forwarded from Mike Lebowitz (a pen-l alumnus):

 > August 30, 2001
 > Gold and one meter long, phallus is brand-new technology to control
 > distant workers
 > Anti-WTO impostors have struck again, delivering a lecture about the
 > rights of slavery, the stupidity of Gandhi, and the supremacy of free
 > trade to an enthusiastic crowd of scientists, engineers, and marketing
 > professionals--all of whom thought they were watching an official WTO
 > representative.
 > The 150 experts at the "Textiles of the Future" conference in Tampere,
 > Finland heard one Hank Hardy Unruh explain that Gandhi's "self-
 > sufficiency" movement was entirely misguided, because it centered
 > around protectionism, and that Lincoln, by outlawing slavery, had
 > criminally interfered with the trade freedom of the South, as well as
 > with slavery's own freedom to develop naturally. Had slavery never
 > been abolished, Unruh said, today's much cheaper system of sweatshops
 > would have eventually replaced it anyhow; following this free-market
 > logic to the end, Unruh declared the Civil War just a big waste of
 > money.
 > Finally, to applause from the highly educated audience, Unruh's
 > business suit was ripped off to reveal a golden leotard with a
 > three-foot-long phallus. The purpose of the "Management Leisure Suit",
 > he explained, was to allow managers, no matter where they were, to
 > monitor their distant, impoverished workforces and to administer
 > shocks to encourage productivity--assuring that no "Gandhi-type
 > situation" develop again.
 > "If a group of Ph.D.s cheers at such crudely crazy things, just
 > because it's the WTO saying them, what else can the WTO get away
 > with?" said Andy Bichlbaum of the Yes Men, the impostors' umbrella
 > group. (The entire PowerPoint lecture is available at
 > , along with some shots captured by
 > a video crew preparing a film on the Yes Men's activities.)
 > The Yes Men had a similar experience last October with a group of
 > international trade lawyers . And in
 > July, a member of the group, again passing as a representative of the
 > WTO, appeared on a major television network show about protest's
 > effect on the market ; among other
 > things, he spoke about how the privatization of education will
 > naturally eliminate "unproductive" thinkers from the high-school
 > classroom, a long-term solution to the problem of protest. (Because
 > the imposture was not noticed and the Yes Men hope for further
 > appearances, the show's name is being withheld.)
 > RTMark's primary goal is to publicize corporate subversion of the
 > democratic process. To this end it acts as a clearinghouse for
 > anti-corporate projects. A list of just-added projects is maintained
 > at .

 > --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 > Mobilization for Global Justice Vancouver - working to expose and oppose
the FTAA.
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