Has Bushie or Ah-nold declared Laguna Beach a disaster area, so that
taxpayers can subsidize the rich folks' clean-up? and so they continue
to have an extra incentive to build behemoths on unstable land?

On 6/3/05, Louis Proyect wrote:
> LA Times, June 3, 2005
> To Many in Laguna Beach, That Mansion Was Too Much
> Some blame the home for the slide, but experts doubt that. Still, it's seen
> as building excess.
> By Dan Weikel and Jeff Gottlieb, Times Staff Writers
> It sat on an unstable hillside, 6,300 square feet of concrete, stucco and
> glass overlooking the ocean — an embodiment of the California dream, and to
> some an oversized symbol of coastal development run amok.
> By Bluebird Canyon standards, the low-slung modernist house at 925 Oriole
> Drive in Laguna Beach was a palace that dominated the hillside like a
> miniature Getty Center, dwarfing nearby homes.
> But the mansion, built by investors in 2001, never sold and had never been
> occupied. Defects riddled the property, and the super-sized house insulted
> the sensibilities of some local residents who dubbed it "the mausoleum" and
> thought it too big for the geologically sensitive area.
> The "Sinatra house" — so named by locals based on false rumors that
> relatives of singer Frank Sinatra owned the property — is now a wreck, its
> once-sleek lines a jumble of obtuse angles. It was among the roughly 18
> homes destroyed or badly damaged in Wednesday's landslide in Bluebird
> Canyon. The home's size immediately fueled speculation that the structure
> somehow led to the slope's failure.

Jim Devine
"Segui il tuo corso, e lascia dir le genti." (Go your own way
and let people talk.) -- Karl M., paraphrasing Dante A.

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