New York Times
February 1, 2007
An Island of Moguls Is Latest Front in Union Battle

FISHER ISLAND, Fla., Jan 26 — The class struggle is coming to paradise.

It's hard to tell from the Bentleys and the Jaguars debarking from the
ferry, tooling past the pink flamingos in the pond and the peacocks
sashaying along the exquisitely coiffed lawn, but this exclusive
enclave of the moneyed is bracing for an unexpected test of its
decades-old insulation from the outside world: a labor union is trying
to organize its workers.

After successful campaigns last year to organize janitors and other
maintenance workers at several universities in South Florida, the
Service Employees International Union has set its sights on Fisher
Island, one of the most concentrated pockets of wealth in the nation.

Amid mounting political attention to the substantial widening of the
income gap over the last two decades, the service employees union
hopes that Fisher Island — where a share in the golf club costs
$250,000 and dues run to $20,000 a year while workers tending the
grounds or washing linens can make as little as $8.50 an hour — will
serve as a rallying cry for low-wage service workers across the

"This is a symbol of what's wrong and a beacon of what could be
right," said Stephen Lerner, director of the union's property services
division. "There's a growing feeling in the country that something is
a little out of balance when workers live in poverty in the middle of
incredible wealth, and it can and should be fixed."

But the union drive, which is just getting under way, might not play
out as a straightforward battle pitting the haves against the
have-nots. Some residents, of course, oppose the union's arrival. But
others are already being courted by the union, which hopes that they
will be moved to support it when confronted with the contrast between
their affluence and the meager existence of many of their workers.

Even among employees interested in joining the union, resentment of
the rich does not seem to be the prime motivation.

"I'm not bothered by their wealth," said Christiana Monestime, a
Haitian immigrant working in the club's laundry room for $8.76 an
hour. "They earned what they have. We just need to earn more than we

Representatives of Fisher Island's community association and of the
golf club, the two main employers with a combined payroll of about 600
workers, say that their wages and benefits are above the area average.
They say they pay 80 percent of the cost of individual health
insurance, offer a 401(k) plan with a company match, and provide paid
vacations and an allowance of $60 a month to buy food from vending
machines in the workers' cafeteria.

"I am not sure if there are any advantages" from having a union, said
Gaële C. Silva, vice president for legal and government affairs at
Fisher Island Holdings, the island's developer, which controls the
community association. "Unions are needed usually when pay, benefits
or working standards are below the usual norms."

Still, to the union, the local wage comparisons are almost beside the
point. The chasm between the fortunes of the 750 or so families that
call Fisher Island home and the workers toiling in its restaurants and
laundry rooms is so striking that it makes for a potent image. Fisher
Island, organizers say, is a microcosm of the nation's increasing
social and economic divide.

A 216-acre nub of land sliced from the tip of Miami in 1905 when the
government dredged out a sea-lane from Biscayne Bay, Fisher Island was
acquired in 1925 by William K. Vanderbilt II, scion of the
robber-baron railroad clan, to build his winter mansion.

It epitomizes wealth to this day. The island is home at least part of
the year to an assortment of magnates, like the investment guru Martin
Zweig, the car dealership mogul Robert Potamkin and the financier
Bennet S. LeBow, of tobacco fame. Celebrities like Oprah Winfrey and
Mel Brooks have owned winter homes here.

According to the Census Bureau, Fisher Island was the richest enclave
in America in 1999, with an average income per capita of about
$236,000 — more than double the $91,000 average on the Upper East Side
of Manhattan. Residents say the real figures are actually far higher,
partly because of the difficulty in gathering income data on part-time

Indeed, from the imported Bahamian sand coating the beaches to the
marble and mahogany-encrusted Vanderbilt mansion and the 186-foot,
$250,000-a-week chartered yacht bobbing in the marina just outside,
everything bespeaks luxury. The gilded trappings are a potent reminder
of the great income gap that prevailed when Mr. Vanderbilt used to
alight his hydroplane in the inviting waters offshore, in the early
decades of the 20th century, a gap that has re-emerged today.

