from Ray Hanania. . . .

A detailed profile of Palestine Media Watch was published this week that
examines how organizations have been able to influence the media using the
Internet that I thought members would be interested in ...

The revolution will be e-mailed

Can a widespread, loosely knit organization â connected only through e-mail â
make the American mainstream media take notice of the Palestinian

Written and photographed by Tamam Mango / Cambridge, Massachusetts
Published Thursday, November 13, 2003

In May 2002, an Israeli tank shell killed a Palestinian mother and her
thirteen-year-old daughter. The pair was grazing sheep on their land, far from any
Israeli checkpoint. In defense of their actions, the Israelis said that the two
women 'looked suspicious.' The incident did not make the front page of any
national American newspaper. The next day, a Palestinian suicide bomber killed
two Israelis near Tel Aviv in response, and the event topped headlines of every
major paper in the country.

>>> Whole article:Â
Ray Hanania

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