I am trying to polish off an article tonight.  All that remains is
tracking down a few wayward references, and perhaps some folks on pen-l
can lend a hand.  I am trying to establish the argument that many on the
left regard the globalization discourse as a distraction.  It was
reported here many moons ago that Frances Fox Piven gave a talk to that
effect.  Has anyone seen anything she has written downplaying
globalization?  Our own Doug Henwood has adopted a version of that
position in debates here and, if I remember correctly, wrote a piece in
LBO some time back lambasting liberal anti-globalizers (Korten et al.) 
Doug, if you're listening, could you offer a cite?  And while I'm at it,
does anyone know any other "globaloney" references I could employ?  It's
so much easier to absorb the general mood than keep track of who said
what where.  (I remember David Gordon's piece in the CJE, which is not
in the Econlit database--CJE must not be real economics--but I can find
it at the library...)

FWIW, the paper I'm finishing is called "Actually Existing
Globalization".  I gave it at a conference here a month ago and now have
to get it in shape for the conference volume.  I will be happy to email
a copy in WP8 to anyone interested.  (I think I made this same offer a
month ago and got a few takers.  The latest version is near-final and,
in good scholarly fashion, includes a long list of other authors who
agree with me.)

Peter Dorman

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