Re: Client States in Mid East: & Israel:
Do you think it is fair to suggest that, the speculations so far, are in a vacuum filled ONLY by considerations of the USA?
i) Post 1956 the USSR was a neo-social-imperialist state, and had already started to try to establish 'client' status (ie with comprador relations) in parts of the Mid East.   The whole Bandung business was part of this attempt.
ii) The nascent 'national bourgeoisie" of the Mid East had been 'flexing' themselves - as far as they dared & could go. The strategy they used was 'to threaten they would go with the USSR'. They needed 'frightening': e.g: Nasser; Mossadeq:
iii) Post 2WW, it was still a very fluid situation. The 'Big Imperial Leader' role -  had not YET been sorted out - given the relative demise of UK imperialism & the rapid rise of US imperialism. Hence there were little speeches by UK leaders asking US leaders not to "make sheep's eyes at our colonies". Same references as above.
iv) There were many 'old' links. Hence the transfer of some Zionists from Germany to the Mid-east during the Hitler years, was connived at by the USA. See Leni Brener's books, happily pillaged by us (with due reference by Alliance at:   - more especially part 3 at:   ).

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