Mon, 31 Mar 2003 22:13:21 -0500
From: Paul Kneisel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: News On the War: #3

Pentagon downed Web site, Al-Jazeera editor says
Graeme SMith (GLobe & Mail)
March 29, 2003
For journalists inside the Al-Jazeera newsroom in Doha, Qatar, it was
obvious who attacked their Web site this week.
The Arabic-language television network had just launched its English site
and was publishing the first pictures of Iraq's prisoners of war on Tuesday
when a barrage of junk messages crippled the site.
The attacks continued all week. One enterprising hacker even used fake Al-
Jazeera letterhead to fool an Internet company into letting him redirect
visitors away from Al-Jazeera to other locations such as porn sites and a
page that displayed an American flag with the message: "God bless our


Al-Jazeera hobbled by DDOS attack: news site targeted for second day
Paul Roberts (InfoWorld)
March 26, 2003
The Arab satellite television network Al-Jazeera suffered a second day of
sustained distributed denial of service (DDOS) attacks against its English
and Arabic language Web sites on Wednesday.
The attacks have pushed the network, which is based in Doha, Qatar , off
the Web for the time being and forced Al-Jazeera to increase bandwidth for
the sites and step up security in a desperate effort to get back online.
"All of our Web sites are down. The U.S. [Web site] is out of order and the
Europe [Web site] is under attack. We come up for five or ten minutes and
then the attacks bring us down again," said Salah AlSeddiqi, IT manager at

Al-Jazeera Web site suffers hits
Ian Fried and Patrick Gray (Tech Central / Malaysia)
March 27, 2003
The Web sites of Al-Jazeera have been taken offline, in what has been
confirmed by the Arab media organization as a distributed denial of service
(DDoS) attack against the company?s Domain Name Servers (DNS).
The Qatar-based agency, which operates an Arab-language site and launched
an English-language Web site on Monday, provides a starkly different view
on the war with Iraq than that offered by many Western media outlets.
According to a report on ABC Online, the English site was hit almost
immediately by what they have termed "hacker attacks" and technical
The report quoted Al-Jazeera managing editor Joanne Tucker as saying "we've
had a lot of obstacles thrown in our way".
"I thought the launch of this site would be quite smooth and wouldn't make
make too many waves but the reaction has been amazing - it has been almost

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George Orwell


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