WSJ, June 26, 2002
U.S. Subsidies Create Cotton Glut
That Hurts Foreign Cotton Farms


KOROKORO, Mali -- After the first good rains of the season visited this
West African village earlier this month, Mody Sangare hitched his one-blade
plow to two lanky oxen and began turning over the dirt of his fields.
Walking barefoot behind the plow, the 22-year-old farmer would spend the
next 14 days tilling and planting 15 acres of cotton.

And for what, he wonders? The price being offered to Mali's cotton farmers
this year is 10% lower than last year's -- a pitiful sum itself, given that
world cotton prices had fallen to the most unprofitable level in three
decades. After the last harvest, once the farming costs were paid, the
Sangare family was left with less than $2,000 for the year to support two
dozen family members and relatives. Mr. Sangare worries that this year's
lower prices, along with higher fertilizer and pesticide costs, probably
mean that the family will be unable to replenish their cattle stock. They
may also have to stop supporting their youngest brother's high-school
education, which is a luxury here.

Mody Sangare and his nephew use oxen to plow their cotton field.
"We'll have to reduce what we can buy," says Mr. Sangare, wearing a
sweat-soaked brown shirt and tattered green pants. "These prices are really
going to ruin us."

On the same June day that the rain came to Korokoro, cotton seedlings half
a world away in the U.S. pushed up through the thick black soil of
Perthshire Farms, a 10,000-acre cotton plantation in the Mississippi Delta.
Kenneth B. Hood, the eldest of four brothers who run the farm, climbed into
the air-conditioned cab of a $125,000 Case tractor and prepared to give the
seedlings a dousing of fertilizer.

The enormous tractor, one of 12 on the farm, is equipped with digital
displays, four-wheel drive and an air-cushioned seat. The 61-year-old Mr.
Hood, wearing a button-down oxford shirt, fiddled with a global positioning
satellite system that indicates how much fertilizer to squirt onto the plants.

There's no obvious sign here in Gunnison, Miss., that world cotton prices
are at rock bottom. Mr. Hood and his family are continuing to buy parcels
of land. The next day, in New Orleans, he went to the Ritz-Carlton hotel,
meeting with other directors of the National Cotton Council. "There are
lots of reasons to be optimistic," says Mr. Hood, who this year is chairman
of the powerful industry trade group.

The biggest reason for Mr. Hood's upbeat outlook is also the biggest reason
for Mr. Sangare's despair: subsidies. American farmers get them in
abundance. Malian tillers don't.

In past years, farm subsidies have been criticized for widening the gap
between rich and poor. Since Sept. 11, such subsidies have generated an
even sharper controversy: they work directly against the U.S. effort to
combat global poverty as part of a broader campaign against terrorism.
Fearing that misery in the developing world may make it a breeding ground
for instability and terrorism, the U.S. government is aiming to promote
development aid and open trade.

But this strategy is undermined by subsidies to U.S. farmers, which help
depress global prices of some vital cash crops that developing countries
count on. In Mali, the U.S. spends $40 million a year on education, health
and other programs. That investment is blunted by sagging prices for
cotton, Mali's main cash crop. The state cotton company predicts a deficit
of about $30 million this season.

Alienated and Angry

As a result, the very people who are supposed to be soothed by the
anti-poverty offensive are becoming more alienated and angry. Mali, a
predominantly Muslim country, has been largely peaceful since Sept. 11, but
frustrations are mounting nonetheless. "This is where America is heading:
It wants to dominate the world, economically and militarily," says Mody
Diallo, a leader of the farmer's union in the Malian regional center of

Meanwhile, a new U.S. farm bill rich with subsidies means that many U.S.
cotton growers will receive half of their income from the government this
year. Although a relatively small share of the farm population -- just
25,000 of America's two million farmers actually raise cotton -- their
affluence and influence is legendary in Washington. The average net worth
of a full-time American cotton-farming household, including land and
nonfarm assets, is about $800,000, according to the U.S. Department of

This contradiction is likely to be spotlighted this week, when the leaders
of the Group of Eight industrialized nations meet in Canada with plans to
launch a new effort to help develop Africa's economies. Back home, many of
those same leaders will be raising or maintaining subsidies and tariffs on
a range of products that would further marginalize African trade.

