From: Bernard Pollack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2004 9:58 PM
Subject: Worker Fired for Trying to Form a Union

This is a really important campaign. Please click the link and help
this local worker. Forward to friends.

Stephen White and his co-workers at Comcast in Silver Spring, MD need
your help now. Please take a minute to send a message to the regional
manager Craig Snedeker, asking him to reinstate fired worker Stephen
White and to respect the rights of its employees to form a union and
bargain a contract. Click on the link below, or keep reading.

After four years of working at Comcast, Stephen decided to form a
union with his co-workers. He wanted to form a union to win improved
working conditions, increased job security, and to restore fairness
to company policies. Once he began publicly talking with his co-
workers about forming a union, he says that the company subjected him
to one-on-one interrogation meetings.  He was terminated on March 1,
2004, shortly after talking with a co-worker about their efforts to
form a union; he has filed a charge with the National Labor Relations

Please click the link below to send a fax to Craig Snedeker, regional
manager of Comcast, urging him to end this undemocratic stand against
workers' rights and to allow employees to make a free and fair
decision on whether or not to form a union.

Please reach out to your friends and co-workers who care about
workers' rights, and ask them to send a fax supporting Stephen White
and the workers at Comcast.  Click on the link below to send them
your message.

Thank you for all you do to restore workers' freedom to form unions
and bargain collectively!

Together we will win!

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