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A British view of the Empire

Ornamentalism: How the British saw their Empire by David Cannadine;
the Penguin Press; pages 264, $25.

The Ideological Origins of the British Empire by David Armitage;
Cambridge University Press; pages 239, $19.95.

THE British Empire is now a thing of the past. But there is no let-up
in the production of books on the subject. The historian David
Cannadine has aimed to break new ground by addressing the issues of
the Empire as a social structure and also as a social concept. The
author's contention is that so far scholarly literature on the subject
has emphasised the privilege of colour over class, of race over rank,
of collectivities over individualities, but has paid the least
attention to the Empire as a functioning social structure.

Cannadine points out that a common thread of aristocracy ran through
Britain's new settlers, which meant an eagerness for honours such as
hereditary distinctions. It was a firmly held view that titles and
privileges would bind the officials and others to the mother country.
So a separate Order was created for Canada. A status-conscious class
ruled the colonies. Governors were not only politically powerful but
were at the apex of the social hierarchy.

Eventually Canada, Australia and New Zealand became autonomous, and
the Empire meant the Indian Empire. In the colonies the social
structure of England was replicated. Because of that there was nothing
exotic in the Empire. This element was prominent in India and other
Asian and African colonies of Britain. After the 1857 Mutiny in India,
the British rulers reversed the policy of their predecessors.
Formerly, Lord William Bentinck, Macualay and Lord Dalhousie wanted to
overturn the ruling Indian classes. But after the Mutiny it was
thought wise to protect and foster these classes so that they would
serve as reliable allies, although they were in fact dependants, who
danced to the tune of the foreign rulers.

Contrary to common understanding, in the days of East India Company
these new rulers thought that caste was an essential feature of the
Indian social system, which was to them analogous to their own
hierarchical structure. Government officials began thinking in terms
of caste and religion. This helped the rulers keep Indians fighting
among themselves. Electoral politics strengthened this division

Indian society was taken to be caste-ridden and led by the princes.
Disraeli had romantic ideas about Indian society and the Empire, which
were shared by the Viceroy during his prime ministership, Lord Lytton.
They took special pride in proclaiming Queen Victoria as the Empress
of India in 1876 when large parts of the country were in the grip of a
famine. Most of the Viceroys and Governors were happy in the company
of the Indian princes, who arranged elaborate ceremonies of welcome.
There were banquets and hunting parties. Pomp and ceremony was a great
attraction to these high functionaries. Yet they did not consider the
princes to be on an equal footing. It was also thought that the
princes and other privileged classes could be pitted against the
growing nationalist force.

Cannadine describes in detail how in various African colonies as well
as in Egypt, British officials maintained this hierarchical vision.
This self-deception and make-believe meant ornamental spectaculars.
But this did not carry conviction with many British politicians.
Gladstone opposed the bestowing of the title of Empress on the Queen.
Keir Hardy considered monarchy and flummery absurd. Here Cannadine
makes a slight mistake. He says that both Hardy and The Manchester
Guardian supported the Maharaja of Gwalior's behaviour at the Durbar
in 1911. The Maharaja in question was of Baroda, not of Gwalior, who,
it was alleged, did not show proper respect to the Emperor (King
George V).

After giving an elaborate description of various rituals and
ceremonies, Cannadine underlines his thesis that "the whole purpose of
the British Empire was to maintain traditional rulerships as a
fortress of social security in a changing world". And in that
enterprise, "the colour of a person's skin was less significant than
his position in the local social hierarchy; the really important
category was status, and as such it was fundamental to all other
categories." Cannadine expects you not to think about the Empire in an
oversimplified way, as white and black. He says it is time orientalism
is re-oriented.

Even with a liberal and objective viewpoint, it is difficult to accept
that in this enterprise of the Empire, race or colour was not
important and that it was the social class that was the main
consideration with the Empire's builders and guardians. Indians cannot
swallow this assertion of the author. Some illustrations would be

During the East India Company regime both Mill and Macualay, without
studying Indian history and philosophy, regarded them of no
consequence and rejected them out of hand. History books detail
numerous cases of high-handed behaviour by English officers, who
without any provocation would whip anybody in the streets. Inhuman
treatment was meted out to labourers working for English planters.

Things did not change much after the Company's regime was terminated
following the Mutiny and India came under the direct control of the
British government. The stubborn refusal to appoint qualified Indians
to the higher government posts was owing to the superiority complex of
the British. It was thought that Indians would panic in a crisis
situation, and so executive posts were denied to them for a long time.
Romesh Chandra Dutt complains that he was posted in remote areas for a
long time and was not considered for posts in metropolitan areas. Lord
Salisbury was shameless enough to appeal to the base instincts of the
electorate when he said that a black man like Dadabhai Naoroji should
not be elected.

An ordinary Englishman did not want Justice Ranade to be a
co-passenger in a railway compartment and so he threw Ranade's luggage
out. Afterwards, when he came to know that Ranade was a Judge, he
tried to make amends. When Gopal Krishna Gokhale wanted to reserve a
berth in the P.& O. liner to go to South Africa, he was asked to pay
for the whole cabin, as white passengers did not want to travel in the
same cabin with him. Gokhale refused to pay the excess charge and the
shipping company had to yield. Lord Curzon once said that Indians and
Asians in general lacked the sense of truth and also character.

The Prince of Wales, on a visit to India, found the behaviour of many
British officers towards Indians reprehensible. In a letter to his
mother, Queen Victoria, he expressed his resentment. The Queen on her
part asked the Viceroy to do something about it. Eventually a Resident
at Hyderabad was sent back to England.

In South Africa, Mahatma Gandhi had to resort to passive resistance in
order to establish the rights of the Indians and other Asian people as
they were singled out for unequal and unjust treatment.

Such instances are innumerable and they go to prove that although
Cannadine's thesis is a good read, it is not a convincing one. Race
and social class were the main factors in the governance of the Raj.

PROFESSOR DAVID ARMITAGE explores the ideological origins of the
British Empire. His study understands the term 'ideology' in the
pragmatic sense and a worldview. This Empire started with the
extension of commerce to remote areas of the world. Because of this,
the character of the British Empire differed from those of its
predecessors. By the time the trans-Atlantic Empire was built, the
ideological base of the Empire had been created. It conflicted with
the ideas of freedom, and this was resolved only with the American War
of Independence.

The author details the various political ideas and practices of
different groups that were ultimately consolidated in organised
parties. He has also traced the history of the conflict in
Protestantism and points out how Protestantism shaped the ideology of
the Empire. It was out of the bond of Britishness and British
nationhood that imperialism sprang. The conception that emerged in the
1730s defined Britain and the British Empire as Protestant,
commercial, maritime and free.

Trade changed the character of the British Empire. Describing the
characteristics of various empires, Armitage says that if the Roman
empire was built for expansion, that of Sparta for war, and that of
China for natural tranquillity, the British Empire was built for
commerce. Britain defended its Empire not with the aid of a standing
army, but with its navy. It retained liberty at home by constitutional
separation. There was an idea that Britain would give the form of
government to the people of the colonies which it had at home. This
evolution was not smooth, and at times it was painfully tortuous.
Besides, the ideological discussions in Britain and the introduction
of education in the colonies generated the spirit of nationalism and a
desire for freedom among the people of the colonies.

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