"Our rhetoric doesn't match our behavior," says Allan Gray, an agricultural
economist at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Ind. "It goes to show
that when push comes to shove, U.S. domestic policy trumps foreign policy
every time."

While subsidies protect growers in America and several other countries from
falling world prices, they generally further depress prices by encouraging
continued production, and thus cripple growers in less subsidized
countries. Few places are these skewed economics more evident than in the
gap between the cotton growers in the U.S.'s Mississippi Delta and Africa's
Niger Delta. America is the world's largest exporter of cotton, and West
Africa is the third, leaving both subject to market forces that have
slashed prices by 66% since 1995 to 40 cents a pound. World trade in cotton
has stagnated, ever since Russia's textile-making industry, long a big
consumer of fiber, collapsed in the 1990s. What's more, cotton is
increasingly competing with polyester, which is becoming more popular in
some parts of the world.

Armed with roughly $3.4 billion in subsidy checks, U.S. farmers last year
harvested a record crop of 9.74 billion pounds of cotton, aggravating a
U.S. glut and pushing prices far below the break-even price of most growers
around the world. This year, U.S. cotton farmers are expecting to pocket
even more, thanks to the $118 billion, six-year farm bill signed by
President Bush in May. The government program ensures farmers reap about 70
cents a pound of cotton by making up for any shortfall in the market with
federal checks. Unlike several past farm bills, the latest one doesn't
require farmers to leave some of their land idle in order to qualify for
the aid.

In contrast, Mali's government, hard-pressed to provide even the most basic
health care and education to a nation that is one of the 10 least developed
in the world, can't keep up with subsidies of its own.

Cotton could be a key engine of poverty reduction for Mali and nearby
states, according to a joint study by the World Bank and International
Monetary Fund. In West and Central Africa, cotton cultivation employs more
than two million rural households. African cotton, much of which is
hand-picked, is just as good as American cotton.

The report estimates that the removal of U.S. subsidies -- which account
for much of the $5 billion a year in subsidies world-wide -- would produce
a drop in U.S. production that would lead to a short-term rise in the world
price of cotton. In turn, that would increase revenue to West and Central
African countries by about $250 million. That is a princely sum in a region
where vast numbers of people live on less than one dollar a day.

Instead, the opposite is happening. The new farm bill increases the amount
of money a U.S. cotton farmer can count on making this year by at least
16%. At the same time, in Mali, where cotton makes up nearly half the
nation's export revenue, the government is telling cotton farmers they will
be getting about 10% less this year from the state cotton company.

By widening the wealth gap, the subsidies sow a potentially bitter harvest.
Citizens of the cotton countries of West and Central Africa, where Islam is
the major religion, are crowding into the cities of Europe. Those who stay
are seeing more clerics from Pakistan and the Middle East visit their
mosques and Quranic schools. In Mali, Western diplomats hear reports of
some Malians crossing the Algerian border for religious training abroad.

For now, the peril isn't imminent: The secular governments of Mali and the
neighboring states insist that they won't allow their countries to become
recruitment camps for terrorist organizations seeking to enlist the world's
disaffected. Yet they warn that frustrations are rising with the persistent

Two years ago, the last time the Mali government cut the price it paid to
cotton farmers, the farmers boycotted their fields, production plummeted,
and the shock staggered the entire economy, triggering a 3% decline in the
gross domestic product. Midway through the growing season, the government,
fearing instability, raised the price back to the previous year's level.

