December 04, 2001

Doha: Saving Wto, Killing Democracy

By Vandana Shiva

Doha was described by Robert Zoellick, the U.S. Trade Representative, as 
having "removed the stain of Seattle". Seattle stands as a historical 
watershed, through which citizens mobilised democratically to respond to 
free-trade treaties and agendas of corporate globalisation.

W.T.O., like NAFTA, FTAA is designed to exclude democratic decision making 
in economic affairs. At the domestic level, W.T.O. destroys economic 
democracy through rules that prevent people, parliaments and governments 
from providing economic security and livelihoods and jobs for their people.

It undermines economic sovereignty and national constitutions by usurping 
the space of national decision making as it did on issues of IPRs, 
Agriculture, Services & Investment in the Uruguay Round, and as it has 
attempted in Doha on issues of natural resources, investment, competition, 
government procurement and trade facilitation. At the international level, 
W.T.O. is loaded in process and content by the agenda of the rich and 
powerful corporations and countries.

Seattle stopped the enlargement of this undemocratic structure and its 
undemocratic processes. People from across the world, and governments of 
poor countries stopped a new round from being launched. W.T.O's failure was 
democracy's victory. This victory of democracy is being described by 
Zoellick as the "stain of Seattle". Removing the "stain" of democracy is 
what Doha was designed for and achieved.

First, Doha was chosen as a venue to escape from popular response of 
citizens mobilising on a large scale as they did in Seattle, Gothenberg, 

The democratic expression of civil society was attempted to be muffled by 
the location and restrictions on visas. The democratic rights of poor 
countries were extinguished by bull dozing, armtwisting, undemocratic and 
non-democratic processes for which W.T.O. has become famous.

Doha's success was based on democratic failure. W.T.O. which had been 
derailed in Seattle by the combined force of people and developing 
countries was, "put on track" in Doha, according to Pascal Lamy, the E.U. 
trade commissioner.

During his trip to India immediately after Doha for the E.U. India business 
Summit, Pascal Lamy admitted that W.T.O. is a "medieval" institution in 
desperate need for reform, but a new round had to be launched before the 
reform process otherwise W.T.O. could have been destroyed.

This is like arguing that an infectious disease must be allowed to spread 
because curing it might kill the infectious agent. If reform of a diseased 
organisation is not possible, then we need to build healthier and more 
democratic institutions. Democracy cannot be systematically throttled to 
save undemocratic institutions. Saving democracy should be the criteria, 
not saving W.T.O.

Pascal Lamy has described the new round launched at Doha as a new global 
deal on Trade, Development and Environment. The "global deal' is the 
enlargement and acceleration of perverse and polarising, globalisation. It 
is a "deal" in which the rich grab more from the poor instead of giving more.

Development has been reinterpreted to mean trade liberalisation and 
environment is being reinterpreted to mean free trade in natural resources. 
Unfortunately the very meaning and content of "development" and 
"environment" is being forced to undergo change.

Development means self-generative, self-determined growth of an organism, a 
society, or a country. It was used to refer to actions taken by governments 
in an effort to improve people's well-being by ensuring their basic needs 
of livelihoods - food, water, health and education are met. It was used by 
poor countries in trade negotiations at W.T.O. to refer to the basic needs 
of their people.

"Development" has been redefined by the rich countries further 
globalisation and unrestricted growth of trade. Even development aid is 
targetted at promotion of "free" trade. After Doha, the slogan of "trade, 
not aid" has been altered to "aid for trade" which in effect means using 
tax payer's money as subsidies for exports and conditionalities for trade 

In other words, rich countries are to use their citizens money to subsidise 
corporate, commercial activity. The poor in poor countries have disappeared 
from the "development" equation.

For Pascal Lamy and the European Commission, Doha was a "development round. 
"Development" has been redefined as "trade liberalisation" and economic 
reform for corporate welfare and the welfare of the rich. While addressing 
the E.U. India Business Summit in New Delhi on 22nd November 2001, Lamy 
referred to the EU-India cooperation in Science and Technology, Trade and 
Investment and said,

All this is part of our natural effort to get in place the type of 
"software" that facilitates the everyday life of people like you, business 
people, who work on turning our aspirations into reality: namely to 
exchange goods and services that our consumers want, and to undertake the 
investments that are needed to produce these goods and services, at prices 
and quality standards that are competitive internationally.

