Among the liberal pundits who cry Anybody But Bush, it's "open
season" on Ralph Nader and the Green Party.  Some wonder why the
Democratic leaders and intellectuals attack Nader and the Greens,
especially given that more Democrats voted for Bush than Nader in
2000: "Bush received the votes of 12 times more Democrats than Nader
did, and 5.25 times more self-identified liberals than Nader did in
Florida" (Tim Wise, "Why Nader is NOT to Blame," November 8, 2000,

The answer lies in the post-modern political science of electoral
campaigns and the Democratic Party elite's aversion to working-class
voters (even though working-class voters vote more Democratic than
richer voters do).  Attacking Green candidates in particular or the
Green Party in general as an Evil Spoiler and trying to scare or
guilt-trip registered Greens (and registered voters who may consider
voting Green) into backing the Democratic Party make _perfect sense_.
Both the Republican and Democratic Parties "hunt" the votes by
"targeting" and "reducing the universe" of voters, i.e. "excluding
people who are not 'profitable' to work" (Marshall Ganz, "Voters in
the Crosshairs," _The American Prospect_ 5.16, December 1, 1994,
Excluding the poorer Americans, enabling whose participation is
costly, in turn allows the power elite to define the political agenda
contrary to working-class interests and opinions:

*****   _The American Prospect_ 5.16, December 1, 1994.
Voters in the Crosshairs
Marshall Ganz

. . . For the last couple decades, campaign consultants have been
perfecting ways to restrict the electorate by "reducing the universe"
of voters, long before Ed Rollins caused a furor by claiming he paid
New Jersey ministers not to encourage their congregation members to
vote in the gubernatorial race last September. The computerization of
voter registration files and emergence of "list vendors" who purchase
tapes of these files and convert them into customized,
campaign-specific lists make possible this new approach to targeting.
Matching voter files with tapes of phone directories, ethnic surname
dictionaries, county assessor records, and voter turnout reports
makes it possible to generate lists of voters individually profiled
by their party affiliation, age, gender, marital status, homeowner
status, ethnicity, and frequency of voting. Consultant Matt Reese
explains how this information is used:

Targeting is a process of excluding people who are not "profitable"
to work, so that resources are adequate to reach prime voters with
enough intensity to win them. Targeting provides an ultimate "lift"
to the voter contact process, allowing maximum concentration of
resources to a minimum universe.

Voter registration, for example, is rarely considered because newly
registered voters are less likely to turn out than established
voters. Also, it requires a "ground force" of volunteers or paid
registrars. In the absence of an ongoing program, there are numerous
problems of management, recruitment, and quality control in creating
such a team for a single campaign.

The effects of this new campaign ethos can be seen in a hypothetical
district, where 55 percent of the registered voters are Democrats, 35
percent are Republicans, and 10 percent are independent or "decline
to state." The first step in applying the new strategy is to buy
computer tapes that describe the district by party and by voter
turnout. Of all registered voters, 24 percent have no record of
voting, suggesting that they are gone, and 39 percent vote only
occasionally, mainly in presidential elections. These voters are
ignored because they are unlikely to turn out unless stimulated. The
likely voters, a bedrock 37 percent of registered voters who vote in
most elections, are the prime targets of the campaign. Among these,
priority is assigned to the Democratic 10 percent, Republican 5
percent, and independent 2 percent judged to be "swing" voters based
on their electoral or individual histories (a Republican living with
a Democrat, for example). This 17 percent is targeted for persuasion
and becomes the heart of the campaign, the real determiners of the
issues the campaign will address. The remaining 20 percent of the
electorate who are likely voters and are likely to be loyal to their
parties are contacted mainly to inform them of the candidate's
identity and affiliation. They are not mobilized because they are
regular voters.

As of election day, 63 percent of registered voters will not have
been contacted by anyone. If, as is typical, only 60 percent of the
eligible electorate were registered, 78 percent of the eligible
voters in the district would never be contacted. These uncontacted
voters are far more likely to be of lower socioeconomic status than
those who are contacted. They never hear from a campaign and thus
will likely stay at home on election day or vote the way they always
have. . . .

<> *****

The registered Greens, who are motivated enough to lend support to
such a difficult struggle as Third-Party Building, are among the
likely voters, "a bedrock 37 percent of registered voters who vote in
most elections" (Marshall Ganz, "Voters in the Crosshairs," _The
American Prospect_ 5.16, December 1, 1994,
who are the most cost-effective to "hunt," as Ganz explains well (the
entire article is worth reading).

Best of all, bashing the Green Party doesn't cost the Democratic
machine _anything_, not even a dime.  Intellectuals of the Anybody
But Bush crowd _volunteer_ their time, skills, and energy to do so
entirely on their own.  That's how hegemony works in an advanced
capitalist nation -- by consent, as Antonio Gramsci presciently

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