Reformist social democracy is no longer on the agenda
The anti-globalisation movement is the basis of a left alternative

Fausto Bertinotti

Monday August 11, 2003/The Guardian

The terrible events in Iraq marked the end of the post-war period - a
period marked by the memory of the horrors of the Nazi-fascist war, when
the world saw two opposing economic and social blocs pitted against each
other and social struggles led to a growth of welfare benefits and the
bargaining power of trade unions.

The liberal constitutions were born out of the victory over Nazism and
fascism. Now we are living in a new phase, in which the space for reform
has been closed. As Giorgio Ruffolo (a minister in Italy's former
centre-left government) wrote recently: "Through globalisation,
capitalism has won a historical battle: it has defeated the
reform-minded left, both in Europe and America." The consequences are
there for everyone to see: reckless flexibility, extreme inequalities
and the end of safety nets.

The demise of reformism has changed both analyses and prospects,
bringing with it the difficulty of even achieving partial results that
can be woven into the social fabric and provide cohesion. This is a
problem even when there are major social and public-opinion movements.

In the past few months large numbers have taken to the streets, part of
a worldwide movement against the war. But the war was waged anyway,
without any price yet paid by the forces that wanted it. In Italy there
has been a major movement around employment issues, including
industry-wide strikes and general strikes, but the government still
managed to pass dangerous laws such as the Maroni decree (restricting
pension rights).

There has been a mass mobilisation over unfair dismissal rights. And yet
we lost it. In France, after major struggles, the Raffarin government is
carrying on its attack on the pension system. In Germany, for the first
time in 50 years, IG Metall ended a strike to extend the 35-hour working
week to the eastern regions without achieving any result whatsoever.

Capitalist globalisation contains deeply regressive elements that are
leading to a real crisis of civilisation. The only possible response is
not reformism, but rather a radical refoundation of politics as a
worldwide process and thus a reconstruction of the agency of change: a
redefinition of the working class.

The right has won all over the world because it has strategic hegemony.
In the US the Bush administration is based on military interventionism,
extreme neo-liberalism and religious fundamentalism. War is no longer a
one-off or exceptional event, it has become structural and

The only possibility in the face of rightwing extremism is to provide an
alternative: of peace against war and of a new model of society against
neo-liberalism. This does not mean either a detailed programme or unity
among existing political forces. Nor does it mean defending democracy as
it currently exists. Rather, it means starting from the main resource
available, which is the movement against capitalist globalisation.

The anti-globalisation movement is the first movement that represents a
break with the 20th century and its truths and myths. At present it is
the main source of politics for an alternative to the global right.
When, on February 15, 100 million people took to the streets, the New
York Times referred to it as a second "world power", a power that in the
name of peace opposed those who wanted war.

It is no exaggeration to say that everything that has happened in the
past few years has had something to do with this movement. It started
from observation of the impact of neo-liberalism, going on to trace its
origins and create an anti-capitalist culture. It has resisted the
progressive destruction of democracy that has led one liberal, Ralf
Dahrendorf, to refer to this as an " ademocratic century", holding to
account those bodies - from the International Monetary Fund to the World
Bank - that have deprived people of democracy and sovereignty.

It has countered the crisis of democracy with embryonic new democratic
institutions. It has challenged the division of political labour among
trade unions, parties and cooperatives and shifted the focus of
political debate from institutions to social relations, bringing
feelings and everyday life back into the realm of politics.

It has also tackled the theme of power, in terms not of achieving and
keeping it, but of transforming, dissolving and reconstructing power
through self-government. And it has challenged the model of a party
leading the movement, proposing instead the notion of networks and links
among groups, associations, parties and newspapers.

The problem now is how to build out of the anti-globalisation movement a
real democratic power able to achieve its objectives. Its greatest
limitation seems to be the lack of a connection between the great issues
of globalisation, war and peace and the intermediate dimension of
employment and production relations. The inability to build a concrete
link between the fight against globalisation and the fight against
insecurity and exploitation is a shortcoming.

An alternative European left can find its strategy only within the
anti-globalisation movement. The key issue both for the movement and for
us is the clash between peace and war. The movement has identified the
global dimension of war and the fact that it is inbuilt in a system
which cannot do without it. It was this conviction that turned the
anti-globalisation movement into the backbone of the peace movement.

Despite its remarkable strength, however, the movement did not stop the
war. So now the question is: how can we build a force for peace and
democracy capable of having an impact on US policy? The same kind of
problems arise over social issues. Building the social roots of the
movement and the reform of left politics are two sides of the same coin.

In Italy, the Refounded Communists, together with others, tried to do
this through the referendum on extending employment protection to all
workers. We were defeated, but the referendum took its inspiration from
the movement, the idea of the struggle for equal rights against job
insecurity. This battle, however, has not taken on a European dimension.
The European trade unions decided not to call a general strike against
the war, which would have also been a boost to the fight against

Now there is the chance of re-opening a Europe-wide battle over the
welfare state. In the face of converging government policies, only an
organisation fighting at European level can make its case.

Unless they move in this direction, the European anti-capitalist
leftwing parties risk disappearing in terms of political representation;
and within the anti-globalisation movement there could develop a
temptation to flee from politics. The forces of the European left cannot
depend on social democracy. They must break away with a radical, united
initiative. Not only the prospects of the left and the
anti-globalisation movement, but even the existence of Europe as an
autonomous entity, is at stake.

* Fausto Bertinotti is national secretary of Italy's Refounded Communist
party (Rifondazione Comunista) and a member of the Italian and European



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