrating world economy, and which countries have been finding the right blend?

  • Are there alternatives to the ““Washington Consensus““?

Price: US$ 39 (Developed countries)
Price: US$ 19 (Developing countries)


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