Mr. Diallo, the farmers' union leader, helped organize the planting boycott
and won't discount the prospect of future social upheaval. "The Americans
know that with their subsidies they are killing so many economies in the
developing world," he says.

Little Sympathy

In the Mississippi Delta, there is little sympathy for such pleas. U.S.
farmers don't want the added competition of Africa's farmers. With the U.S.
textile industry shrinking, they are having to sell more and more of their
crops to overseas buyers. About half of last year's U.S. cotton crop is
being sold into the world market, where it competes against cotton grown by
lower-cost growers in China, Pakistan and Africa.
"Maybe the farmers in Africa should be the ones not raising cotton," says
Mr. Hood, the Mississippi cotton farmer and industry advocate. "The Delta
needs cotton farmers, and they can't exist without subsidies," he says.

After President Bush signed the new farm bill during a ceremony in
Washington, the first man he shook hands with was Mr. Hood, whose family
farming operation reaped roughly $750,000 in subsidies last year, and now
stands to gain more this year.

American farmers haven't always been so dependent. In 1996, the booming
Asian economy had boosted demand for U.S. commodities so much that they
decided they didn't want the planting restrictions and red tape that came
along with government aid. Even cotton farmers, among the most dependent on
aid, went along with other farm groups to successfully back a plan by
Republicans in Congress that called for the elimination of subsidies by
this year. That would have marked an end to the more than $500 billion in
farm subsidies issued since such aid started, during the Great Depression
of the 1930s.

But farmers lost their nerve shortly afterward, when the Asian economic
crisis punctured the export boom. Washington rushed in with record levels
of aid. The new farm bill officially returns the country to the long-term
policy of aggressively subsidizing agriculture, and with far fewer planting
restrictions on growers than in the past. The upshot is that heavily
subsidized crop production is likely to keep commodity prices depressed
even as the world economy picks up.

Congress -- not the White House -- writes U.S. farm policy, and the two
most powerful members of the House Agriculture Committee are from Texas,
the source of a fifth of the nation's cotton: Reps. Larry Combest and
Charles Stenholm. Five U.S. senators from cotton states sit on the other
chamber's agriculture committee, including Mississippi's Thad Cochran.
Mississippi's other senator is Republican leader Trent Lott.

Ronnie Shows, a Mississippi Democrat who sits on the House Agriculture
Committee, dismisses suggestions of reducing U.S. cotton subsidies to help
Africa. "What good does it do to make our own people poor?" he asks.

In Mississippi, the 1,700 or so mainly white cotton farmers in the Delta
and their landlords can count on receiving as much as hundreds of millions
of federal dollars this year. As in Mali, cotton is the single biggest part
of the Delta economy, one of the poorest regions in the nation. Cotton and
the businesses that depend on it generate more than $3 billion in revenue
for the region. Roughly half the jobs in some Delta counties are tied to
supplying goods or services to cotton farmers or working for them.

The reason Delta farmers are so dependent on subsidies is that they are
among the highest-cost cotton producers in the world: it can take $600 to
produce an acre of Delta cotton.

Farmers in the Delta operate on a vast scale compared with growers in Mali.
One mechanical cotton picker can reap enough cotton in a day to make 150
bales, each weighing 480 pounds. A man picking cotton by hand needs several
days to collect enough for a bale. But it takes thousands of acres of land
to justify the machine's expense, which can carry a $300,000 price tag.

Much of the Delta land is irrigated so the cotton plant can survive the
region's intensely hot summer. The seed is premium-priced because it is
genetically modified to resist bugs. Fertilizers spur growth in the spring,
and defoliants expose the boll for harvest in the fall.

Delta cotton farmers could grow corn, soybeans and wheat much more cheaply,
but switching would render much of their investment worthless. "I can only
run cotton through my cotton picker," says Ed Hester, leaning on the hood
of his Chevy pickup truck as a crop duster circles on the horizon.

