02 Feb 2004 10:09:36 GMT
War, terror hunt puts environment on hold
By Jeremy Lovell

LONDON, Feb 2 (Reuters) - The Iraq war and the anti-terror offensive
have put environment issues on hold globally, but crucial decisions are
coming up that for the sake of the planet must not be avoided, a
leading environmentalist said.

Foremost among these is ratification of the Kyoto Protocol on limiting
greenhouse gas emissions -- a contentious document that some say is too
weak but which the United States has rejected outright and over which
Russia is dithering.

"Ratification or rejection by Russia of Kyoto would be a defining
moment for humanity this year," Tony Juniper, head of the British
branch of international pressure group Friends of the Earth told

"Kyoto is the key. If we don't sort that out, a lot of other
environmental programmes will be fatally undermined," he added in an

Rejection by Russia would cripple the 1997 Kyoto Protocol which aims to
cut carbon dioxide emissions by eight percent below 1990 levels by 2012.

"It will be a bad blow if Kyoto runs into the sand. The Protocol is a
small step but a crucial one. It is a start. The longer we wait, the
worse it gets and the harder it will be to put it right," Juniper said.

"We should already be getting down to discussing the second phase
targets for the treaty by now, but it has not even been ratified yet,"
Juniper said.

He said sceptics believed that Russian President Vladimir Putin, rather
than being deeply concerned about the effects on the environment or
industry of Kyoto, was simply waiting to see whether the United States
would offer more for him to reject it than the European Union would for
him to ratify.

There is no fixed deadline for Russia to ratify but it is widely
assumed that if it does not do so this year, it never will.

Either way, Putin is not expected to make any move before his expected
re-election next month.


But while Kyoto and the whole issue of climate change will be crucial
in 2004, many others are vying for attention, from world trade and the
environment to bio-diversity and genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

"There has been quite an important shift in global political alliances
which was highlighted by the failure of the World Trade Organisation
talks at Cancun last September," Juniper said.

"For the first time there the larger developing nations like Brazil,
India and South Africa stood together against the big industrialised
nations. It was a turning point," he added.

The United States was trying to use its superpower status to pick off
smaller nations one at a time in bilateral trade talks, but had to
remember that there was a limit to its arm-twisting ability.

"We will have to see where that goes. But it is important to realise
that U.S. world power depends on a functioning world economy. It can't
have it all its own way," Juniper said.

There was also likely to be some movement on GMOs, with the Europeans
showing signs of bowing to U.S. pressure to permit imports of modified
maize and Washington perhaps taking legal action against any attempt to
insist that foods containing GMOs be clearly labelled as such in the

"That will be worth watching," Juniper said. "But with the U.S.
election campaign just starting, I think they will be more concerned
with domestic issues."

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