> By David Bacon
>         SACRAMENTO, CA (2/21/98) -- This week, Sacramento janitors took
> their long-running war to end their poverty-level wages and conditions to
> the doorstep of the corporation they hold responsible for them -
> Hewlett-Packard Corp.  Starting February 14, a committed band of union
> activists began walking from the state capitol to the company's
> headquarters 150 miles away in Cupertino.
>         Through eleven rough days of some of the most violent rainstorms in
> the state's history, the marchers trekked beside freeways and through the
> working-class towns of the delta and eastern Bay Area.  High winds swept
> through their line, blowing out their red umbrellas and tearing their
> plastic raincoats to shreds by the time the march was half-completed.
>         They called their journey a peregrinacion, or pilgrimage.  Marchers
> were met almost daily by rallies of other union members, students,
> religious activists and community supporters.  On Tuesday, they arrived at
> Hewlett-Packard's expensive Cupertino glass-and-steel headquarters, where
> they demanded that the company respect their right to organize.
>         The union for Sacramento janitors, Service Employees Local 1877,
> has been locked in an almost epic struggle to win a union contract at
> Somers Building Maintenence, the capitol's largest building service company
> with 1000 employees.  Hewlett-Packard is Somers' largest client, using the
> firm to clean five of its Sacramento-area buildings.
>         "Even though I work full time, I only earn $12,500 per year,"
> explained Somers janitor and marcher Marta Villalobos.  "I have no health
> insurance for my four kids, and my husband and I live in fear that any
> unexpected illness will put us on the street."
>         Somers workers were joined by fellow janitors from around the
> state, who took time off work to walk with them.  "Low wages and conditions
> in Sacramento affect us in Los Angeles," said Local 1877 member Alfredo
> Rodriguez.  "If we support our brothers and sisters at Somers, our union
> will be stronger, and we'll all benefit."
>         In 1989 Rodriguez was beaten by Los Angeles police, who charged a
> march of janitors trying to organize a union in Century City.  "I learned
> then how important it is for us to stick together," he said.
>         Somers workers began signing Local 1877 union cards in the spring
> of 1995.  Organizers explained to them that the local had won better wages
> in Silicon Valley, Alameda County and Los Angeles by organizing a majority
> of building service companies.  Previously, these contractors competed
> against each other, trying to win cleaning contracts with large building
> owners by cutting wages and benefits.  Union agreements standardized wages,
> taking them out of competition.
>         After winning workers' support, Local 1877 asked Somers to
> acknowledge that a majority had signed union cards, and recognize the
> union.   The union sought to avoid the legal process administered by the
> National Labor Relations Board, since it normally involves lengthy delays
> and legal battles, company intimidation of workers, and firings.
>         The company refused.  According to its spokesperson Randall
> Schaber, Somers insisted on a labor board election, and hired the west
> coast's best-known anti-union law firm, Littler, Mendelssohn, Fastiff and
> Tichy.
>         While refusing to recognize Local 1877, an ex-supervisor began
> going through the buildings at night, collecting signatures on cards for
> Couriers and Service Employees Local 1, a hitherto unknown union
> unaffiliated with the AFL-CIO.  After a few weeks, Somers management told
> workers it had recognized Local 1 because a majority had signed cards, and
> agreed to a contract with no wage increases.
>         In September 1996, Isidro Camarillo, a Somers janitor supporting
> Local 1877, was attacked at night in one of Hewlett-Packard's buildings by
> Crisanto Martinez, a Local 1 steward.  On October 27 Luis Camarillo,
> another 1877 supporter, was beaten in an H-P building as well.  Martinez is
> still employed by Somers.
>         Eventually, the National Labor Relations Board found that Local 1
> was a company union, and invalidated its agreement with Somers.
> Nevertheless, the company's war with Local 1877 continued.
>         According to Raul Lara, a Somers janitor, "the company still
> threatens to fire workersfor participating in union activities.  Many
> support the union but are afraid to show their face," he said.
>         Justice for Janitors built a community coalition to back up the
> workers' organizing effort.  It mounted a campaign to convince
> Hewlett-Packard to take responbility, both for the low wages and conditions
> of the workers, and for the anti-union tactics used by its contractor.
>         Marlene Somsak, a public relations spokesperson for
> Hewlett-Packard, says the company is opposed to these kinds of corporate
> campaigns, which she refers to as "the use of neutral parties as
> battlegrounds."
>         As this struggle unfolded in Sacramento and Cupertino, Republican
> politicians in Washington DC began an effort to outlaw the kinds of
> corporate campaign tactics used by the janitors.  In 1996, Michigan
> Republican Pete Hoekstra accused Department of Labor representative Richard
> Sawyer of intervening with Hewlett Packard on behalf of the union, and got
> then-Labor Secretary Robert Reich to fire him.  Hoekstra's government
> oversight committee later held hearings on the Somers case, using it as an
> example of the need to restrict union tactics.
>         As he greeted the marchers at a rally in Oakland last Friday, Art
> Pulaski, Executive Secretary of the California Labor Federation, pointed
> out that these Republican actions have given the labor movement a big stake
> in winning the fight at Somers.  "This isn't just a fight in one company,"
> he said.  "The effort to deny these janitors the right to their union is
> part of a larger rightwing strategy.  Companies are using the political
> process to do away with unions generally and make it impossible for workers
> to organize."
>         Meanwhile, Sacramento area politicians, originally hostile to the
> workers' efforts, have begun to look for ways to end the conflict.  Last
> summer, Sacramento Mayor Joe Serna and city authorities prohibited
> janitors' marches through the streets.  Pulaski and other labor leaders
> were arrested en masse as they paraded on the K Street mall in the union's
> support.
>         Serna eventually felt so much political heat that he reluctantly
> offered to mediate a settlement between Somers and the union.  In January,
> when Somers rebuffed his offer, he made public a letter condemning the
> company, saying it "never really came to the table with a viable proposal,
> thus making clear that the company wasn't ready to negotiate in good
> faith."
>         Serna highlighted the consequences of intense competition between
> non-union janitorial contractors.  "Janitors are still stuck in poverty,"
> he said.  "It is therefore to the benefit of the community when workers are
> organized into unions and earn living wages and health benefits."
>         - 30 -
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> david bacon - labornet email            david bacon
> internet:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]      1631 channing way
> phone:          510.549.0291            berkeley, ca  94703
> ---------------------------------------------------------------

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