Title: serious news

from Slate's summary of the front pages of major US newspapers, both on the subject of obesity:
>The NY [TIMES] briefly mentions the latest tensions in the Mideast:
Israel lodged a protest with Egypt after the Israeli press
reported that Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak said the following
about Israel's (slightly wide-bodied) Prime Minister, Ariel
Sharon: "This fatso Sharon. I hear he eats an entire lamb for
dinner. How can anyone fall asleep after that?" Mubarak was
apparently upset after one of his general's visited Sharon's
house and was only served two sausages and a tomato.
And:>*Those ain't tears of joy*... The NYT's business section notes that
in response to flagging interest in Barney, the puffy purple
dinosaur, his creators have decided to launch a new TV ad
campaign promoting the beast. Apparently, the problem with Barney
isn't so much that kids don't like him; it's that parents can't
stand him. So the big campaign will be aimed at subtly convincing
adults that Barney can be their friend too. "We're hoping people
will say `Oh my God, I can't believe this is a spot for Barney,'
" explained one marketer. "We're hoping a tear wells up in the
eye." <

Jim Devine [EMAIL PROTECTED] &  http://bellarmine.lmu.edu/~jdevine

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