October 5, 2002
Russia Recasts Bog in Caucasus as War on Terror

GROZNY, Russia, Oct. 2 - Three years after Russian forces poured into
Chechnya for the second time, the war grinds on, but Russia's
characterization of the fight without end has changed. No longer are 85,000
Russian troops and police officers simply engaged in crushing a battle for
independence; instead, Chechnya has become Russia's war on terror.

Using the rationale and sometimes the rhetoric of the Bush administration's
antiterrorism campaign, commanders here said this week that the Chechen war
is financed, armed and increasingly fought by Islamic militants from abroad.
The shift explains Russia's roiling tensions with Georgia, the former Soviet
republic bordering Chechnya that President Vladimir V. Putin has accused of
sheltering what he calls Chechen and international terrorists.

In an interview, the commander of Russian forces in Chechnya, Col. Gen.
Vladimir I. Moltenskoi, ratcheted those tensions higher this week by
accusing Georgia - an overwhelmingly Orthodox Christian republic - of
supplying the rebels with a stockpile of Soviet-made surface-to-air missiles
that they have used to devastating effect, shooting down three aircraft in
the past six weeks.

For the Russians, the recent events are are a haunting echo of the Soviet
Union's war in Afghanistan, when American-supplied Stinger missiles helped
Afghan rebels turn the tide in their struggle against Soviet occupation.

On Aug. 19, at least 119 people died when one of those craft, an Mi-26
transport, crashed into a minefield not far from General Moltenskoi's
headquarters outside of Grozny.

In the latest attack, on Sept. 26, an Mi-24 helicopter gunship was downed in
a neighboring republic, Ingushetia, during a fierce battle that commanders
said was fought by Chechens infiltrating from Georgia and supported by
Islamic mercenaries.

Capt. Alikhan Gaisanov, commander of a detachment of Russian interior troops
who fought there, said the rebels had fired five missiles at the helicopter.
Four missed, but the last sent it plunging into a pumpkin patch, killing
three. "When they hit it, we could hear the bandits shouting, `Allah Akbar,'
" he said.

The missiles may not change the balance in the conflict, but the rebels'
recent successes have undercut Russia's insistence that the conflict in
Chechnya is all but over.

Russian forces have reduced Chechnya's rebels to isolated pockets of
resistance, and battles for territory have ended. But there are still deadly
clashes almost daily, and a bomb in Grozny's central market last month
killed 11 civilians.

Grozny remains a heavily militarized ruin, patrolled by wary, hunkered-down
troops who control the streets by day but retreat at night to heavily
fortified bases and bunkers.

The accusations against Georgia - like the accusations that the Chechens are
sponsored by Muslim Brotherhood and other foreign fighters - appear rooted
in Russia's frustration and a desire to assign external blame for the
continued fighting.

General Moltenskoi said that when the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991,
Georgia, like other Soviet republics, inherited the weaponry on its
territory, including 147 of the missile systems, known as Igla, or needle,
which it is now accused of supplying to the rebels. He said serial numbers
on missiles Russian troops had captured in several raids and battles, some
of which he displayed in his heavily fortified headquarters at Khankala, the
main Russian base, were traced to Georgia's inventory, and he estimated that
the rebels have 30 to 40 of the missiles.

The effect of the missiles on Russian operations was evident in the
stomach-churning maneuvers of a transport helicopter that ferried
journalists into the mountains of southern Chechnya on Monday. A short ride
over territory Russia ostensibly controls required an escort by two Mi-24's
firing flares to ward off missiles.

"Of course it causes lots of trouble for us," General Moltenskoi said. "I've
been here for more than two years, and during all this time we were flying
without any fire at us."

Foreign fighters - notably, a Jordanian-born commander known as Khattab, who
was killed in April - have been involved in both Chechen wars.

Since Sept. 11 last year, however, the Russians have used the foreigners'
presence to recast the war in what appears in part to be an effort to win
American and international support for a campaign criticized by human rights
groups as brutal and indiscriminate.

On the anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks, in words that directly echoed
President Bush's warnings to the Taliban last year and Saddam Hussein now,
Mr. Putin threatened to launch pre-emptive strikes in Georgian territory
unless President Eduard A. Shevardnadze did more to crack down on Chechen

Georgia has repeatedly denied the Russian accusations of providing a haven
for the rebels, much less the missiles. However, Mr. Shevardnadze has
ordered more than 1,000 security and police forces into the remote Pankisi
Gorge, reported to serve as a base for several hundred Chechen fighters and
a few dozen Islamic militants.

Although American intelligence reports have concluded that some Islamic
militants linked to Al Qaeda have operated inside Georgia, the Russians are
talking more of the rebels being supported by the Muslim Brotherhood, an
Islamic group operating in several Arab nations.

Russian commanders say rebels killed in last week's battle in Ingushetia
included a Turk, a Georgian and two Arabs of undisclosed nationality.
General Moltenskoi and other commanders also produced passports, videos and
other documents, including Arabic training manuals that, they said, proved
the links to international terrorists. "Let's not think these guys are just
Chechens," General Moltenskoi said. "In this case, they are international

The Kremlin announced this week that 10,000 to 13,000 rebels had been killed
since 1999. General Moltenskoi said 1,000 remained, but gave no numbers for
foreign fighters.

Mr. Putin and his military commanders have ruled out negotiations with the
Chechens' rebel leader, Aslan Maskhadov, who has eluded capture or death and
is believed to be somewhere in Chechnya.

Although more than 4,500 Russian forces have been killed since 1999, the
toll seems to be no impetus for settlement. At the base of the 46th Brigade
of the Russian Interior troops, near what is left of Grozny's civilian
airport, 36 soldiers were being treated for wounds from the fighting in the
last few days. "Usually, we have more here," said Lt. Col. Vladimir V.
Grebenyov, chief of the brigade's medical unit.

Instead, the Russians have reinforced their troops on Chechnya's southern
border with Georgia. At Itum-Kale, more than 2,000 troops from Russia's
border force operate from a mountain redoubt, protected by rockets and
antiaircraft cannons. To train, they shell the mountainside.

The most significant clashes this year have come when rebel fighters have
massed in the rugged mountains and gorges of the Caucasus. In July, the
troops at Itum-Kale struck a group of some 60 rebels in the nearby Kerigo
Gorge, killing 24 and capturing 4, according to the force's commander, Col.
Ivan N. Ageyenko. Eight Russians were killed.

He showed a video reportedly captured during the fight, purporting to record
rebels training in Georgia. "If they try to cross the border," he said, "we
will destroy them."

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