Notice the mutation of the development agenda -- India has been reduced to 
her business people who can export good and services to Europe. Her women, 
her children, her peasants, tribals, craftspeople, workers and their basic 
rights have all disappeared.

India's production is not for creating livelihoods for the Indian people or 
creating livelihoods for the Indian people or meeting their basic needs. 
India must produce for rich European consumers, and "undertake investments" 
not for her people's development but for commercial interests and the 
growth of consumerism in the North. And she must provide goods and services 
to the rich in the North at "internationally competent prices" -- not at 
just and fair prices that respect workers rights, ensure just wages and 
defend people's livelihoods.

In other words, India's workers and farmers must become poorer, her women 
and children must starve, so that the rich can buy goods and services more 
cheaply and commercial profits can increase. For this to happen, trade and 
investment must be further deregulated and "liberalised", labour laws must 
be dismantled and labour markets deregulated.

Corporations should have more freedom to make super-profits, and public 
money of the North and South should be redirected from support to the poor 
to a subsidy for rich corporations and rich consumers. This is the new 
"development agenda" of the rich.

Instead of development being sovereign, self-determined provisioning of 
basic needs for the poor, Doha has formalised development as exploiting the 
labour and resources of the poor to provide cheap goods and services for 
the rich.

The "development agenda" of Doha is in fact an anti-development agenda 
based on transforming natural resources and labour of the South into 
environmental and social subsidies for wasteful consumption and 
non-sustainable commerce.

Unfortunately even though it was India's Commerce Minister Musoli Maran who 
fought hardest against further liberalisation of trade and investment in 
Doha, his first announcement on returning to India was to accelerate the 
pace of economic reforms and liberalise investments.

If liberalisation of trade and investment is destructive of Third World 
people's livelihoods and well-being, and that is why it is resisted by 
countries like India in W.T.O., Mr. Maran's commitment to "autonomous 
reforms" to implement the very agenda he resisted and got deferred in Doha 
is like committing suicide because you have been threatened with murder. 
Murder threats need to be responded by heightened protection, not 

The people of India reject the imposition of irresponsible commerce and 
corporate globalisation by W.T.O., or by government, because the impact on 
people is the same -- more farmers committing suicide, more children dying 
of hunger, more violence against women, more workers without jobs.

That is why a very broad alliance of "Indian People's Campaign against WTO" 
has been formed which held a rally of more than 100,000 people on 6th Nov, 
before Doha, and after Doha told the government that is globalisation 
policies would be strongly resisted. The people of India will define and 
shape their own development, base don sustainability and justice.

People's rights to natural resources and livelihoods is at the heart of the 
development agenda of the poor in India. It is also at the heart of our 
environment agenda. It is the poorest of Indian communities who fight 
hardest to defend their seeds, their forests, their land, their rivers.

For us environment is not a luxury, but the very basis of survival. That is 
why international environmental agreements like the Montreal Protocol on 
Ozone depleting substances, the Basel Convention, banning trade in toxics, 
the Rio Convention on Biological Diversity and Climate Change and the 
Biosafety protocol to regulate GMOs and the Kyoto protocol to reduce CO2 
emissions are such important instruments of environmental justice for us.

However, in Doha a distorted attempt was made to reduce the environmental 
agenda to an agenda of the rich -- of appropriating the natural resources 
of the poor for commercial profit and making commerce take precedence over 

Patents and Biopiracy are the instruments promoted and legitimatised by the 
rich country IPR systems and the TRIPs agreement of W.T.O. for take over of 
the natural wealth of biodiversity which is the livelihood base of the two 
thirds of humanity in the Third World.

Even though Article 27.3 (b) of TRIPs which imposes patents on life, 
establishes corporate monopolies on seeds and plant varieties, and enables 
biopiracy was to have been reviewed and reformed in accordance to a 
mandatory review started 2 years ago no corrections were made in TRIPs in 
Doha to change the distorted, perverse, unjust and unethical system of IPRs 
it forces on people.