And there is little incentive for the 71-year-old Mr. Hester to change. His
4,200-acre farm in Benoit, Miss., received roughly $400,000 in subsidies
last year. "Cotton is still king in my book," says Mr. Hester.

In the Niger River Delta, Mr. Sangare gasps at tales of the wealth of
fellow cotton growers on the other side of the world. "I don't know if we
will be able to afford a new plow blade this year," he says, chewing on a
tree root, which serves as a toothbrush.

Poor Life

Cotton is supposed to be king here, too, but its growers live a poor life.
The Coulibaly and Sylla families operate one of the biggest cotton spreads
in Mali -- 50 acres. Eighty-six people, most of them related, live in a
warren of one or two-room mud-brick huts outside the town of Fana. Last
year, they produced about 40 metric tons of cotton, but it wasn't spun into
any riches.

There is no electricity, no telephone service, no running water. A crude
television antenna wobbles above one of the huts. The TV inside the house
is connected to a car battery. While most of the children attend school,
few of the adults did.

The clan does have two tractors, including a 22-year-old French model. But
most of the time they sit idle in a shed, because the family lacks
harvesting implements. "We just use them for plowing," says Diamba
Coulibaly, 59, one of the elders of the family. "Everything else we do by
hand. Planting, fertilizing, picking."

The goal this season is to buy more equipment, but the outlook is bleak
given the price cut. Last year, Malian farmers received about 13 cents per
pound of cotton, after expenses. This season they will get about 11 cents.
At the same time, the price of fertilizer has gone up about two cents a
pound. In Mali, every cent counts, because cotton must pay for everything
from school and food to malaria tablets to dowries for the families of
prospective wives.

"What do you do if you can't pay expenses?" says Mr. Coulibaly, 59, one of
the elders of the family. A big goiter bulges on his neck, the curse of
iodine deficiency. "For us, all farmers, in the U.S. and in Mali, are
members of the same family," he says. "We shouldn't let one group of
brothers make all the profits while the others get nothing."

Money is also tight at Cie. Malienne pour le Developpment des Textiles,
Mali's state cotton company, which runs the nation's entire industry, from
providing the seeds to ginning the cotton. It is responsible for the
livelihoods of the three million of Mali's 11 million residents who live
off cotton. Last year, Malian farmers grew more than half a billion pounds
of cotton on nearly 1.3 million acres. This was a record crop, but it only
led to a bigger loss for the CMDT, where the total cost of each pound of
ginned cotton exceeds the world price.

This deficit restricts CMDT spending on other programs, such as building
roads and other infrastructure improvements in the cotton regions. It also
puts pressure on the meager budget of the Malian government, which owns 60%
of CMDT. It doesn't help that the CMDT is an inefficient monopoly. Now,
under prodding from the World Bank and IMF, the organization is trying to
restructure itself and rely more on the private sector, in order to pass
more money on to the farmers.

Still, Malians wonder whether these reforms will do much good without
changes in cotton subsidy policies elsewhere in the world. "It would be
better [for the U.S.] to pay their farmers not to plant cotton," says
Bakary Traore, the CMDT president, sitting in an office darkened by a
sudden power failure. "We see U.S. farmers as our competition, but the
problem is that the competition isn't fair."

In Korokoro, the Sangares are feeling the effects of the uneven cotton
fields. While Mody Sangare returns to plowing behind the oxen, oldest
brother Madou, 39, explains the precious family dream of using cotton
income to send his younger brother Bala to college in France, or even the
U.S. -- somewhere with better jobs and prospects than Mali. The hope is
that Bala would then send money back to his brothers on the farm,
alleviating their dependence on the cotton price. Now that Bala is about to
graduate from high school, the cotton revenues are dwindling, and the dream
is fading.

"We want him and all our children to have better lives than us," says Madou
Sangare. Beyond the cotton, it is the one thing, he believes, he has in
common with U.S. farmers.

"Isn't that what everyone wants?" he asks.

Louis Proyect
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