Elena Bluntzer, a longtime real estate agent on the island who owns a
condominium here, said that Fisher Island was comfortably insulated by
its wealth, even from the chill affecting the housing market in nearby
Miami Beach and elsewhere.

New condos are being offered for $4.5 million to $9.1 million. Resale
units can go for much more. One that Ms. Bluntzer is trying to sell,
8,300 square feet of oceanfront luxury adorned with coral rock from
Santo Domingo, stained glass by Frank Lloyd Wright and
sheepskin-covered bathroom walls, is listed for $17.5 million.
Maintenance will exceed $7,000 a month.

"Everything above six million is doing extremely well," Ms. Bluntzer confided.

Fisher Island's workers live in a more frugal universe, with laundry
workers at the club or landscaper tending the grounds earning as
little as $8.50 an hour.

Several months ago Ms. Monestime's workweek in the laundry was cut
from 40 hours to 24, forcing her to drop the health plan that cost her
$22 every two weeks. "We have to fight," Ms. Monestime said.
"Everybody has a family to support."

Abraham Guevara, a Honduran immigrant who has worked 18 years as a
landscaper on the island and makes $14.42 an hour, said he was
generally content with his employers. Still, he thought a union might
help workers push for a better deal.

"I have never been in a union," he said, "but it might be a good idea."

This is not the first time organized labor has tried to land on Fisher
Island. In 2005, the Teamsters dropped their attempt to unionize
workers after they lost a representation election against fierce
opposition from the developer, John Melk.

During that drive, Mr. Melk warned that "I will not agree to any
changes that will cost Fisher Island more money." The union complained
to the National Labor Relations Board, arguing that Mr. Melk had
threatened workers, but lost the case on appeal.

Management of the community association changed after Mr. Melk sold to
the investment fund Euro Fund Properties. The S.E.I.U. is trying a
different strategy from that of the Teamsters, hoping to draw some of
the prosperous residents to its side. "There's plenty of wealth around
to lift workers out of poverty," Mr. Lerner said. "The issue here is
not to get rid of rich people."

This month, a local organization of religious leaders that is allied
with the union sent a letter to all residents, alerting them to
"serious and tragic poverty within your midst."

"A great invisible work force, unseen by many, maintains your
condominiums, golf courses and tennis courts, prepares and serves your
food, cleans your rooms and common areas, and maintains the critical
equipment that keeps the air-conditioning and other mechanics of the
island running smoothly," the letter says. "Their stories are

Residents on the island are some of its biggest employers; they
control the club and they run the individual condos, which contract
for maintenance and cleaning work among several companies.

Some Fisher Island residents appear sympathetic. Harold Ford Sr., the
former congressman who is now a Washington lobbyist and lives part
time on the island, said he paid a house-worker more than $20 an hour,
plus health insurance. "It's really the club that employs the people,"
he said. "I just live here."

Yet others were taken aback by the charge that workers earn too
little. "We don't need a union," said Suzanne B. Irving, a resident
who manages her condo association at Seaside Villas. "We are really
taking care of our workers."

The condo contracts with an outside firm for three workers who clean
and maintain two small buildings. Ms. Irving said the two cleaners
made $9 to $10 an hour, plus health insurance and a 401(k) plan. The
maintenance worker makes $15 to $18 an hour.

"It's not in our interest to get the cheapest worker," she said. "You
teach them; you put so much effort into them; so you want to keep

Some residents say that comparing the income of residents to that of
their workers is pointless. Ms. Bluntzer argued that the nation's
superwealthy have become so rich because they created businesses that
were generating enormous wealth, which is ultimately good for all.

"What's fair is fair," Ms. Bluntzer said. "Everyone needs to be
compensated for the job they are doing. But it's unfair to pay all the

And residents argue that they care about the downtrodden. Several
pointed to the island's philanthropic fund, which raised $550,000 to
$600,000 last year for donations to several children's charities in
the area.

"Fisher Island," Ms. Irving said, "is not the story about rich people
who don't care about the poor."

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