Much PR mileage has been claimed by W.T.O and rich countries on a TRIPs 
declaration related to public health. However, Doha failed to legally 
modify TRIPs to protect farmers' right to seed and the integrity of 
biodiversity, and indigenous knowledge systems.

Two thirds of the health care in Third World societies is based on 
biodiversity based indigenous medical systems. Biopiracy of the plants and 
knowledge which are the basis of indigenous health care is also a threat to 
public health. The legal reform and correction of TRIPs to stop biopiracy 
of the intellectual and biodiversity wealth of the Third World continues to 
be blocked by rich countries. This is the incomplete agenda of modifying 
TRIPs that needs to be completed.

The environment movement in the South and the North has been among the 
strongest critics of free trade and globalisation because of its impact on 
the environment. The streets of Seattle were full of environmental 
activists. The Doha declaration is a desperate attempt by governments to 
subvert the environment movement and the multilateral Environment 
Agreements, and to promote free trade in natural resources.

The problem with the Trade and Environment agenda of the Doha Round is not 
that environment will be used to restrict free trade but that it will be 
used to expand free trade to cover water, and other "environmental goods 
and services" as the U.S. proposed para 31(iii) of the Doha declaration 
states. Doha's environmental agenda threatens to become an anti-environment 
agenda if the environmental movements of South and North are not vigilant.

One of the major reasons for the collapse of the Seattle negotiations was 
the attempt by U.S. to drag the environmental issue of the ecological risks 
of GMOs into W.T.O. while the developing countries and E.U. wanted it 
covered by the Biosafety protocol of Convention on Biological Diversity. If 
Biosafety issues related to GMOs are primarily determined by the free trade 
rules of W.T.O., they will be viewed as non-tariff trade barriers and will 
be diluted.

If, on the other hand, CBD and environmental criteria take precedence, 
trade rules will have to change to ensure regulation for Biosafety. By 
usurping the MEA agenda at Doha, W.T.O. could undermine the environmental 
treaties. The outcome of Rio needs to be defended at Rio+10 at Johannesburg.

The Earth Summit needs to set the agenda for environmental reform of W.T.O. 
not vice versa. Over the next two years before the Fifth Ministerial, 
environment and development groups and movements need to build up enough 
public pressure and public opinion to promote environmental and sustainable 
development goal, and reform of global institutions and trade treaties to 
reach those goals. Transformation of W.T.O. rules and structures will have 
to be an important part of this agenda.

The work of Seattle needs to continue. It is the undemocratic stain of Doha 
product and process which needs to be removed. This requires a 
reinvigoration of the new democracy movement which has so far been referred 
to only negatively as the anti-globalisation movement.

The agenda for the new democracy movement will, at a minimum, need to 
include :-

1. The democratic right of citizens and countries to restrict imports to 
defend livelihoods and prevent the impoverishment of people.

2. The democratic right of citizens and countries to regulate trade and 
commerce to defend people's rights to natural resources and prevent 
ecological destruction.

3. The right of people of all countries to food sovereignty, water 
sovereignty and biodiversity sovereignty, the reclaiming water and 
biodiversity as commons, and food as a basic need.

4. The democratic right of people to regulate investment for ecological and 
social justice.

5. The democratic right of people to not allow public wealth and tax payers 
money to subsidise corporations. Public wealth must be used for public 
good, not private gain.

In terms of changes in W.T.O. rules this implies :-

1. The sovereign rights of countries to impose Quantitative Restrictions on 

2. MEAs have precedence over W.T.O rules.

3. A "food security" or "development" box is introduced in the A.A before 
the next Ministerial to exempt countries from trade rules on ground of food 
security and livelihood security for farmers.

4. The TRIPs review is completed before the Fifth Ministerial to make 
patents on life, seed monopolies and biopiracy illegal.

5. Water is not allowed to be covered under para 32(iii) of the Doha 

6. No Investment Agreement or Negotiations in W.T.O. 

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